The old man was in trouble, but he was not.

Just when Lin Mu was about to ignore the matter, the system sounded a prompt.

[Ding, triggering a random task: seeing injustice, draw your sword to help]

[Task requirements: ask the host to resolve the dispute in front of you, help the poor girl, and let the evildoer receive the punishment he deserves]

Lin Mu didn't expect to trigger the first random task under such circumstances. It seems that he can't ignore this matter now.

"Xiao Lin, you have to be careful to avoid being targeted by this old rogue when you live here in the future..."

The landlord Sister Wu was still earnestly instructing Lin Mu on what to do when he met Mei Daode, while Lin Mu strode towards the two of them.

"Hey? Xiaolin, what are you doing? Come back!"

Lin Mu didn't listen to Sister Wu's words, and showed a confident smile: "It's okay, Sister Wu, just watch me deal with him and it will be over."

Seeing that Lin Mu didn't listen to her advice, Sister Wu had no choice but to follow him. If they really quarreled, she would pull Lin Mu away.

Mei Daode was still scolding the girl in front of him, and Lin Mu walked behind him and patted his shoulder.

He turned around, his eyes were fierce, and he spoke in a not-so-standard Mandarin: "What are you doing?"

Lin Mu took a closer look at the man in front of him. His eyes were small and sharp, with a kind of harsh scrutiny, as if he could see into the deepest secrets of people's hearts.

His hair was sparse and gray, like the withered grass in autumn, lifelessly covering his head, giving people the feeling of a piece of stone that has been tempered by thousands of hammers, hard and indifferent, and the whole person was full of harshness and hostility.

Lin Mu ignored his attitude and said with a smile: "Uncle, what's wrong with you guys?"

Although Mei Daide was unhappy, he still exaggerated the story again.

While listening to Mei Daide's nonsense, Lin Mu also smelled a strange smell.

Soon Mei Daide finished speaking and asked Lin Mu for sympathy: "You come and judge for me, do you think this little girl is ignorant? She did this because she thought I was easy to bully."

He said it with such emotion that he even squeezed out two tears.

Lin Mu felt contempt in his heart, but he said: "Uncle, you are right, this girl is really young and doesn't learn well, she only knows how to bully the elderly. It happens that I am studying law, otherwise I will show you the vase, if the loss is serious, I will help you sue her and let her pay you money."

When he heard about paying money, Mei Daide's aggrieved eyes flashed a cunning.

"This... this... OK, in that case, I'll trouble you, young man."

Then Lin Mu walked into the living room, and Mei Daode stood at the door, watching Lin Mu and the girl at the same time, to prevent her from running away suddenly.

"Little Leo, that old man must have a lot of things to blame."

[Yes, this old man is an unforgivable villain. In addition to what Sister Wu said, he once robbed someone when he was young, but someone pulled off his mask and saw his face clearly. In order not to be caught by the police, he killed the man and buried the body in the basement of his hometown]

[For a while, he became addicted to gambling and soon lost all his savings. As expected, he also invested the borrowed money. Debt collectors basically blocked his door every day, threatening to arrest him and make him sell his kidney if he didn't pay back the money. Later, he was overwhelmed and took advantage of the night to Burned the whole family of the creditor to death]

[Now, in addition to using this kind of fraudulent means to blackmail people, he also installed a micro camera in the toilet of the room to shoot private videos of female tenants and use the videos to blackmail female tenants. Of course, no matter whether the female tenants pay or not, he will blur them and upload them to the Internet to make money]

[Some of the prettier female tenants will be knocked unconscious by him with incense at night and then do something improper. Afterwards, he will use the video to threaten the tenants...]

Lin Mu listened to the system talking about the evil deeds of Mei Daode, his brows were already wrinkled into a "three" shape, and his fists were clenched tightly.

He originally thought that this immoral old man would only do fraudulent things, but he didn't expect that he would actually burn, kill, rob and commit all kinds of evil. No wonder he triggered the system's random tasks.

After knowing the details, even Lin Mu, who didn't like to cause trouble, didn't want to let such a villain go.

He pondered for a moment, looked around the room, and muttered to himself, "Toilet?"

Then he pretended to check the vase and said to the old man, "Uncle, your vase is indeed a bit old. It is impossible to repair it according to the degree of damage. You can ask her to pay about 50,000 yuan.

. "

Mei Daode's greed was evident when he heard this, and the girl's face turned pale.

Suddenly, Lin Mu changed the subject.

"But, your house is more seriously damaged. It seems that the previous tenant didn't take good care of it. It won't be long before your house can no longer be lived in."

Mei Daode was anxious when he heard this. The property under his name was his golden rice bowl. It would be troublesome if it was damaged.

"Really...really, young man, didn't they just mess it up a little? How could it be so uninhabitable?"

Lin Mu knocked on the wall and the ground a few times: "Uncle, you don't understand. The mess is secondary. The main thing is that the wall is damaged. If it continues, it may develop into a dangerous house. Now I can only spend money to repair it myself, then assess the loss, and then ask the previous tenant for compensation. "

Mei Daode became polite after hearing this: "Well... young man, why don't you take a look at how much it will cost to repair it, and how much you can claim?"

"Oh, sure, but I have to check all the rooms."

"Okay, okay, take a good look, uncle is not in a hurry."

Lin Mu turned back to the house with a triumphant smile on his face.

In order to prevent the old man from getting wary, Lin Mu first went into the bedroom and kitchen, and then stayed in the living room for a while before entering the bathroom.

With the help of the newly acquired survey skills, Lin Mu quickly found the miniature camera disguised as a screw.

"This old man is quite smart. The camera is impeccably disguised. If it weren't for Xiao Lizi and the new skills, I probably wouldn't have found it. "

Lin Mu took out his mobile phone and took a photo of the environment of the toilet and the location of the camera, then took the camera away.

After leaving the house, Mei Daide stared at Lin Mu closely. The latter sighed and shook his head.

The former was immediately anxious: "What do you mean, young man, what do you mean by shaking your head?"

"Uncle, this... let's talk for a moment."

As it involved his own house, Mei Daide didn't care whether the girl would run away, and followed Lin Mu to the corner next to him.

The landlord, Sister Wu, watched Lin Mu walk away, and didn't know what he wanted to do, so she comforted the girl next to him.

Seeing that the position was almost right, Lin Mu turned around, and his face was no longer pleasant, but a mocking expression.

"Lao Deng, you are very brave! You dare to install a micro camera in the room, which is illegal. You should have been pretending for a long time, and you have troubled many girls. It seems that you can sit in jail for a long time. "

Hearing this, Mei Daode's heart skipped a beat, and he immediately realized that he had been tricked.

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