The police station in the center of Donghai City, in Tang Ying's office.

A police officer was standing timidly in front of Tang Ying's desk.

"Ying...Sister Ying, there is news about the drug circulation case."

Tang Ying raised her head, and her face looked particularly haggard because of staying up late.

"Tell me, what's the situation."

"The informant sent a message saying that the drug lord will meet with Wang Lao Hu in an abandoned factory not far from Pier 4 tomorrow night to trade a ton of drugs."

Hearing the police officer's words, Tang Ying angrily slammed the table.

"What did you say? One ton? These damn drug dealers can smuggle so many drugs without anyone noticing. If we can't catch them and let these drugs flow into Donghai City, how many happy families will be destroyed."

Thinking of the orphans who lost their parents because of drugs, Tang Ying clenched her fists tightly, and the blue veins on her head were clearly visible.

She forced herself to suppress her anger and stay calm. After all, impotent rage here would not produce any effect.

She took a deep breath, and her eyes became sharp: "Go and inform the captains of each team to attend a confidential meeting in ten minutes. I will go to talk to the director in person."

"Yes! Sister Ying."

After receiving the order, the police officer immediately fled this place of right and wrong. He didn't want to see Tang Ying's eyes that seemed to want to eat people.

As soon as the door of the office was closed, Tang Ying punched the table heavily, making a creaking sound and leaving cracks on it.

"Drug lord, Wang Lao Hu, I will definitely catch you."

Then she sat back in her chair, picked up the landline phone on the table and called the director.


In the underground casino of the night stand bar, in the private room of Poison Spider.

On the big bed in the middle, two figures intertwined. Ye Bufan was instructing Poison Spider to practice yoga, posing some strange postures from time to time.

At the same time, there were waves of lewd moans coming out.

Five minutes later, Poison Spider leaned in Ye Bufan's arms, limp all over, ruddy face, eyes full of admiration.

Lin Mu's 30-day abstinence package finally expired today. In order to celebrate the release of his brother in prison, Ye Bufan immediately came to Poison Spider for "dinner".

However, because there was still some energy left, Ye Bufan felt a little powerless at the beginning. Fortunately, he controlled the internal force to enter Poison Spider's body, speeding up the latter's physical reaction, which made her beg for mercy again and again and saved her face.

He looked at the delicate and charming vixen in his arms, with a devilish smile on his face.

Although he was somewhat dissatisfied with the fact that the poisonous spider could be ridden by anyone before, he could not resist the fact that the other party was very active and good at sex.

He kneaded the two doughs and said, "How is it? I said I would make you kneel down and beg for mercy. Can't you bear it after just a few minutes?"

"Hate it. How did I know you would be so powerful? Can't I just say I was wrong?"

"Okay, okay, I won't talk about you anymore. You are such a annoying little goblin."

"By the way, how is the work arranged for you going?"

"Are you still unsure about my work? The arranged insider has revealed the news to Tang Ying. Tomorrow, Wang Lao Hu and others can be caught in one fell swoop with the help of the police, and it can also help you ease the relationship with Tang Ying."

"But you are really too much. You actually let me, a woman, help you to pick up another woman."

"What? Are you jealous? Then let me comfort you today."

"Ah! Don't..."

Then Ye Bufan started his five-minute yoga instruction class again.

(114,514 words omitted below)


Soon it was the second night.

The night was hazy, as if covered with a mysterious veil, making people involuntarily indulge in it, feeling the unique tranquility and beauty.

But tonight, some people are destined not to have the leisure time to appreciate this charming night sky.

In the forest two kilometers away from the abandoned factory, 80% of the police officers in the downtown police station and those transferred from other urban areas were hiding in the darkness with the help of trees, waiting for the drug lord to enter.

Suddenly, the voice of the police came from Tang Ying's headset.

"Commander-in-chief, the target has appeared."

Tang Ying looked at the road and saw a number of modified bulletproof cars appearing at the end of the road.

They did not turn on the lights, obviously not wanting to attract other people's attention.

Tang Ying just watched their car pass by and drove towards the abandoned factory.

Tang Ying didn't give orders until the last car disappeared from sight.

"Integrate the team, form a circle, and wait for the order to attack."

She looked in the direction of the abandoned factory, with resentment in her eyes.


Inside the factory, Wang Lao Hu was holding two plump women, smoking a cigar and listening to the noise outside.

He opened his eyes as the faint sound of the car engine came.

"Here we come!"

Soon the car stopped at the door, and a group of people got off with automatic rifles, escorting the drug lord into the factory, leaving only a few people at the door to watch.

The drug lord wore a mask and greeted Wang Lao Hu.

"How are you, Boss Wang."

"Hmph, stop talking nonsense, where is the goods I want?"

"You are so impatient."

After the drug lord snapped his fingers, his brothers unloaded several boxes of drugs from the car.

Wang Lao Hu signaled to one of his men, who stepped forward to open one of the boxes, took out a bag of white powder, sniffed it, and nodded to Wang Lao Hu.

After confirming that there was no problem with the goods, Wang Lao Hu asked his men to move out the suitcases containing the money.

"The money is all here, each of you take what you need, and have a happy cooperation."

"Happy cooperation."

Then the two teams prepared to pack up their things and leave.


Outside the warehouse, Tang Ying and her men had already advanced to the vicinity of the factory. She saw their movements with the help of a thermal imaging device and gave an order directly.

"Start the attack."

After the words fell, the snipers fired at the same time, killing all the men at the door.

Then the police officers quickly pressed forward with explosion-proof shields.

Tang Ying pushed open the factory door and fired a shot upwards.

"Donghai Police Station, you are now surrounded, immediately put down your weapons and surrender."

The drug dealers and Wang Lao Hu's men immediately hid behind the bunker.

"Damn, there are police."

"Damn, you are playing dirty, right? Only fools will surrender."


Without much negotiation, the three groups of people immediately started fighting fiercely.

Although the drug lords have the advantage of weapons, the number of police officers is greater.

Soon Tang Ying and his team had the advantage of firepower.

Wang Lao Hu, who was hiding, noticed Tang Ying, who was fighting and commanding the whole scene, and raised his hand and shot her.

Tang Ying, who was heading in another direction, did not notice the shot at all. Just when the bullet was about to hit her heart from the side.

A figure rushed out, blocked the bullet with his back, and threw Tang Ying to the ground.

This figure was Ye Bufan.

He believed that his life-saving rescue this time would definitely change Tang Ying's impression.

At this time, Lin Mu was neither among the drug dealers and evil forces, nor among the police.

He was sitting cross-legged on the skylight of the factory, with a Coke in one hand and fried chicken in the other, watching the battle below by the moonlight.

(Retests on the 29th and 30th, if nothing unexpected happens, double updates will resume on the 31st)

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