The morning light is faint, but it is enough to illuminate the horizon.

However, along with the horizon was illuminated, along with the dark army of Warcraft.

The atmosphere in the originally quiet city wall suddenly became more solemn at this moment.

I don't know where the sound of swallowing came from, but it seemed so prominent on the silent city wall at this moment.

Even though they were dozens of miles apart, all the defenders on the southern city wall, including Chen Bugu, almost saw large clouds of smoke rising in the distance at the same time. It was the smoke and dust brought up by an army of tens of thousands of monsters running at the same time.

At this time, the strong men on the south city wall also climbed onto the wall one after another.

Not far away, above the city gate, Master Fran, the leader of the dwarves, stood on the observation deck at the top of the city.

"Listen, you weaklings of all races."

"I will lead the team to take charge of the south city wall!"

"We dwarves have never been fond of talking nonsense. Since the monsters dare to come, the only way is to smash their heads!"

"Our south city wall is the only city wall that doesn't have to face the nine-star monster. It's embarrassing enough. Give me some backbone. If anyone dares to escape from the battle, I'll smash his head first!"

Master Fran is the leader of the dwarves, with the strength of the Eight Black Iron Stars.

He looks only about 1.5 meters tall, with a big red beard covering his lips. The most eye-catching thing is the equipment he is wearing at this moment.

Whether it was the helmet, gauntlets, belt, boots, or the huge hammer in his hand, they all glowed slightly with green light.

In Chen Bugu's impression, almost every dwarf is good at forging. It is normal for Master Fran to have this kind of equipment.

It's a pity that although the dwarves are born craftsmen, they are not born warriors.

In fact, although the dwarves are born with brute strength, other than that, they do not have many advantages in other aspects of combat.

At the same level, if they do not carry equipment, the combat effectiveness of the dwarves is often not as good as other races.

From this point of view, the South City Wall may indeed be the easiest section of this beast wave.

"Brother Chen, what is the power of the dwarves?"

Han Badou looked at Chen Bugu. He was also a little frightened when he saw the herd of beasts running in the distance.

When entering the city, Han Badou discovered that when his "energy monitoring" was applied to other races, the results obtained were different from those of the human race.

The biggest difference is that the energy balls of awakened human beings are colored.

He and Chen Bugu confirmed this. The color represented the type of awakened power.

But foreign races have no color. Whether they are the Demon Lizard Tribe, the Dwarf Tribe, or the Naga Tribe, their energy balls are all white, without any color difference.

In this regard, he asked Chen Bugu for advice.

Chen Bugu's answer is that most of the abilities of alien races are fixed and awakened. For example, the Muka tribe they transformed into in the secret realm have their hands that can transform all things and have a strong affinity for the wood element. .

However, there is a huge gap in the understanding, application and derivation of talents among Muka tribesmen of different levels.

Like Muka King Kefuke, with just a thought, wood elements and water elements swarmed in a large area, allowing him to use them at his disposal.

At this moment, the question Han Badou asked effectively distracted the attention of Bai Ting and others.

Everyone looked at Chen Bugu, their attention was diverted, and their originally tense nerves also took the opportunity to relax.

"The dwarves are born with brute strength. The strength of awakened humans at the same level is definitely not as good as the dwarfs. In addition, the dwarves have almost every craftsman per capita. They have a very high affinity for the fire element and can drive earth fire to attack."

"However, the dwarves have a bad temper, are irritable and unstable, and are easily angered. They tend to lose their minds in battles. They often kill a thousand enemies and injure themselves eight hundred. Moreover, races that are naturally strong physically are generally lacking in mental strength. .”

After Chen Bugu said this, everyone looked at Master Fran at the top of the city who was cursing at his deputy. They seemed to be able to understand the concept of having a bad temper.

With this episode, Yan Kuan and others' emotions relaxed a lot.

It was the first time for them to face this kind of scene, so they would be lying if they said they were not nervous.

The moment the morning sun shone over Obsidian Town, the army of Warcraft had already arrived ten miles away from the city wall.

Standing on the city wall, people can already roughly see the appearance of the army of Warcraft.

There is a one-meter-tall flaming mantis with double-edged fire; there is a giant rock beast whose whole body is made of solid stone and runs like a tank; and there is a three-meter-tall white mantis that stands on two legs with silver hair and exposed fangs. Hairy Demon Ape.

There are even many monsters that Chen Bugu and others are familiar with, such as scarlet hounds, cat apes, ice-armored snapping turtles, etc.

All kinds of strange monsters came in force, bringing with them countless smoke and dust.

"Brother Chen, it's a little strange."

Han Badou walked to Chen Bugu and said softly.

At this moment, there was already a roaring sound on the city wall, countless arrows fell on the strings, the slingers had already placed the stones on the catapults, and everyone's nerves were highly tense.

"What's wrong?"

Chen Bugu was observing certain species in the army of Warcraft that needed special attention when he suddenly heard Han Badou speak.

"I remember Brother Chen, you said that the beast tide is caused by the gathering of awakened people, which causes the war beasts to launch unorganized and regular attacks on the town. In essence, it is for the purpose of plundering abilities."

"But I calculated that the speed of those monsters suddenly slowed down a lot ten kilometers away from the city wall. Although they are still approaching steadily, they seem to be deliberately controlling and adjusting their formation."

Chen Bugu was stunned when he heard this, and then turned to look at Han Badou.

"Bato, are you sure?"

"The distance is too far. I only made the calculation based on visual inspection. There may be errors."

Han Badou actually had troubles before telling Chen Bugu. After all, it was just his guess. But if his calculation was correct, then this battle would be much more complicated.

Chen Bugu thought for a while, then turned to Bai Ting and others and said.

"Listen carefully, there will be a fight later. There are a few things you need to pay attention to."

"First, we are each other's horns, take care of each other, protect Badou and Lin Lin, and try not to leave too far away."

"Second, even if there is an accident and you need to temporarily leave your position, don't run too far. War is noisy and all communication relies on shouting. When necessary, remember to communicate with each other through badou."

"Third, stay calm at all times. No matter what others do, don't be affected. Even if the situation is good, remember not to get red-eyed, let alone pursue rashly."

The people in Baiting looked at Chen Bugu and nodded.

As the army of Warcraft gradually moved forward, there seemed to be dark clouds in front of the southern wall of Obsidian Town.

At this moment, a war drum sounded through the air, and the sound of the drum was like thunder, reaching high into the sky, and the sound echoed, as if it was beating on everyone's heart.

The sound shook the earth, and the sound shocked the heart.

The powerful rhythm weakens fear and anxiety, and inspires courage and passion to surge in people's chests.

Master Fran stood on the observation tower again. He looked at the dense army of monsters in front of him and roared to the sky.


Countless cold lights flashed, and Fran's response was the sound of thousands of weapons being unsheathed.

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