As soon as Chen Bugu pulled out the [Short Wind Blade] from the head of a monster, he saw a black shadow passing above him.

That was Master Fran holding a war hammer.

Master Fran passed over the heads of Chen Bugu and others and jumped straight down the city wall.

Chen Bugu originally planned to follow him to see what was going on, but was grabbed by Mr. Zhou who arrived at some unknown time.

"You brat, why are you joining in the fun? Are you trying to kill yourself?"

"King to king, adversary to general, take care of yourself and don't cause trouble!"

Zhou Laojiang Chen Bugu pulled back, and then continued to kill the monster on one side.

Chen Bugu stood there and looked at the place where Master Fran disappeared.

There, he saw a large number of fire elements converging downwards.

Immediately afterwards, a pillar of lava and fire, thirty to forty meters high, spewed up from under the city wall and merged straight into the sky.

Pillars of fire stretched to the sky and lasted for dozens of breaths before disappearing. Even the air around them was heated.

Han Badou's surprised voice appeared in Chen Bugu's mind again.

"The eight-star monster, its life characteristics disappeared..."

Master Fran jumped up on the wall again, dragging a corpse of a monster with two horns in his hand. He was grumpy and cursed.

"What the hell are you doing standing there in a daze? Crack the heads of those monsters for me!"

At this moment, everyone looked at this slovenly dwarf and the corpse of the eight-star monster in his hand, and felt inspired, with fighting spirit rising in their chests.


Morale was ignited and everyone returned to the fight.

Upon seeing this, Master Fran threw the body casually on the city wall, and then rushed to another direction.

Chen Bugu only glanced at it and stopped paying attention.

Since Fran can be the leader of the dwarves, he must have the strength to kill the Eight Black Iron Stars. However, the lava and earth fire that spewed up from the ground just now is not a skill that can be released at will.

Although Master Fran has a bad temper, his thoughts are far more delicate than imagined.

He did not hesitate to use his special move, but also wanted to kill the eight-star monster with one blow, obviously to boost his morale.

After all, in a large-scale war, something as ethereal as morale is very important.

Do it all at once, second time tired, third time exhausted!

This battle has just begun, and morale at this time is still important!

Chen Bugu continued to use [Jasper Wave] to kill the lower-level monsters around him.

Although the energy these low-level monsters can provide is already a drop in the bucket for Chen Bugu of Seven Stars.

But he still transformed into an emotionless archery machine, and countless arrows flew out of his hands, killing one monster after another.

But as more and more people were forced to enter the stage of hand-to-hand combat, the way for the Warcraft to climb the city wall became almost unblocked.

Soon, as the black iron five-star and black iron six-star monsters climbed onto the city wall, the pressure on the Awakened side increased sharply, and casualties began to occur frequently.

The entire body of a human awakened person was cut off at the waist by a six-star one-armed sword demon.

His upper body fell to the ground, his intestines and internal organs were scattered on the ground, and the light in his eyes quickly went out.

On the city wall, severed limbs were flying. No one cared whether there was a warm corpse at their feet. The blood was spread all over the land, and then it was immediately covered by gunpowder smoke and evaporated by the flames of war.

Wails and groans were drowned in roars and roars.

A white-haired demon ape covered in pitch black jumped onto the city wall, turned around and punched away a five-star awakened person from the "Injustice Hall".

Although the awakened person had already assumed a defensive posture as quickly as possible, everyone still heard a "click".

Then, the awakened person's body flew out heavily, and his arms hung naturally in the air, obviously both of them were broken.

However, what was even more desperate was that the awakened person was knocked off the city wall, and his body and screams were instantly drowned in the swarm of monsters.

The White-haired Demonic Ape is originally an elite magical beast among the six black iron stars. With the "demonization" effect, its strength is now even higher.

Seeing that the white-haired demon ape was extremely ferocious, as if it was in a deserted land, and killed several people in a blink of an eye, Mr. Zhou quickly fought.

He wears [Black Iron Finger Tiger] on both hands, and attacks with the [Gravity] power.

The monster stood still, its legs suddenly and strangely sinking into the ground, as if it was under tremendous pressure.

I saw Mr. Zhou seizing the opportunity to leap up into the air and throw out several punches in a row, each punch accurately hitting the chest of the white-haired demon ape.

After one set of strikes, the monster's chest collapsed and it took several steps back.

However, the demonized white-haired demon ape seemed to feel no pain at all. After roaring, its sharp claws flashed with cold light before it charged out again.

Upon seeing this, Mr. Zhou's fingertips shimmered, he advanced instead of retreating, and started fighting with the white-haired demon ape.

The shimmering finger tiger met the sharp claws of the white-haired demon ape, and countless sparks instantly collided.

A blue light shone in Mr. Zhou's eyes, instantly changing the white-haired demon ape's own [gravity].

The white-haired demon ape's legs sank again, and in this strange situation, his movements unconsciously slowed down a beat.


Mr. Zhou seized the opportunity, leaned forward on horseback, and formed a series of afterimages with his fists, which continued to hit the white-haired demon ape's knees downwards.

Under the constant bombardment of [Black Iron Finger Tiger], the white-haired demon ape's knees were injured and he became unstable and fell to his knees instantly.

Mr. Zhou raised his hands above his head, the storage ring in his hand flashed with light, and the finger tiger disappeared, replaced by a big knife.

The sword slashed across the crescent moon, with a tremendous amount of force. [Gravity] supported the sword, and Mr. Zhou followed the trend and slashed downward with all his strength.

The white-haired demon ape subconsciously raised his arms and crossed them in front of him.

The blade sank into flesh and blood, and from the beginning it was overwhelming to a stalemate.

Mr. Zhou gritted his teeth and exerted all his strength to press the knife down, but he still couldn't make any progress.

The moment the knife sank into his flesh, he observed that the monster in front of him tightened its exaggerated muscles again and clamped his knife tightly.

In normal times, even if the current stalemate is reached, the battle situation will still be in Zhou Lao's favor, because no matter whether this sword can kill the white-haired demon ape, the damage it causes is enough to determine the victory.

However, at this moment, we are on an ever-changing battlefield...

"Mr. Zhou! Be careful!"

The shout from someone unknown reached Mr. Zhou’s ears.

Before he had time to think about the meaning of this sentence, he felt himself enveloped by a shadow.

Zhou Laohe was so experienced that he immediately understood the situation he was in at the moment. He wanted to draw his sword and retreat without even raising his head.

However, despite all his strength, the knife was not drawn out.

The muscles of the white-haired demon ape were so tense that not only was it unable to cut any more with his knife, but he was also unable to even pull away.

He seemed to see the sly smile of the monster in front of him, so he immediately prepared to abandon his sword and withdraw.

However, it was too late, he already felt a strong wind coming from above his head.

Through the reflection of the blade, he could even see the minced meat stained on the fangs of the other white-haired demon ape above his head.

The second one!

If the opponent is above your head, the [Gravity] ability cannot be used.

Mr. Zhou realized that he could not dodge this blow, so he had to cross his hands and raise his legs, slightly bending his legs, in a defensive posture with all his strength.

Ironically, his posture at this moment was exactly the same as that of the white-haired demon ape he had slashed a second ago.

However, just when Mr. Zhou raised his head, ready to resist this move at the cost of serious injury, he was shocked by the scene in front of him.

At this moment, the world in front of him seemed to have stopped. He only saw an energy arrow spirally wound with blue and green light suddenly appearing above his head.

The strong wind brought by this arrow had torn the skin of the white-haired demon ape above its head, and a trace of dark red blood flowed from the face of the demon beast.

The white-haired demon ape seemed to be aware of the danger, and subconsciously tightened his muscles in the air.

However, nothing works.

The next second, a sonic boom sounded and the energy arrow disappeared.

Also disappearing was the white-haired demon ape above his head.

A young and familiar voice sounded from my ears.

"Mr. Zhou, I guess I didn't cause any trouble for you..."

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