When Chen Bugu rushed to the cafeteria on the first floor of Ciyun Building, he found Yan Kuan, Wang Bin, and Lin Lin sitting at a dining table.

Lin Lin was holding a transparent vase that she found somewhere, and kept making the gesture of drinking water, but there was obviously no water in the bottle.

Yan Kuan and Wang Bin were sitting at the table. They picked up the dead leaves on the table and kept stuffing them into their mouths. They were fighting for each other, as if they were enjoying some delicious food.

"What are you doing?"

Chen Bugu already had some bad guesses in his mind.

Upon hearing this, Yan Kuan and others turned their heads to look at Chen Bugu.

The moment their eyes met, Chen Bugu's heart sank, knowing that his guess was probably true.

At this moment, the three people's eyes were filled with bloodshot eyes and their expressions were strange. They were obviously in hallucinations.

The next moment, Chen Bugu felt the ground beneath his feet begin to squirm. He immediately realized something was wrong and took several steps back.

Several ground thorns appeared where he originally stood.

Chen Bugu turned around, accelerated, and left Ciyun Tower without looking back.

He knew that Yan Kuan and others must have regarded him as an enemy after falling into hallucination, and if they continued to stay there, they would only cause trouble for themselves.

Back in front of the outpatient clinic, Chen Bugu fell into a dilemma.

Is it still necessary to go to Changde Tower to see the situation of Bai Ting and others?

According to the current situation, Bai Ting and others might also have fallen into hallucinations.

To be honest, if Bai Ting and Lin Xiaoxiao regarded him as an enemy at the same time, Chen Bugu might not be able to escape at all if he didn't turn on bullet time.

However, as of now, Chen Bugu doesn't even know who his enemy is. In this case, it may not be a wise move to use "bullet time" frequently.

It's a pity that [Crack] can't help others escape from hallucinations. Chen Bugu has already tried it just now, but it didn't work.

Simply, Chen Bugu returned directly to the guard room where he was at the beginning.

He wanted to be sure of one thing, which was when exactly they were hallucinating.

Walking into the guard room, the furnishings here were no different from half an hour ago. Even the newspapers and brochures they took out were still placed on the table.

Chen Bugu's eyes flashed with purple light, but the scene in front of him did not change.

In this way, it can basically be confirmed that everyone's hallucinations occurred after separate explorations.

However, they were clearly divided into three teams, but at least two teams still fell into hallucinations.

Could it be that the enemy has always been with him?

But when Chen Bugu arrived at the canteen on the first floor of Ciyun Building, Yan Kuan and Wang Bin had already filled their mouths with leaves, and they had obviously fallen into hallucinations.

Does that mean there is more than one enemy?

But if the number of enemies is large enough to disperse us, why are we never seen from the beginning to the end?

Chen Bugu bit his fingernails, his brain running rapidly, thinking about all the possibilities.

Let's put Bai Ting and others aside for the moment. If the conditions of Lin Ye, Yan Kuan and others go on for a long time, they may have mental problems or even be in danger of their lives.

Chen Bugu had just made up his mind to form his own team, and it was difficult to accept that these people would die here like this.

Is there anything missing?

Where is the enemy? How were they dragged into the illusion?

Chen Bugu walked out of the guard room, holding a brochure in his hand and looking at the three courtyard buildings not far away.


Chen Bugu seemed to suddenly understand.

He knows who the enemy is!

Chen Bugu returned to the guard room, took out a paper knife from the drawer, and then quickly ran towards Changde Building.

He did not enter Changde Building rashly, but ran around the outer wall of Changde Building.


On the outer wall of Changde Building, there are also densely packed plants that cling to the wall like ivy.

Chen Bugu grabbed a branch and chopped it down decisively with the paper knife in his hand.


The paper knife broke into two halves, but the branch was actually unscathed.

Not only was it unscathed, but after the knife was struck, the branch began to twist strangely. The force was so strong that Chen Bugu could no longer hold on tightly and had to let go!

At this point, Chen Bugu was basically certain that the weird hallucinations in this hospital were all caused by these plants.

At first, Chen Bugu didn't think about it. After all, plant-based monsters were extremely rare. Chen Bugu had only heard of them in his previous life, but had never seen them at all.

But when Chen Bugu compared the brochure found in the guard room with the actual courtyard building, he found that the only difference was the strange plants clinging to the exterior walls.

Everyone in the three buildings has fallen into hallucinations, and what they have in common must be the key to the enemy's invisibility.

These plants cling to the exterior walls and interiors of every building. Now it seems that they are obviously not ordinary plants, but a kind of plant-like monster.

There was another point that made Chen Bugu sure of his guess.

That was when he was in the outpatient building before. When he first walked into the outpatient hall on the first floor, he didn't seem to be hallucinating.

But by the time he searched for the "flashlight" upstairs, he had already fallen into hallucinations.

The only problem was that when he was observing the leaves on the corridor, he sniffed them with his nose.

Then, there is a high probability that this monster relies on "smell" or some invisible carrier to drag its prey into the hallucination.

And the weakness of this plant was inadvertently exposed.

Because of the flashlight!

Why let Chen Bugu get those flashlights!

Because when Chen Bugu first observed the plants in the corridor of the clinic building, he relied on the "fireball technique" for lighting.

If he hadn't found those "flashlights", Chen Bugu would have kept using the "fireball technique" to achieve the lighting effect, but flames and burning were exactly what this plant was afraid of.

Therefore, after I approached it with the "fireball", it immediately set up a "flashlight" in my hallucination so that I could destroy the "fireball" myself.

This plant is as hard as gold and iron and can break the blade of a knife.

Then, its weaknesses are already obvious.


Chen Bugu muttered silently in his heart, and poured a large amount of his mental power into the fireball in his right hand.

The fireball quickly grew in size, becoming the size of a basketball and then remaining stable.

The temperature of the flame is rising sharply. Starting from the inner flame, the color changes from yellow to blue, and the surrounding air is burned so that it looks distorted.

The plants on the outer wall of Changde Building seemed to wake up one after another and began to twist away from Chen Bugu's position.

"Want to run?"

Chen Bugu lunged forward, and the fireball in his right hand directly hit a group of plants not far away.


A strange sound came from the group of plants.

They all came to life, quickly pulled out of the flames in front of them, and fled quickly.

Chen Bugu hurriedly caught up.

He was surprised to find that except for Changde Building, all the plants in Ciyun Building and Clinic Building seemed to come alive!

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