After I Die I Will Decipher Everything

Chapter 40 Weakness Detection

After determining the direction, Chen Bugu rushed forward to face the incoming branches.

Continuing to keep his eyes in the [Cracked] state consumes a lot of Chen Bugu's mental energy. He has no time to continue to make detours and must kill "Teng Meng" in one go.

It's like there is a "death hourglass" hanging above his head. His mental power is the fine sand. No matter what he does, the fine sand will never stop flowing.

The corridor is narrow and there is not much room for movement. The movement trajectories of all the branches within 2 seconds appeared in Chen Bugu's eyes.

At this moment, his brain was extremely calm, and he quickly calculated the only flaw left by these branches within 2 seconds based on the images transmitted by his eyes.

Then, Chen Bugu's body started to move. He controlled every joint of his body with all his strength, and made corresponding dodge movements in accordance with the pictures calculated by his brain.

Under the attack of "Dragnet", only sharp leaves scratched Chen Bugu's face and arms.

But Chen Bugu didn't pause at all. He continued running towards the top of the corridor without looking back.

With one missed hit, all the branches quickly retracted and turned into whip shadows, hitting Chen Bugu on the back.

Chen Bugu kicked his legs, his speed increased, he hurriedly dodged, and then rushed to the second floor.

Unexpectedly, the branches and leaves extending from the third floor corridor quickly attacked him.

Chen Bugu was stunned for a moment, then glanced at the lobby on the second floor, and immediately understood that the body of "Teng Meng" was not on the second floor either.

As long as there are branches on the floor above to stop him, it means that he must continue to go up.

There are constant whip shadows behind you, and a dragnet in front of you.

Chen Bugu held up a fireball the size of a human head with both hands, roared angrily, and stepped on the stairs that continued upward.

The moment the fireball appeared, through deduction, he could clearly feel that the branches in front and behind him hesitated and flinched for a moment.

Their weakness is indeed fire!

Chen Bugu threw two fireballs in front of him.

When the flame ignites the branches in front of you, "bullet time" starts simultaneously.

Chen Bugu, who was wrapped in the power of time, grabbed the ignited branch with both hands and pulled it back hard.

A hole appeared in the originally airtight blockade. He seized the opportunity, jumped over, and rushed to the third floor in two steps.

Unfortunately, the third floor is still not where the "Teng Meng" body is located.

Before "Teng Meng" could react to Chen Bugu's sudden disappearance, Chen Bugu rushed up to the fourth floor in one breath.

Two minutes later…

Chen Bugu stood on the rooftop, his body covered with scars and fine blood marks all over his skin.

The clothes were also scratched up and down, and there were many metal-like blades stuck on the back.

He gasped for breath, looking at the huge green tumors on the rooftop in front of him, he felt sick.

After using "Bullet Time" twice in succession, Chen Bugu finally reached the top floor and finally saw the true form of "Teng Meng".

As far as he knew, the core of the plant-like monster should be a green diamond-shaped crystal, but when Chen looked around, he could see nothing else on the entire rooftop except those weird green sarcomas.

Chen Bugu immediately realized that this damn "vine dream" must have hidden its core.

At the moment, his mental strength is only enough to use "Bullet Time" for one second at most, but the green sarcomas with a diameter of one meter in front of him stump him.

Countless branches in front of and behind him made a "hissing" sound like a long snake, and they would drown him in the next second.

But Chen Bugu couldn't crush so many green sarcomas at the same time.

He only has one chance!

At this moment, it was like hearing Chen Bugu's inner anxiety.

In his mind, the mechanical voice appeared again.

"Eye gene lock cracking progress: 50%"

"Unlock Ability: Weakness Detection"

Chen Bugu's vision suddenly changed.

His eyes seemed to have turned into thermal imaging infrared scanners, and he could suddenly see the internal space of the sarcoma.

In his eyes, all the sarcomas suddenly turned gray, but only the diamond-shaped object in the center of the second sarcoma on the right turned red, which was particularly eye-catching.


That’s definitely the core!

Unlocking the weakness detection ability is simply a timely help.

For the first time, Chen Bugu felt from his heart that the mechanical voice in his mind was so beautiful.

The silver power of time instantly enveloped Chen Bugu's body, and he activated "bullet time".

He leaned forward, sprinted quickly, and pinched two small fist-sized fireballs with both hands at the same time.

The fireball quickly turned blue the moment it appeared, and Chen Bugu's face turned extremely pale in an instant.

Chen Bugu only retained a little spiritual power, and the rest was poured into the fireballs in his hands.

At the moment when "bullet time" was forced to be released, Chen Bugu inserted his hands into the green sarcoma in front of him.

Under extremely high temperatures, the skin on the surface of the sarcoma melts rapidly like snow in boiling water.

Two small blue fireballs submerged into the green sarcoid. They collided with each other and released a huge yellow flash.


There was an explosion, and the green sarcoma in front of him exploded instantly, and countless green juices splashed all over Chen Bugu.

Chen Bugu was affected by the heat wave and took several steps back.

The green core was swallowed up by the flames at the moment of explosion, and was instantly annihilated into powder.

All the dense branches behind him were strangely still in mid-air, and then they lost their strength and fell from mid-air.

it's over!

Chen Bugu slumped down on the ground, and the purple light in his eyes gradually dissipated.

His mental power is nearly exhausted, and with "Teng Meng" dead, the hallucination will inevitably disappear, and there is no need to continue to maintain [Crack].

Although he had countless questions in his heart at the moment, about the gene lock, about his eyes, and about the sigh that sounded in his ears when he fell into hallucinations, it was obvious that these were not the most critical things at the moment.

Chen Bugu sat on the ground, enjoying a huge amount of energy entering his body.

That was the energy belonging to the black iron-level medium-level monster "Teng Meng".

Chen Bugu felt warm all over, and his fatigue after the war seemed to be relieved.

At this moment, he successfully broke through to the fourth black iron star.

Chen Bugu:

"Viral power: [Cracked]"

"Elemental power: [Time and Space]"

"Strength: 37"

"Qi and blood: 45"

"Speed: 40"

“Spirit: 4/300”

"Skills: Fireball, Bullet Time"

"Gene Lock: Eyes cracked 60%"

"Unlocked: Deduction, Weakness Detection"

Although this battle was dangerous, the rewards brought by the leapfrogging challenge were also huge. Chen Bugu officially passed the threshold of three-star black iron and reached four-star black iron. He achieved breakthroughs in the three domains and his mental power.

The most important thing is that Chen Bugu seems to have discovered other uses of [Crack], and it is a use that can directly enhance his combat ability!

Break the genetic lock!

Although the specific method of using it still needs to wait for his mental strength to recover before trying it, but at least the eye cracking, Chen Bugu already has a rough guess in his mind.

For now, let’s get the other loot first.

Chen Bugu rested for a while, then stood up and slowly walked to the center of the exploding tumor. In a pile of black and green turbid liquid, he saw his trophy at a glance.

Although the treasure chest in the secret realm has not been found yet, the reward from killing "Teng Meng" has already appeared in front of me.

It was a seed so green that it looked like it could drip water.

Seed of Vine Dream!

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