The area in the middle of Zero Realm is called "Middle Earth" by the people living here because of the large stretches of plains and hills.

Tens of thousands of meters above the northwest of "Middle-earth", there is a huge island floating in the sky.

There is a huge forest on the island. It is boundless and no one can ever walk out from the edge of the forest.

Anyone who wants to leave the island can only find an exit under the ancient tree in the center of the island.

People who leave the island through that exit will fall from the sky, fly straight to the zero boundary, and fall into a lake.

People call that lake "Lingqi Lake".


Yan Kuan, Chen Bugu and others fell rapidly from high altitude. They had been flying for nearly three minutes. Although they could see a lake under their feet, at this height and acceleration, there was almost no difference between them falling on the water and falling on the cement ground. .

At a position tens of meters above the water, Lin Xiaoxiao was about to use [Nian] to support everyone to slow down the speed of falling into the water, but suddenly found a huge bubble appearing next to her.

Bai Ting and Han Badou had the same expressions on their faces. Seeing that Chen Bugu had not taken any measures, they expected that there would be a solution to the fall.

The bubbles wrapped everyone in them, and the momentum of the original rapid fall also slowed down.

The bubbles sank slowly, bursting the moment they touched the water, and everyone fell into the water immediately.

The lake water is as calm as a mirror, clear and transparent, reflecting the blue sky and white clouds.

Fortunately, everyone knew how to swim and floated on the water calmly after falling into the water. After Chen Bugu confirmed the direction, he calmly swam towards the shore.

The lake was not too small, and Yan Kuan felt that he swam at least a few kilometers before reaching the shore.

After landing, everyone looked back and found that they and others were as small and dwarfed as the trees and vegetation on the shore of the lake. Compared with the vastness of the lake, they seemed to be just insignificant embellishments.

When the breeze blows over the lake, the lake sparkles and ripples, like blue silk sliding on the water, and like the lake breathing gently. Its tranquility and magnificence make people feel calm.

Lin Xiaoxiao and Lin Lin were both stunned. They had not seen such a beautiful scene for a long time since the "catastrophe" broke out.

Bai Ting and Han Badou stared blankly at the sky with complicated expressions.

The island in the sky is floating above the clouds. Because it is too far away, you can only vaguely see a black dot at this moment.

Except for Chen Bugu, no one could have imagined that such a huge initial forest would turn out to be a huge island floating in the sky.

Chen Bugu opened his left hand, and a huge blue fireball rose up, ready to dry everyone's wet clothes.

"I really miss that guy Wang Bin. I don't know if he and Master Liu have found their families."

Yan Kuan felt the moisture on his clothes evaporate rapidly, and suddenly thought of Wang Bin.

At this moment, after they climbed up to the shore, they found that they and others fell in the middle of a huge canyon, and the blue lake happened to cover them behind them, leaving only one way out for them.

The huge rock walls on both sides of the valley floor are as straight as walls. They are smooth and steep, as if they were cut through by a giant blade.

On the cliffs on both sides, the rock walls are covered with various vegetation, and strange-shaped plants tenaciously break out of the smooth rock walls.

Giant birds, as black as ink, built their nests on the rock wall. Their green compound eyes were staring at Chen Bugu and his party, and they made several high-pitched calls from time to time.

"I remember you told Master Liu and the others before that as long as you walk for half a day in the direction of sunrise, you will see a town, right?"

Bai Ting put the dried white suit back on and asked Chen Bugu casually.

"Yes, actually, just walk along the direction of the canyon exit. At a normal speed, you can see the town in about half a day."

"Then if Master Liu and the others didn't go ashore from here, wouldn't it be very troublesome?"

"That's not possible. Didn't you pay attention when you fell down just now? The other side of the lake is also a huge rock wall, which is a dead end. Besides, Teacher Lin has a 'lurking sheep'. Now, just let the 'lurking sheep' carry it back."

Chen Bugu really doesn't worry about this. Lingqi Lake is not dangerous on weekdays, and there are even very few monsters. For Teacher Lin, who has "lurking sheep", it is not a problem at all.

"It's great to summon people. You don't have to do it yourself." Yan Kuan shed tears of envy.

Chen Bugu also missed Lao Liu and others, as well as "Amen". He didn't know what happened to them in that town and whether they had found their families.

After the clothes were dried, everyone started again and headed towards the only exit of the canyon.

At the same time, somewhere in the Forest of Beginnings, four black figures were gathering under a tree, chatting.

"John, didn't the guy in charge of your North Group say he's about to wake up? Why hasn't he made any move yet?"

A man shrouded in black robes asked. His voice was hoarse, as if his damaged vocal cords were struggling to speak, and each word seemed to be pieced together from a pile of broken fragments.

"Fourth Brother, as a Chinese, don't you know that there is a saying called 'a thousand-year-old bastard but a thousand-year-old turtle'? How long has this been for that guy?"

John took off his black hood, revealing his face.

It was a Caucasian face, with a high nose bridge, a wide forehead, full and well-defined lips, a pair of deep and bright blue eyes, blond hair gently curled on his forehead, and his smile was a little unruly.

"On the other hand, Fourth, have you prepared the sacrifices that the boss needs? It shouldn't be difficult to get 99 awakened ones with three stars or above, right?"

John looked at the fourth child across from him, tit for tat.

"Humph, then you don't have to worry about it. You and Qiao should take care of yourselves first."

After the fourth child finished speaking, he turned around and left with the other man in black robe.

After taking a few steps, the fourth child looked back at John.

"Here's a piece of advice for you, John."

"Although the three groups in the East, West and South completed their tasks not as fast as you, the big guys they are responsible for are all awake."

"Boss has been a little impatient with waiting recently. You'd better think of a way to avoid me having to give advice to your corpse next time."

The fourth child spoke a lot in one breath, and his hoarse voice made George next to John uncomfortable.

Before George was about to attack, Lao Si and another man in black robes instantly disappeared into the forest and disappeared.

"John, why don't I go and get rid of the fourth child? His broken voice is simply a torture to me."

George also took off his hood. He is also a Caucasian with curly brown hair, green eyes, a tall and well-proportioned nose, and a straight nose bridge, which adds an inexplicable confidence to his face. feel.

He chewed on a branch and leaned against the tree in boredom.

"George, don't underestimate the fourth child."

"And the fourth child is right. Counting the time, the beast tide is about to break out. The boss will not be able to catch up this time, so he will definitely be unhappy. It is better to think of a way to wake up that guy."

After John finished speaking, he turned around and walked into the forest, disappearing in an instant, leaving only George holding his head and leaning lazily against the tree.

"It's boring, it's really boring..."

George shook his head and disappeared in the next second.

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