As a ray of light dissipated, in the teleportation array, the figures of Gu Chen and the three girls appeared in the suite rented by the inn.

"It's really back!Lord Gu Chen is so powerful!"

"Hmph, Lord Gu Chen is amazing, you didn't know it for the first day, Yuan Yan, now go and boil water for your lord, and then let's go in and wait for him together." Seeing

Yuan Yan's fuss, Yuan Lianmeng refuted her proudly, and at the same time asked her to boil water, wait for the girls to accompany Gu Chen to take a bath, and when the slave family personally went to tempt, he must have liked it very much, hey, hey

~ And the obscene demon pattern that Lord Gu Chen said, next time he will also tattoo a tattoo exclusive to him, let him increase his attack speed, hehe~

"Okay! Sister Lianmeng, Yuan Yan and her sister will go to boil water for Lord Gu Chen now!Do you need to cook?".

"No need, you three go back and wash and sleep, I'm tired and want to sleep. [

The host refuses to take a bath with the third daughter, and something astringent happens, and he gets a reward, a month of cultivation. 【

Please keep up the good work.】 Directly

interrupting the interest of the three daughters, Gu Chen yawned and refused directly.

It's not because it doesn't work.

It's just not interested, and it's definitely not impossible.

So under the resentful gaze of the three girls, Gu Chen went back directly to the room, passing by the alchemy room lit by fire, without looking, and chose to return to the room.

When I saw the soft big bed, I was slightly happy, and I flew down and fell asleep to my heart's content.

What's more, it's impossible to work part-time, I'm tired today, and I have to deal with those annoying prides of the sky, Gu Chen, who wants to lie down and rot, is really tired, and I just want to sleep at the moment and have a good dream.

So I closed my eyes directly and fell into a light sleep.

And in his sleep, Gu Chen actually saw a Lori girl with a double ponytail holding a lollipop in her mouth, and then greeted him playfully, Gu Chen directly ignored it, and directly dreamed in a dream, angry Lori!

Qin Xiaorin looked at the six full pills in the Ding Furnace, and at this moment, his eyebrows were slightly frowned, and his little face was sad.

"What should I do, the four pins of pills, I actually only have a sixty percent success rate, but tomorrow is the alchemy competition, can I really pass the test like this?!"

"Sister Lianmeng, this time Lord Gu Chen ignored the three of us again, are we really not attractive? Obviously, the three daughters can wait for Lord Gu Chen together, but he actually refused this kind of beautiful thing because he wanted to sleep......"

In the living room, Yuan Yan said with a small face, and her sister Yuan Mo also nodded a little shyly and echoed her sister's statement.

"Hehe, you two little girls, now you are so young that you want to be pampered by Lord Gu Chen, it's really shameless, Lord Gu Chen wants to find a woman to warm the bed, and of course it's my Yuan Mercy dream, you are the ones who came in later, you know?"

"Besides, Lord Gu Chen didn't refuse because we were not attractive, he just liked to sleep, so let's talk to you about something that I happened to see Lord Gu Chen, don't talk nonsense." Suddenly

, Yuan Lianmeng whispered and whispered directly to the curious Yuan sisters, causing Qin Xiaorin who was eavesdropping to hear clearly, and only vaguely heard a few words.

"Gu Chen...... Long...... Like a python...... "

Wow! really?!"

And suddenly, after Yuan Lianmeng finished speaking, Yuan Yan looked surprised, and then her cheeks turned crimson, and she couldn't help but shyly confirm to Yuan Lianmeng.

"Hehe, it's true, I saw it with my own eyes!" Seeing

Yuan Yan so surprised, Yuan Lianmeng immediately emphasized complacently, causing the Yuan sisters to blush, and then said with some shame.

"Okay, then in order to fully accept Lord Gu Chen's love, we will try again when we grow up, and in the end, we must let Lord Gu Chen have fun!"

"That's right, so let Sister Lianmeng bear that hardship for you now." The

three girls in the living room were chatting happily, but Qin Xiaorin, who was eavesdropping, looked puzzled.

"What are they talking about? Why can't I understand it at all? Senior brother, what is it about him that makes the third girl so surprised and happy?"

Unable to figure it out, Qin Xiaorin immediately remembered the question of his four-grade pill success rate, and immediately felt a pang in his heart, and then left the alchemy room in a panic and headed towards the room.

Since the third daughter of Yuan Lianmeng is in the suite, it also means that Senior Brother Gu Chen is back, right?

Hehe, I also want Senior Brother Gu Chen to comfort well

Biting her red lips lightly and her face was shy, Qin Xiaorin immediately quietly hid from the three girls whispering in the living room and walked towards the room where Gu Chen was.

Unexpectedly, he didn't close the door, so he stepped in cautiously under curiosity, looked into the room, and the next second saw the handsome and lovely Senior Brother Gu Chen, sleeping peacefully on the big bed, defenseless.

"Senior brother, you are like this, senior sister can't help but ......"

I didn't expect to see Gu Chen's sleeping face, Qin Xiaorin's heart was pounding directly, and she was very ecstatic.

But suddenly, she calmed down, and then quietly looked out of the hallway, and the third girl didn't seem to notice it yet, so Sakura lips curled slightly, stepped into the room, and closed the door.

"Hey, hey, Senior Brother Gu Chen, Senior Sister is here to sing you a lullaby, hey, hey~".

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