Because it is a tourist scenic spot, there are many tourists along the road, and there is a place to rest and a small shop on the way.

The weather is getting hotter day by day, and Su Shenjunlang's face is sweating a lot, "I'm hungry, buy something to eat, do you want to go with me?"

Many students in the class could not help but go to buy food and water.

Lu Huo nodded, "I'll go with you."

Su Shen picked out some specialty snacks sold here. He turned to look at Lu Huo and found that he had actually picked a thermos cup.

Then, Su Shen saw Lu Huo go to the proprietress to pay, and at the same time, he asked the proprietress, "Do you have hot water here?"

The proprietress found that the group of boys and girls who came to patronize today are really good-looking, and young people nowadays are all better-looking as they grow up, especially the boy in front of him, who is really tall. Her son is a sports student, and he is not as tall as the boy in front of him, and he is really the president, and his facial features are really handsome.

The proprietress said with a smile: "Yes, do you want hot water?"

Lu Huo nodded, "Well, I want to pretend."

The proprietress took out a kettle from the back of the cabinet and said, "This is water that has just been boiled. It's very hot. Be careful when you pour it."

"Okay, thank you." After Lu Huo politely thanked, he put the little white cat in his arms to one side.

"Is this the cat you raised?" The proprietress finally saw the kitten held by the boy. "It's the first time I've seen such a cute cat. It looks so clean."

In the impression of the proprietress, the cats raised near the house are all free-range, rarely cared for, and they are dirty. How can they look like this kitten, with snow-white fur and good growth.

I didn't expect this young man to be so good-looking, even raising a cat so well.

After Lu Huo cleaned the thermos cup, he poured hot water into the cup.

When Su Shen saw Lu Huo's thermos cup and hot water, he smiled and said, "Tsk, you are starting to enter the health preservation stage so early now?"

Lu Huo glanced at him faintly, and didn't say anything more.

He screwed on the lid of the thermos cup and picked up the little white cat again.

When Lu Huo and Su Shen just walked out of the store, Song Qinqin was out of breath and walked up with one leg slightly crutched.

Seeing Lu Huo, she looked overjoyed.

"Your feet..." Su Shen found that there was something wrong with the other party's walking posture.

Song Qinqin said, "I sprained my foot just now, and it hurts a bit."

She looked at Lu Huo expectantly, "Lu Huo, can you carry me? Just walk with me for a while."

Su Shen stood beside him with a look of schadenfreude, waiting to see Lu Huo's good show.

"No." Lu Huo refused directly, as if he didn't see Song Qinqin's pitiful and expected appearance.

"Do you think that you are helping your classmates?" Song Qinqin said.

"No." Lu Huo felt that the little thing in his arms scratched him with the little milk paw, and he curled his lips slightly, "I'm already holding my cat."

With that said, he turned to leave and continued forward.

Su Shen guessed that this would be the case, he glanced at Song Qinqin boredly, the other party's face was filled with disappointment, but there was firmness, obviously he was not hit, but the more frustrated he became.

Su Shen raised his eyebrows. It was a good thing not to give up when faced with difficulties, but when it was converted into a relationship between men and women, it was called stalking.

In front, when Qiao Xi heard that Lu Huo only hugged her, she smiled with satisfaction, and rewardingly, took the opportunity to rub Lu Huo's wrist with her head.

Not long after we walked again, there was a place for renting tents in front. The monitor signaled everyone to rent a tent that they liked.

Lu Huo randomly picked a single-person tent.

When we got to the camping place, it was already past 12 noon, and many people were already hungry.

Everyone eats whatever they want and starts to set up tents.

Su Shen chose to build it on the left side of Lu Huo, and the right side was occupied by Song Qinqin and another girl.

The two pretty girls were sitting on the luggage, resting while watching Lu Hu build the tent.

At noon, the sun was fierce, and many people were already sweating profusely, but Lu Hu still kept his body clean and fresh.

He is tall, with strong and slender legs, and a handsome face that is too dazzling, even if he is just standing there, he is so handsome that people will never get tired of seeing him.

"Qinqin, Lu Hu's figure is really good." The girl next to Song Qinqin restrained her praise.

Song Qinqin looked proud, "Last time he played basketball, I saw him lift up his clothes and wipe off the sweat."

"How, how, what did you see?" The girl couldn't help being excited.

Song Qinqin was happy to share it with her friends. She lowered her voice, enough to let Qiao Xi, who was not far away with her ears pricked up, hear, "I see he has abdominal muscles!"

"God!" The girl's eyes lit up, "Few boys in our class have abs, right?"

"Okay, why are you more excited than me." Song Qinqin had a bit of shame and regret on her face, "Just a quick glance, I didn't have time to see clearly, he's already wiped off his sweat."

"One glance is enough, it's a profit!"

Not far away, Qiao Xi was biting at the teeth that had not grown for a long time, and the snow-white fur was about to explode.

She has not seen Lu Huo playing basketball now!

I haven't even seen his abs!

"Is that just Lu Hu's cat? It's so cute, I want to go and hug it." The girl looked at the snow-white kitten and her heart melted.

"No." Song Qinqin stopped: "Maomao is still young, Lu Huo said that it is afraid of strangers."

"Ah, it's really cute and beautiful." The girl was stunned by the kitten, "I can't go, but you can go, you have a good relationship with the kitten, if the kitten likes you, you can't leave it. open your word..."

The girl's words speak for themselves.

Song Qinqin was a little shy, "Now that Lu Huo is here, I'll look for another chance." Lu Huo was very concerned about the kitten, she couldn't get close to it, but she also planned to start from the kitten's side, if she could make the cat like her , it was much easier for her to approach Lu Huo.

Qiao Xi only wanted to roll her eyes when she heard it, and wanted to please her? impossible.

Over there, Lu Huo set up the tent very fast, less than ten minutes, and he had already done it while others were still in a hurry.

The girl quickly pushed Song Qinqin, motioning her to come forward quickly.

Song Qinqin blushed, got up and walked over, "Lu Huo, we two girls don't know how to set up tents, can you help us?"

Lu Huo put the luggage in the tent, and he said coldly, "There are instructions, you can study it yourself."

"We've seen it, but we're not very good at it." Song Qinqin looked at him expectantly.

"No." Lu Huo bypassed her and walked past her, "I want to feed my little pet."

Song Qinqin:  …

In front of Lu Huo, she is not as good as a cat?

At this time, the squad leader came over and saw Song Qinqin and the girl under the sun, nothing ready. He quickly said, "Have you set up a tent yet? I'll call a boy to help you."

Where does Song Qinqin want other boys? What she wanted was Lu Huo.

Lu Huo ignored Song Qinqin, he walked over, picked up the small snowball on the ground, and put her in the tent.

Then, Lu Hu took out the thermos cup he had just bought in the store, and the water inside was still very hot.

He put it on the lid of the thermos cup, and then added the corresponding amount of goat milk powder, ready to brew it for Qiao Xi.

The prepared goat milk was a little hot, and Lu Huo deliberately blew it to cool it.

Su Shen also set up the tent. He put his pockets in, walked over, and saw Lu Huo carefully bowing his head, blowing the goat milk in the lid of the cup.

"You did it for the cat?"

"Well, she should be hungry."

"No wonder you bought a thermos cup and asked the proprietress to borrow hot water." Su Shen was very surprised, "You didn't eat lunch yourself, so let the cat eat first? You are serving your ancestors, right?"

Isn't that the little grandfather?

When he is happy, give him a smile. When he is unhappy, if he is a little dissatisfied, he will shed tears.

"I'll eat it later." Lu Huo twitched the corners of his lips, and tested the temperature of the lid of the cup with the back of his hand. When he felt it was suitable, he turned around and picked up the little white cat in the tent.

The little guy was lying on his stomach obediently, his sapphire blue eyes seemed to be filled with anger?

Did he piss her off?

"Eat something first." Lu Hu hugged her in his arms and put the lid of the cup to her mouth.

Usually, Lu Huo feeds her with a straw or a small spoon. Now that she has no tools, Qiao Xi can only lick it.

She lowered her head and leaned closer to the lid of the cup. Under Lu Huo's gaze, she humbly stuck out the tip of her tongue.

Gently, she touched the goat's milk and shrank back.

It was the first time for Qiao Xi to drink milk like this. If it weren't for the fur on her face, I'm afraid her face would have already turned red.

She quietly raised her eyes and glanced at Lu Huo, the other side was expressionless, as if she couldn't see anything.

Only then did Qiao Xi feel relieved, and then she stretched out the tip of her tongue and licked the goat milk in the cup.

Under his eyes, Lu Huo could clearly see the tip of her pink tongue.

"Lu Huo, your cat is so beautiful drinking milk." Su Shen came over again in a bored manner, and curiously looked at how the little white cat was drinking milk.

Qiao Xi was stared at, she was so frightened that she quickly stopped, and the tip of her tongue shrank back.

She didn't want to be seen by others in such a humiliating scene.

Lu Huo's eyes sank, and he looked at Su Shen, "You have nothing to do when you are idle?"

"Yeah, everyone is setting up tents and eating." Su Shen sat down on the grass casually. He held his cheeks with one hand, and his peach blossom eyes seemed to be really boring to the extreme.

Lu Huo said to the monitor who came over: "Su Shen proposed to help other students set up tents. Monitor, can you meet his request?"

The monitor was just looking for someone to help other girls across the street, "Shen Su is really enthusiastic, there are students over there who need help, you come with me."

Su Shen suppressed his voice and asked Lu Huo in a low voice, "When did I say such a thing?"

Lu Huo hooked his lips, "Didn't you say boring? Since you are a good brother, I naturally can't make you worry like this."

Su Shen felt that he could not refute for a while.

He was called away by the squad leader.

Lu Huo patted Qiao Xi's head in his arms, "Continue drinking."

Only then did Qiao Xi hold back her shame, stick out the tip of her tongue, and slowly lick the goat milk in the lid of the cup.

In the afternoon, everyone was free to move around. Many people took the cable car and went to the landslide...

Some stay in place, quasi

Prepare something for a group BBQ tonight.

There is a place in the tourist area, which is specially provided for customers to barbecue, and there is a store next to it. There is not enough food prepared, or there is not enough charcoal fire, and there is not enough material. You can go to the store to buy it, which is very convenient.

In the afternoon, the temperature on the mountain was very hot, and as the evening approached, the evening wind began to blow.

The people around were laughing and laughing, and began to live barbecue.

Lu Huo went to help, Qiao Xi was lying in the tent and could only listen to the noise in the distance.

Thinking that the girl might take the opportunity to approach Lu Huo at this time, Qiao Xi was annoyed and helpless. Now that she was in the shape of a cat, she couldn't do anything. She wanted to quickly change back to a human.

In the barbecue area, Lu Huo was assigned to help wash the vegetables. Su Shen had never done these things. He saw that Lu Huo was cleaning in an orderly manner, and couldn't help but admire, "You guy, what else can't you do?"

Because there was no sink, Lu Hu could only be forced to bend over to wash. Hearing Su Shen's words, he sneered: "A trivial matter like this can be done by anyone with hands."

Su Shen picked up his peach blossom eyes: "Why do I see that you are becoming more and more virtuous recently?"

Lu Hu glanced at him faintly, and put the washed corn in his hand, "Okay, take it away."

Su Shen was about to turn around when he almost bumped into Song Qinqin who was holding a basin of water in his hand. He quickly stepped aside.

"Ah." Song Qinqin was so frightened that she couldn't stand still. The water in her hand poured out and fell on Lu Huo who was in front of the faucet.

Su Shen was dumbfounded.

Lu Huo stood up, his hair was soaked, and even his clothes were all wet.

Drops of water kept slipping from his hair, down his angular profile, and dripped into his neckline.

The white shirt he was originally wearing was very thin. After it got wet, it became transparent and stuck to his upper body. All of a sudden, the broad chest is faintly revealed, and the muscle lines inside are tight.

Song Qinqin blushed all of a sudden, "Yes... I'm sorry."

Lu Huo's face was sullen.

Su Shen was also splashed with water on the hem of his clothes. He said speechlessly, "Song Qinqin, what's the matter with you? You walk without eyes? Or is it intentional?"

Not to mention Lu Huo, he was also annoyed. He felt that, regardless of men and women, excessive stalking would only irritate people.

"I'm really sorry, I was unintentional, I just wanted to come over and pour out the water." Song Qinqin couldn't help but looked at Lu Hu quietly, her face even redder.

Seeing this, Su Shen became even more speechless. He handed the plate in his hand to Song Qinqin, "Take it back."

"Ah?" Song Qinqin was a little confused.

"Me and Lu Huo go back to change clothes!"

"Okay, okay." Song Qinqin nodded hurriedly, with a bit of pity in her eyes.

Lu Huo left with a calm look.

Su Shen walked beside him and complained: "Look, people who fall in love are so mindless, I will never fall in love in my life. Lu Huo, you are also careful, don't change from being the first in the grade to falling in love. brain."

Lu Huo walked in front, and the evening wind blew through him, and he felt a chill, "What nonsense are you talking about."

"Brother, I'm just reminding you." Even if his old man asked him to fall in love early, he would refuse.

Su Shenke clearly remembered that one of his brothers' eldest brother had to die for a woman at the beginning. After the woman ran with the ball, he almost drove the eldest brother into a frenzy.

Why bother? Love, love, love, these things are poisons, they will numb people's minds and make people become fools without knowing it.

Lu Huo twitched the corners of his lips, "You worry too much."

With wetness all over, when he returned to the tent, Lu Huo saw the feeble little white cat lying on the pillow at a glance.

Clearly, she was moping.

Lu Huo took the backpack and took out clean clothes from it.

Just as he was about to change, he said to the little white cat, "I want to change, turn your back."

When Qiao Xi came back from Lu Hu, she found that his clothes were soaking wet, and the white and thin wet shirt faintly showed the lines of the muscles on his chest.

Does this count as the temptation to get wet?

Qiao Xi's originally sullen eyes suddenly lit up, and he got up and approached Lu Huo. For some reason, Lu Huan was very fragrant at this time.

Not only did the little guy turn around without listening to him, but he also leaned over, what does it mean to want to lean into his arms?

"Be obedient, don't make trouble." Lu Huo wanted to pick up the little thing and put it aside, but Qiao Xi cleverly avoided his big hand and jumped onto his thigh.

Seeing that she wanted to jump on him, Lu Huo stretched out his hand and held her small body. However, in the palm of his hand, the little white cat's fur was well-groomed and smooth, and it suddenly slipped out of his palm. .

Lu Huo's hand tightened and held her tail.

Joey couldn't move.

She raised her little head and looked at him pitifully.

"Don't move around, I'll change my clothes, I'll be fine soon. After I change my clothes, I'll take you out to play, otherwise, I'll leave you here by yourself." Lu Huo threatened Qiao Xi, but his tone was somewhat teasing.

Qiao Xi nodded obediently, her tail was in the hands of others, she couldn't do anything.

Lu Huo let go of her hand and motioned her to turn her back.

Qiao Xi had no choice but to turn around, her snow-white back looked like a little snowball.

Lu Huo reached out and lifted the hem of his clothes, and then tore off the soaked clothes with one hand.

Qiao Xi's body was cold, his eyes were dark, and he couldn't see anything.


"Lu Huo, Lu Huo, you are too bad." The little white cat shouted.

Lu Huo looked over and saw that the small mass was covered under his wet clothes, and her strength was too small to break free.

He hooked his lips and reached out to help her get the clothes on her body. However, the next moment, the little white cat under the clothes turned into a girl.

His soaked white shirt could barely cover her lower body, while her jet-black, long smooth hair fell behind her back, covering her entire back.

The girl's hands were in front of her, she turned her head, and looked at him in astonishment with her beautiful eyes.

"Lu Huo, have you changed your clothes?" Outside the tent, Su Shen, the big light bulb in the world, appeared again.

The author has something to say: Su Shen: Oh, so, no matter when, I am the brightest light bulb?

There will be 100+ red envelopes falling in this chapter. Little cute remember to press the small meat claw and pinch the small bud to warn~~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: 3 flower branches; 1 Chang'an, Guhu, Xiao Jiu Jiu, berries, the big devil, strawberry super delicious, cassie, Lone Fox Yueyang, and Fat Di is not fat;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 116 bottles of Gu fox; 36 bottles of cats drinking Coke; 24 bottles of small bsp; 14 bottles; Wish, My Emperor's Spiritual Love, Evil Emperor, Shen Who, Saanchi, Muxi Benxi Duck, Lonely Boat, Qingmeng Pressing Xinghe 10 bottles; 54559844 9 bottles; Wu Nai 8 bottles; Qixi, Xiao Jiu Jiu, painting Painting, Kou Yuxing, cis\u0026nj, 17602903 5 bottles; Lu Rin, Ye Jiu'an, 08042 rabbits 3 bottles; cassie, sleeping shrimp 2 bottles; flower branch, ya ya ya ya ya ya, big sister, like Natsume 1 full bottle of Friends' Book, It's a joy to be a salted fish, morpheus, Yu Yuyu, Kiryu War Rabbit;

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