[Aqua Blue Star Brain Storage, Host the Brain, Double the Happiness! ]

If something is thought about for a long time, it means that it is something that needs to be thought about for a long time.

Ever since the career awakened three days ago, Cheng Ji had been thinking about it for three days.

After three days of thinking, Cheng Ji successfully thought for three days.

Although the process took three days, he decided to make this decision that went against his ancestors.

That is, he intends to hand himself over to the state!

He took a deep breath and clicked on his properties panel again.


Level: 1] [Class: National Fortune Tree (Unbound)

] [Attribute Level: Extreme

] [Status: To be submitted for activation tasks

] [...]

"Sure enough, it is still the ultimate level, but what is the ultimate level?" What exactly is this level? "

A hundred years ago, games invaded Aquamarine and assimilated into the real world, and all human technology failed, replaced by the product of the combination of games and modern technology.

After hundreds of years of development, the game has been completely integrated with Aqua Blue Star and is inseparable from life.

Just like the game, everything in Aquamarine, including but not limited to items, skills, and classes, is divided into levels.

Just like the sun rising in the east and setting in the west, the game class and attribute level have been constant for hundreds of years.

'Common', 'Advanced', 'Rare', 'Artifact', 'Legend', 'Epic'.

And this 'supreme' level, as well as the 'National Fortune Tree' profession, is unheard of by Cheng Ji, unseen, I am afraid that looking at the entire history of Aqua Blue Star, it is also the only one of the scorpion.

Therefore, due to the uncertainty of the profession, Cheng Ji felt that with his own ability, it was impossible to develop well, after all, the task of career activation alone could directly persuade Cheng Ji to leave.

【Mission: Class activation (to be activated

)】【Mission objective: submit 100w copies of crystal source (0/1000000)】The

so-called crystal source, it is like a spirit stone in the cultivation world, which can be upgraded by players, and can also be used as energy and materials, and is also an indispensable item for strengthening, forging, amplification, synthesis, refining medicine, etc.

Crystal source is not scarce, and can be used as a global 'currency', the value of one crystal source is equivalent to the value of a dragon currency.

In other words, if Cheng Ji wants to activate the profession of 'National Fortune Tree', the minimum threshold is that he needs to have 100W of Dragon Kingdom currency.

But for a student born into an ordinary family while still attending high school, this is nothing less than an astronomical amount.

After thinking about it, Cheng Ji still picked up his mobile phone and dialed the number.

"Hey, mentor, I've awakened my profession..." Cheng

Ji kept himself as calm as possible.

After all, the 'supreme' level is far beyond human cognition, and Cheng Ji is very worried that the mentor on the other end of the phone will suspect that he has a mental problem.

"Oh? Xiao Ji, this is a good thing, as the top three resident of the first-grade class, the teachers' expectations of you are high.

Lin Guosheng on the other end of the phone said happily.

"I heard that Xiaofan, who has been competing with you for the top three for many years, has also awakened his profession, and I heard that he is a 'swordsman' at the level of 'artifact'."

"Class B next door has also awakened a 'artifact' level profession."

"As the hope of the whole school, you must not be lower than the 'artifact' level again, right?"

As the pride of the school, Cheng Ji's achievements have always ranked in the top three of the school, and he is a student who has been reported by countless teachers and students.

In Lin Guosheng's opinion, with Cheng Ji's level, even if it is again, it will not be lower than the 'artifact' level, right?

"I..... I don't know how to say it. When

the words came to his lips, Cheng Ji became a little stumbling again, after all, the level of 'Zhenzhen' is too dreamy, let alone Cheng Ji, I am afraid that the entire Aqua Blue Star, no one has heard of this level.

After hearing Cheng Ji's nervous words, Lin Guosheng was stunned, could it be that this guy's awakening level was not high? Or is it a very chicken profession awakened?

Thinking of this, Lin Guosheng quickly comforted.

"Xiao Ji, the awakened profession does not mean anything."

"Even if it is a life occupation, as long as the level is high enough, then there is a future."

"Like Academician Li of Shui Lanxing, although it is only a life occupation of the Department of Science and Technology, but the life profession of the 37th level and three turns, can it bring great changes to national defense?"

"If it is a combat profession, even if it is an 'ordinary' level, at least it will not be a problem to eat in the future."

"Besides, with your talent, again, it has to be a 'rare' level class, right?"

In Lin Guosheng's opinion, Cheng Ji must also be a 'rare' level profession.

For an excellent student like Cheng Ji, the 'rare' level is indeed too low, so it is understandable to suffer such a blow.

But you should know that the 'rare' profession is already close to the top batch for the whole world.

In the entire world of more than three billion people, there are less than one billion players, and the classes below the rare level account for about 90%.

In other words, even if Cheng Ji is really a 'rare' level profession, although the level is lower than everyone's expectations, it is definitely higher than the vast majority of ninety-nine percent of people.

When Lin Guosheng was still thinking about how to comfort Cheng Ji, Cheng Ji finally plucked up the courage to speak.

"Mentor, it's not... My career level is not

lower than 'artifact', nor is it a life occupation..."Not lower than 'artifact', nor is it a life occupation?"


Lin Guosheng took a deep breath, that is...

"Xiao Ji! Have you awakened a legendary or epic combat class?!

"That's a good thing! I want to inform the province ... No, inform the whole country! Hearing

this, Cheng Ji's face was full of sweat.

"Mentor, you calm down first, things are not what you think."

"Indeed, Xiao Ji, what you said makes sense."

Lin Guosheng quickly calmed down and said.

"If it is a profession above legend, it must be sealed to avoid being targeted by foreign forces."

"If it is a profession above epic, then there should be no record of you in this world."

"No, this kind of thing can't be fancied, I need to contact the dean immediately, and then discuss sealing your file."

Hearing Lin Guosheng's excited voice, Cheng Ji really couldn't bear it anymore, and quickly said.

"Mentor, don't get excited first!"

"Although I am not awakening a life profession, it is not a combat profession either!"

"Although it is above the level of 'artifacts', it is not a legend and an epic!"

Hearing this, Lin Guosheng was stunned.


"Xiao Ji, what are you talking about?"

"Not legends and epics? Can you still awaken a level that has never been before?

"Mentor, I know that my next words will make it a little difficult for you to accept."

Cheng Ji took a deep breath and then said.

"But please believe me, I definitely didn't tell any lies."

"First, the profession I awakened is neither a life profession nor a combat profession."

"Second, the profession I awakened is called 'National Fortune Tree', and the ability is to bind to a country and enhance a country's luck."

"Third, this class level is higher than 'artifact', but it is neither legendary nor epic, but a level higher than epic and called 'Supreme'."


Cheng Ji said these words, he could clearly hear the voice of the other end of the phone gasping for air.

After being quiet for a long time, Lin Guosheng on the other end of the phone suddenly couldn't hold back.

"Poof! Maximum?! National Fortune Tree?!

"Haha! Xiao Ji, what are you kidding? How could there be such things?

"I know you're not doing well in awakening, but don't use these words to numb yourself..."

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