Since the game assimilated reality a hundred years ago, the pattern of many cities of Aquamarine Star has also changed.

When the game came, the game didn't matter if you were urban or rural, maybe the copy would be refreshed in the city.

For ordinary people, game monsters are very scary things, and for players, game monsters and quests are indispensable for leveling up.

Therefore, in the hundreds of years of Aqua Blue Star's history, humans have been competing with game monsters.

And after hundreds of years of evolution, this situation has finally reached a state of equilibrium.

There must be no game monsters and quests in the city, but as long as it is a big city, there will inevitably be copies around.

Because players are an extremely important economic development, and where there are quests, there must be a large number of players and chambers of commerce.

If there is a chamber of commerce, there will be people trading, and over time, the surrounding area will naturally evolve into a city.

Depending on the development of the city, these dungeons need to be far away from the city, away from the main traffic arteries, and the city needs to have the ability to resist monster sieges.

This gradually evolved into the current urban pattern.

It can be said that the more monsters, the more players, the more players, the fewer monsters, therefore, the more monsters, the fewer monsters.

Zhang Jundong parked the car, which was twenty kilometers away from the downtown area of Jiangning City, but it had not yet reached the place where the monster was refreshed.

"There is a danger zone ahead, and vehicles are prohibited."

Chen Jianguo explained to Cheng Ji on the side.

"These knowledge books should also be talked about, right?"

"The city has a buffer zone of twenty kilometers from the danger zone, then a danger zone of thirty kilometers, and a monster depth thirty kilometers away."

"Generally speaking, when monsters gather beast tides in the depths, players in the danger area will report the information as soon as possible and block the monster in the danger area."

"If the danger zone cannot stop the tide of beasts, the city still has a buffer area of twenty kilometers, which is enough time for the residents of the city to hide in the shelter."

"The reason why vehicles in dangerous areas are prohibited is because dangerous areas can refresh monsters anytime and anywhere."

"In other words, it is possible that monsters can directly spawn in the vehicle, which may cause casualties to the people in the vehicle, and may also cause some monsters to hijack the vehicle and cause greater accidents."


three walked towards the danger zone.

This is Cheng Ji's first contact with the area assimilated by the game.

Since this area is relatively close to the buffer area, the number and frequency of monster spawn is not high, and it is an area for some lower-level players to level up.

These players are no different from ordinary people, but they always have some strange weapons in their hands or a few scattered pieces of weird equipment.

Although the game has been assimilating Aqua Blue Star for hundreds of years, Cheng Ji was still a little surprised to see this abrupt scene for the first time.

He saw a player swing sword qi with a broken wooden stick and split a spider the size of a basin in half.

I've also seen players holding staffs and chanting shameful spells in their mouths, followed by several fireballs falling out of thin air.

As for other monsters?

Although several monsters would be refreshed around him from time to time, Zhang Jundong and Chen Jianguo's reaction speed was very fast, and Cheng Ji didn't even see what those monsters looked like, and those monsters were killed.

"The Warp Jungle is a level ten replica, and there are two ways to enter the quest, one is to go to the fixed refresh position of the copy and wait, and the other is to kill the fixed monster of the quest, and there is a probability of brushing out the dimensional crack to enter the quest."

Chen Jianguo took out the map and explained to Cheng Ji as he walked.

"As a level ten fixed copy, there is generally a probability of encountering the copy of the Warp Jungle at the edge of the jungle or in the jungle."

"Before I came, I asked people to inquire about a few refresh points, which are fixed positions for refresh, and they are basically refreshed every hour."

"However, as a junior dungeon, the Warped Jungle is still more popular with players, and many second-turn classes like to brush this dungeon, so we may not be able to avoid competing with other players for dungeons."

As a low-level quest, the Warp Jungle is one of the main quests for many players, because this type of quest is less difficult and can produce crystals and some resources, so there are often players or guilds crouching to brush the quest.

The three of them soon arrived at the first copy refresh site.

Unsurprisingly, the quest refresh point at this place has been entered by other players, and the dimensional rift has been closed, and the three cannot enter the quest.

The three continued to walk towards other positions.

Fortunately, Warp Jungle is a regular quest, so the number and frequency of refreshes will be higher.

After searching for several locations, the three finally found a copy that had not yet been occupied.

It was a dark purple spatial crack, which appeared in mid-air on the ground, tens of centimeters high from the ground, like a purple freeze-frame lightning bolt shape, several meters long.

The crack seemed to tear this space apart, and inside was a deep and strange aura like an abyss.

"Xiao Ji, you haven't touched any monsters and quests, have you?"

Chen Jianguo on the side spoke.

"After entering the copy in a while, you just follow me and don't act without permission."


Hearing this, Cheng Ji nodded.

Subsequently, the three of them turned on team mode.

Quest Dungeon requires a team to be opened to ensure that three people enter the quest together.

When the team had just been formed, Zhang Jundong was suddenly stunned.

"Wait, what's going on with this attribute bonus?"

"Ten percent increase in all attributes?"

"Five percent increase in experience gain?"

Zhang Jundong looked at Cheng Ji in horror, and the expression on his face was full of shock.

Zhang Jundong is clear that the auxiliary class has an attribute bonus, but what the hell is this experience bonus?

Why is there such an outrageous BUFF?

You know, although there is only a five-percent bonus, it means that as long as you team up with Cheng Ji, you can progress up by five percent faster than other players.

This is a very scary bonus, and in the case of top players, a player with this five percent bonus can quickly distance himself from other players.

Moreover, the maximum number of copies is fifty, and if you look at it in the long run, Cheng Ji can cultivate forty-nine top players for the Dragon Kingdom at the same time!

Thinking of this, Zhang Jundong couldn't help but gasp, and at this moment it seemed clear why Chen Jianguo valued Cheng Ji so much.

Seeing this, Chen Jianguo just said calmly.

"Xiao Zhang, you should be very clear about what should be said and what should not be said, right?"

"I believe in your person, but I still have to remind you that this kind of thing will be swallowed into your stomach, don't talk nonsense, understand?"

Hearing this, Zhang Jundong hurriedly nodded, and then said.

"Elder Chen, I'm on your thief ship..."

Suddenly, Chen Jianguo said with disdain.

"Fart, where is this?"

"A special point of auxiliary career halo."

"In short, this kind of thing is not a shameful thing, I just don't want you to have too much contact and cause more trouble."

Although the five-percent experience bonus is outrageous, it is at most a 'artifact' level secret, not that Zhang Jundong cannot know, nor will it attract too much attention from foreign forces.

After all, although the auxiliary class grows slowly, the outrageous bonus is obvious to everyone.

A powerful auxiliary class is enough to increase the intensity of a 50-person offensive team by more than 50%.

It's just that it's too difficult for this class to level up, and even many auxiliary classes don't even have combat effectiveness, and in those high-level quests, they don't have the ability to survive at all.

This is also what Chen Jianguo does not want to see, he does not want the sadness of the auxiliary profession to happen to Cheng Ji, so he hopes that Cheng Ji can choose the combat department from the career branch.

"Okay, don't delay time."

Chen Jianguo put his hand on the dimensional crack and then said.

"Xiao Ji, remember what I just said."

"Follow me after entering the quest, don't act without permission."

After speaking, Chen Jianguo chose to enter the copy.

The dungeon teleportation countdown sounded, and when the countdown ended, the figures of the three disappeared, and the replica crack dimmed with it.

After a trance, Cheng Ji and the three appeared in a gloomy and twisted jungle.

The night was shining, and when I looked up, I could see a crescent moon hanging high in the sky, which was the only light source in this copy.

The three of them are now in a position that resembles a rainforest at night, but the shapes of these trees are distorted, and the shriveled grains of the crooked trees resemble human faces.

"This is the outermost area of the Warp Jungle."

Chen Jianguo continued to explain to Cheng Ji.

"The mechanic of this area is that the monster will disguise itself as a tree, and as the player passes, it will quietly entangle the player with vines and then devour."

"The vine has random effects such as 'poisoning', 'paralyzing' and 'freezing', and is effective for players below level fifteen."

"So when entering this area, you need to raise your spirit to avoid being attacked by monsters."

"If you are entangled in vines, under the influence of abnormal state, even players who turn one turn may be killed."

"Of course, this is only difficult for players who are less than one turn to attack the quest."

Saying that, Chen Jianguo looked at Zhang Jundong and said.

"Xiao Zhang, we are in a hurry, you are responsible for opening the way."

Zhang Jundong nodded.


Saying that, Zhang Jundong raised his hand to use the skill, and a heavy laser cannon like a science fiction movie appeared in his hand.

He is a three-turn combat gunner, and with his strength, attacking this level ten primary copy is completely a dimensionality reduction strike.

I saw that the muzzle of the gun continued to condense the light mass, and the next moment, a thick beam of light gushed out from the muzzle and rushed straight to the depths of the jungle.


A loud sound sounded, and the jungle was like daylight at this moment.

When the beam gradually dissipated, a cylindrical road with a diameter of seven or eight meters was directly evaporated in front of him.

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