After seeing what was fished up, Cheng Ji was also slightly surprised.

What can be seen is that there are not many fish caught in the nets.

There are only a few small fish in the huge fishing net, and a few large fish that look good.

If you return to the book, this fish will definitely not be able to return the book.

But this is understandable, if there are plenty of fish here, fishing boats do not need to sail far to fish on the high seas.

But what is surprising about this net is that there is an oval thing like a torpedo inside.

"Good fellow."

Yang Kangping looked at the torpedo-like thing, swallowed his saliva and said.

"Little brother, your luck is really good, you caught this thing in the first net."

"How many fishermen don't necessarily catch it out for months, but you actually catch it in one net."

"Gee, the cost of your trip this time is a return on cost."

Hearing Yang Kangping say this, Cheng Ji looked a little puzzled.

"Uncle Yang, don't tease me."

"I was so unlucky to catch a torpedo in a net."


Yang Kangping smiled and said.

"Little brother misunderstood, this is not a torpedo."

"This is sonar, we also call it Ironfish."

"This thing is worth a lot more than a fish, and if you catch this thing, as long as you hand it over to the local fishery department, you can get a bonus ranging from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands."

After listening to Yang Kangping's explanation, Cheng Ji was even more puzzled.

"Then why did the local fishery administration do this?"

"Cast yourself, fish yourself, and receive your own bonus?"

"And then boost local GDP?"

After Yang Kangping heard Cheng Ji say this, he immediately understood that Cheng Ji had misunderstood, and quickly explained.

"Little brother, it's not what you understand, these sonars are not voted for by the local fishery government."

"These sonar are all planted by some foreign forces or some hostile countries."

"In the name of freedom of navigation and exploring the oceans, those guys put sonar equipment in the waters of our dragon country, monitor our waters, plunder our resources, and destroy our marine environment."

"Once, the Dragon Kingdom was poor and weak, and those guys invaded our waters with impunity, plundering our resources, and bullying our fishermen on our territory."

"However, as the Dragon Kingdom became stronger and stronger, those guys naturally converged a lot, but the purpose of those guys has never changed."

While the two were talking, the second net had been pulled up.

After seeing the contents of the second net, the expression on Yang Kangping's face became a little thicker.

Inside the second net, there is still a torpedo-shaped sonar.

"Why is this?"

Yang Kangping's face was solemn.

"Judging by the appearance of the sonar, this is still a new sonar."

"That is, this sonar has not been thrown into the sea for long."

"But this is the sea area of the Dragon Kingdom, and it is only tens of kilometers away from the coastline, who dares to do this..." Before

Yang Kangping finished speaking, the third net was pulled up.

There were obviously many more fish in the third net, but unbiasedly, there was also a torpedo-shaped sonar in the third net.

What is even more surprising is that this sonar is very different from the sonar of the first two in terms of appearance.

After seeing this sonar, Yang Kangping frowned and said.

"It's a military-grade sonar."

"This shows that foreign forces are already preparing to invade the waters of our Dragon Country."

Sonar can use sound waves in water for detection, localization, and communication.

Its main role is to detect, classify, locate and track underwater targets, carry out underwater communication and navigation.

Used to support the tactical maneuvers of ships, anti-submarine aircraft, etc. and the use of weapons in the water.

The appearance of military-grade sonar in the waters of the Dragon Kingdom is obviously counterintuitive.

That is to say, some foreign forces are already planning to drive warships here.

As for which country, it is not clear for the time being.

Yang Kangping was well aware of the seriousness of this matter.

As a Dragon Country man and a captain, Yang Kangping naturally wouldn't just watch the enemy warships come to his own waters.

"Little brother, I don't think I can do your business anymore."

Yang Kangping said apologetically.

"The enemy's warships have already arrived in our waters, and we cannot sit still."

"I'll contact other ships to pick you up later, and I'll refund you the money exactly as it is."

"Don't worry, after these sonar are handed in, the bonus will also belong to you."

After hearing Yang Kangping's words, Cheng Ji probably knew what they wanted to do.

A bold idea appeared in Cheng Ji's mind.

He can't leave here, at least not now.

"Uncle Yang, you will see the outside world when you say this."

Cheng Ji said.

"I can probably guess what Uncle Yang you want to do."

"If you can, I hope Uncle Yang can take us with you."

Hearing Cheng Ji say this, Yang Kangping suddenly said a little angrily.

"Do you know what you're talking about?"

"We're going to chase warships, do you know how dangerous it is?"

"You are my customer, you spent money, I don't allow you to take this risk."

Cheng Ji said calmly when he heard this.

"I'm also from the Dragon Kingdom, and when I encounter this kind of thing, I naturally want to make a contribution."

Exert oneself?

Yang Kangping said helplessly.

"Little brother, it's not that I look down on you."

"You're just a group of tourists, what can you do?"

"In my opinion, your body is estimated to be laborious to even move a box, how can you help?"

Hearing Yang Kangping say this, Cheng Ji was suddenly unhappy.

His own group is also a high-end combat power player in the Dragon Kingdom, let alone help, I am afraid that I can do it if I go to grab a warship and come back.

Bu Ji did not intend to expose his player's identity, but said with a little contemplation.

"Uncle Yang, can we boost morale~" Boost morale


Yang Kangping was a little puzzled, and just when he wanted to ask Cheng Ji what he meant, Cheng Ji continued to say lightly.

"Uncle Yang, it's not easy for you to go to sea, and the cost of going to sea every time is very huge."

"If you go after the warship now, you will have to return empty-handed this time, right?"

"Uncle Yang, you don't want to see your crew disappointed, do you?"

"If you are willing to bring us, then the three sonar prizes will be yours."

"Among these three sonars, one of them is a military-grade sonar, presumably the prize must be hundreds of thousands, right?"

Hearing Cheng Ji say this, Yang Kangping hesitated for a while.

Just like Cheng Ji said, it is not easy for them to go to sea, and the cost of each trip is very high.

If there is no good catch, then this time out to sea is not only in vain, but also has to lose hundreds of thousands.

Cheng Ji saw that there was a drama, and quickly said while the iron was hot.

"Besides, Uncle Yang, you let people come to pick us up, this time around, time will be wasted."

"If nothing else, what if it is because of this time that the enemy's ship runs away?"

At this time, Yang Kangping was even more embarrassed.

On one side is the enemy warship that may leave at any time, and on the other side is the safety of Cheng Ji and his group.

If Yang Kangping was allowed to choose, he really didn't know how to choose for a while.

"Okay, Uncle Yang, don't get tangled up anymore."

Cheng Ji looked at the calm sea and said lightly.

"Only when there is a country can there be a family, and a small family, for everyone, you must understand this kind of truth Uncle Yang."

"Besides, how can you think that something will happen if we follow you?"

Yang Kangping didn't know where Cheng Ji's confidence came from.

But after he struggled for a while, he gritted his teeth and said.

"You guys will stay in my room for a while, if you run around, I won't be responsible for what happens."

After speaking, Yang Kangping walked towards the direction of the cab.

Soon, the fishing boat reversed direction and sailed in an unknown direction.

After a long time, Cheng Ji leisurely watched Han Feng fishing on the deck.

"I don't know how Uncle Yang determined the location of the enemy warship."

After hearing Cheng Ji's curious words, Han Feng thought about it and said.

"Captain, Captain Yang is the old captain of Linjiang Pier."

"I heard that he has his own fleet, there are more than a dozen medium and large fishing boats alone, and some of the equipment on his fleet is even more powerful than the boats of the local fishery administration."

"In addition to radar detection, Captain Yang has his own maritime communication route, and hundreds of ships in the South China Sea have cooperative relations with Captain Yang's fleet."

"These ships work together to form a huge maritime liaison system."

"Usually, these ships are fishing, and when something abnormal occurs at sea, these ships will call for warmth, take care of rescue, transportation, and even the task of expelling foreign ships."

As he spoke, several fishing boats sailed by.

The fishing boats honked their horns, and the fishing boats on which Cheng Ji was riding also honked their horns in response.

Subsequently, the fishing boats followed the two sides behind the fishing boat that Cheng Ji was riding on, moving at the same speed like frigates of fishing boats.

At this time, Yang Kangping walked out of the cab and walked towards Cheng Ji and said.

"Little brother, we're about to catch up with each other's warship, it's not safe here for a while, do you want to go back to the room first?"

Cheng Ji did not answer, while Han Feng on the side spoke.

"Captain Yang, you don't have to worry about this, if there is danger, we will definitely return to the cargo warehouse as soon as possible."

Hearing Han Feng's words, Yang Kangping shook his head helplessly.

He knew that he could not persuade Cheng Ji's group, so he returned to the wheelhouse to continue to guide the voyage.

After another few tens of minutes, a huge ship appeared at sea level.

However, the distance is too far for Cheng Ji to see too clearly.

Cheng Ji could clearly feel that the speed of the fishing boat was much faster.

After another few minutes, the fishing boat was a few nautical miles away from the vessel.

And under the high bonus of the player's attributes, Cheng Ji finally saw the ship clearly.

It was a thousand-ton class, blue-and-white steamer, and in terms of size, it was more than ten times larger than the fishing boat he was riding on.

Because the size of the ship was too large, the fishing boat did not dare to drive too close to the ship.

However, the fleet of fishing boats piloted by Yang Kangping still clung to the steamer, and the two sides were separated by one or two nautical miles. (one nautical mile = 3.704 li = 1852 meters)

At this time, Yang Kangping left the wheelhouse again and came to the deck.

He ignored Cheng Ji and several people this time, but signaled that the crew could get off the net.

Large nets were dropped into the sea, and as soon as they sank to the bottom, they were quickly pulled up.

Obviously, Yang Kangping did not want to fish, but to fish out something under the seabed.

The other boats following the fishing boat gradually dispersed, following the ship in a 'one' formation.

At the same time, like Yang Kangping, the captains of each ship also signaled the crew to get off the net.

Large nets were thrown into the sea.

Although the probability of sonar being fished out of the net every time is very low, it is not tolerant of the large number of fishing boats and the frequency of the net.

Soon, one of the fishing boats moved and successfully pulled on a sonar.

What makes people angry is that the sonar is actually another military-grade sonar.

The sonar was fished out, which not only made the fleet angry, but also excited the crew on the fleet.

This sonar is a good thing, and handing in a sonar can be much more profitable than catching a net.

Thus, the picture becomes, with the steamers in front dropping sonar at sea, and seven or eight fishing boats behind following behind.

And, as the position of the steamer is determined, more fishing boats are rushing towards this position.

The steamer in front also found that something was wrong, and according to Yang Kangping's fishing method, no matter how much sonar they threw had to be fished clean.

Moreover, how can there be such a group of people following a sheep?

As a result, the ship's speed slowed down significantly, and at the same time, the ship's horn sounded at sea.

"Sonar has no copper, it is useless to fish!"

“Sonar is useless without copper!"

"Sonar has no copper, it is useless to fish!"

“Sonar is useless without copper!"

"Sonar has no copper, it is useless to fish!"

"Sonar is useless without copper..." The

ship's horn echoed over the sea, constantly trying to stop the fishing fleet in both English and Chinese.

Yang Kangping on the deck couldn't help but spit after hearing the radio, and said with disdain.


"Lao Tzu lacks your copper?"

"Lao Tzu needs this copper from you?"

"What Lao Tzu wants is for you guys to get out of the territory of the Dragon Kingdom!"

Saying that, Yang Kangping said to a crew member.

"Didn't they broadcast the radio?"

"Go, you turn on the radio too."

"Who doesn't have the same?"

Hearing this, the crew asked.

"Captain, what Chinese words?"

After hearing the words of the crew, Yang Kangping suddenly said angrily.

"Damn it, what Chinese you say?!"

"On the territory of the Dragon Country, it is naturally in the language of the Dragon Country!"

Yang Kangping lost his previous tone of speech, and at this moment he looked very angry.

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