If they had given the Sakura Country a hundred dares in the past, they would not have dared to shoot at the fishermen of the Dragon Country in the waters of the Dragon Country.

But now it is a special node in the confrontation between the Dragon Kingdom and the Eagle Sauce Country.

Eagle Sauce Country, which has nuclear weapons and intercontinental missiles, is currently the most militarily powerful country in Aqua Bluestar.

It is also the only country that currently has the strength to single out global countries except the P5.

Therefore, Sakura Country hugged Eagle Sauce Country's thigh at this node.

If it weren't for the support of Eagle Sauce Country, where did Sakura Country come from with such great confidence?

That is to say, at this critical juncture, Sakura Country may not make any crazy moves in order to make the Dragon Kingdom and the Eagle Sauce Country fight.

Because only when the Dragon Country and the Eagle Sauce Country fight, the Sakura Country can follow the Eagle Sauce Country to reap a little benefit.

And this kind of shameless behavior is a consistent characteristic of Sakura Country.

After briefly thinking about what might happen, Cheng Ji said to Han Feng on the side.

"Brother Feng, trouble you, Uncle Yang is a good person, he can't die."

Han Feng nodded.

"Captain, don't worry, I know what to do."

After that, Han Feng left the room and ran towards the deck.

However, he still followed Cheng Ji's meaning and did not easily expose his player's identity.

Therefore, the speed of Han Feng is not fast.

Fortunately, the ship is not large, and the distance from the room to the bow deck is less than ten meters.

The next moment, the gunshot suddenly sounded, and Han Feng pounced on Yang Kangping, throwing Yang Kangping down on the deck.

Han Feng's huge body blocked Yang Kangping's body.

The bullet hit Han Feng's body and made a sonorous sound, but Han Feng still seemed to be a nobody.

He is a four-turn player, and he is a meat-type profession.

Therefore, these bullets hitting Han Feng were just tickling Han Feng.

The series of gunshots quickly stopped, and Han Feng quickly ran towards the cabin with Yang Kangping in his arms.

After returning to the cabin, Yang Kangping looked confused.

Everything happened so fast that he had just walked through the ghost door and couldn't understand what had just happened for a while.

After a moment, Yang Kangping reacted.

He quickly checked Han Feng's body and asked with concern.

"Little brother, are you all right?"

"It's too dangerous just now, how can you suddenly run out?"

Hearing this, Cold Wind scratched his head and said cheerfully.

"Captain Yang, it's okay."

"It's so far away, plus those little days the marksmanship is not good, so not a single shot hit me."

Seeing that he didn't find a wound on the cold wind, Yang Kangping breathed a sigh of relief.

He said with a palpitation.

"It was too dangerous just now, if you encounter this kind of thing next time, remember to put your own safety first, leave me alone."

"But thank you."

"If it weren't for your help, I'm afraid I would have died..." Hearing

Yang Kangping say this, Cheng Ji smiled and said jokingly.

"Uncle Yang, aren't we helping?"

"But Uncle Yang, what are you going to do next?"

Hearing this, Yang Kangping finally eased up and remembered his current situation.

He paused, then said.

"Generally, there must be other warships behind destroyers."

"Little brother, you are travelers, I can't let you stay and continue your adventure."

"Don't worry, I'll arrange a ship to pick you up."

Cheng Jigang wanted to refuse Yang Kangping's kindness, but at this moment, the walkie-talkie in Yang Kangping's hand suddenly rang.

"Old Yang! Not good! "

Little devil's warship is coming!"

"Seven or eight ships, all of them are thousand-ton!"

After hearing the voice coming out of the walkie-talkie, the expression on Yang Kangping's face immediately became very solemn.

He looked at Cheng Ji and several people, and then looked at the fishing fleet on the sea, then sighed helplessly and said to Cheng Ji.

"Little brother, I'm sorry for you, I shouldn't have involved you all."

Hearing this, Cheng Ji behaved calmly.

"Uncle Yang, look at what you said."

"Didn't I say that no matter what happened, I won't blame you."

Yang Kangping didn't know where Cheng Ji's confidence came from.

He only felt guilty.

After all, Cheng Ji and his party fell to this point, and they also had part of his responsibility.

But Cheng Ji just patted Yang Kangping's shoulder and said.

"Uncle Yang, don't blame yourself, how can you be sure that we didn't expect this to happen?"

"Since we dare to follow you, we naturally considered the consequences."

Cheng Ji's words made Yang Kangping feel even more unable to see through Cheng Ji's group.

After all, along the way, Cheng Ji and his party were too calm.

In desperation, Yang Kangping could only grit his teeth, and then picked up the walkie-talkie and said.

"Everyone retreat first!"

"Lao Wang, during this period of my absence, I will ask you to manage the dock."

After speaking, Yang Kangping put down the walkie-talkie and quietly looked at the position of the fishing boat deck.

There, soldiers from the warship Sakura Country are landing fishing boats from destroyers by means of abseiling.

Watching the surrounding fishing boats retreat, Cheng Ji picked up his mobile phone and sent a few messages to Li Jianye without care.

'Old Li, guess where I'm going? '

'Forget it, you definitely can't guess.

''Hurry up and send some navy out, I'll take people to the base of the little devil, and you will be responsible for finishing up.'' After

sending the message, Cheng Ji deleted the record and then put the phone back in his trouser pocket.

In the next second, several landing sounds were heard from outside the cabin.

It was several soldiers of the Sakura Country with weapons who boarded the fishing boat Linhai Jin 5179.

Seeing this, Yang Kangping picked up the walkie-talkie and said.

"Everyone give up resistance and don't have a head-on conflict with the little devil."

"Just like the drill, everyone will wait patiently for the rescue of the Dragon Kingdom at that time."

As soon as Yang Kangping finished speaking, two soldiers from the Sakura Country rushed into the cabin with weapons.

I only heard the two guys chanting something 'Baga' and 'Baga' in their mouths, and then shouted in jerky Dragon Country dialect.

"Don't move at all!"

Cheng Ji and his party did not resist.

Because he also needs to rely on these Sakura Country soldiers to find the military base of Sakura Country at sea.

Soon, the soldiers of the cherry blossom country poured into the cabin.

They took away the communications equipment of all the people on board and seized the fishing boats.

Thankfully, the rest of the fishing fleet has been successfully evacuated.

Support from Sakura Country soon arrived.

The fishing boat Linhai Jin No. 5179, where Cheng Ji was located, was towed away by the warship of the Sakura Country.

At this moment, Cheng Ji's group, as well as Yang Kangping and his crew, were all detained in the cabin of the fishing boat.

Two armed Sakura soldiers stand guard outside the cabin door.

On the fishing boat, there is also a small group of soldiers of the Sakura Country.

"Don't worry."

In the cabin, Yang Kangping soothed.

"Just do what the previous exercise said."

"Don't panic, the Dragon Congress will extradite everyone back home."

The crew didn't panic because they knew what was going to happen next.

They are just crew members, and extradition will not be difficult.

But the bitter is Yang Kangping, with the current situation, Yang Kangping will not be severely tortured by the cherry blossom country, I am afraid that there will be no chance to return to China.

However, Yang Kangping did not say much about this, but comforted Cheng Ji and his group.

"Little brother, don't be afraid."

"When you get over there, you will bite yourself to death that you are here for tourism, and you don't know anything."

"Then put all the blame on the fleet."

"At that time, you only need to prove the identity of your travelers, and show the little devils the records of their recent trips, as well as the records of transactions with our fleet."

"Presumably, the little devil will not dare to take what you guys do at that time."

Cheng Ji understood what Yang Kangping meant.

Cheng Ji and his party are tourists, as long as they can prove their identity, Sakura Country does not dare to take a few people.

Naturally, the crew of the fishing vessel does not have to worry about danger.

They are the crew, and when the time comes, the captain directs them to do so, and they as the crew do nothing.

Well, naturally, they will not have a problem.

As for Yang Kangping, he was not so lucky.

He is the captain of the ship, and Sakura Country will inevitably find ways to get Yang Kangping to confess.

For example, let Yang Kangping admit that a fishing fleet invaded the waters of Sakura Country and attacked the warships of Sakura Country.

At that time, the cherry blossom country can make a big splash that the fishermen of the Dragon Country have recognized that the sea area is the sea of the cherry blossom country.

And then use this to generate more incidents.

This dirty and despicable method has always been used by Sakura Country.

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