Good guy, this turn came too suddenly, dare to love Lin Guosheng so generous is to swipe someone else's card?

No, Cheng Ji doesn't care whose card it is, for Cheng Ji, it's right that he can't swipe it himself anyway.

Under the leadership of Lin Guosheng, the two soon came to the career activation desk in the school.

As early as a few minutes ago, Lin Guosheng took all the teachers away with the principal's emergency meeting, plus today is the weekend, so in the entire activation room, there are only Lin Guosheng and Cheng Ji.

Lin Guosheng handed over the Jingyuan card to Cheng Ji, of course, this card was Chen Jianguo's.

The so-called crystal source card is a game prop like a bank card, which is used to store the crystal source and can also be used as a savings card.

"Xiao Ji, are you nervous?"

"How about I notify the Ministry of Defense and turn on the air defense alarm?"

"As long as you let everyone hide, no one will be able to see you activate your class."

Class activation above the 'Artifact' level will cause visions in heaven and earth.

For example, when Zhang Fan activated the 'Artifact' level 'Swordsman', there was a vision of ten thousand swords returning to the sect of heaven and earth fused into Zhang Fan's body.

And the higher the level, the more terrifying the vision of heaven and earth will be.

In order to take care of Cheng Ji's feelings, Lin Guosheng came up with the idea of falsely reporting the air defense siren, of course, only Lin Guosheng had the qualifications and right to do so.

"Uncle Lin, no need."

"This kind of thing cannot be hidden, even if the people of Jiangning City don't know, others will know."

"So just try not to cause panic."

Lin Guosheng nodded, and then said.

"That Xiao Ji, let's start~

" "Okay Uncle Lin."

After speaking, Cheng Ji put his palm on the activation table, and then submitted the task.

【Tip: Mission completed

】【Career activation...】After

deducting 100W crystal source, the activation platform is full of streamers, surrounded by red patterns, and then turns orange, gold...

Immediately afterwards, all the colors merge together and become colorful colors.

But that's not all, the colorful colors turn dark gold again.

At the same time, Lin Guosheng also received a call from Chen Jianguo.

As soon as the phone was connected, there was Chen Jianguo's scolding voice.

"Old Lin! I *** your *** ***!

"A million! Exactly a million!

"You can't spend a million on your own funeral!"

"I****! You****! "


This phone call is full of harmony, equality, unity and fraternity.

It was a phone call with a very high amount of 'mom'. (meaning that a lot of 'mom' characters appeared)

Hearing Chen Jianguo's extremely cordial greetings, Lin Guosheng just kept laughing.

"Old Chen! Just look up!

"The value of this million flowers!"

"Lao Tzu, please see the miracle!"

The next moment, a huge coercion enveloped the entire Jiangning City, but this coercion did not affect anyone, but some countries in the border countries felt some faint unease.

I saw a huge ancient tree shadow growing from the sky above Jiangning City, constantly expanding, and rushing straight into the sky, up to tens of kilometers.

The giant tree was born, and little streams of light fell.

This time, not only Jiangning City, but even several surrounding cities saw that tree, that tree full of life and greenery.

"Oh my God! Which god activated the profession here?!

"This should be the legendary profession, right? Otherwise, how could it be such a strong vision of heaven and earth? "

Legends? Impossible, when Shen Jianxin, the first sword of the Dragon Kingdom, awakened the legendary level profession 'Ten Thousand Instruments Dynasty', there was no such vision! This is definitely an epic level! "

Legendary-level class? Isn't the First Sword of the Dragon Kingdom an 'ordinary' level profession? "

Yes, I see that the textbooks are all 'ordinary' level, how can it be a legend?"


the appearance of the big tree phantom, those little streamers fell, and all players were surprised to find that after absorbing those streamers, their professional experience actually skyrocketed.

The injured people continued to recover from their injuries, and the abnormal state below level 10 was all lifted, and even some players who had been trapped in level 10 for a long time ushered in a breakthrough.

But the blessing of this 'National Fortune Tree' seems to be only valid for players below level 10.

"Miracle! Miracles!

Lin Guosheng was also excited.

"It is worthy of the supreme level of professionalism!"

"God bless the Dragon Kingdom! God bless the Great Xia!

This vision of heaven and earth lasted for tens of seconds, and finally gradually dissipated, and a little residual light re-entered Cheng Ji's body.


Lin Guosheng suddenly took a deep breath, and then patted Cheng Ji's shoulder and said.

"Xiao Ji, don't look in the mirror during this time."

"Ah, by the way, life must be enjoyable, don't care too much about anything else."

"Well, if you want to live a decent life, you always have to have a little green on your head."

Listening to Lin Guosheng's words, Cheng Ji looked confused.

"Uncle Lin, what are you talking about?"

"What green is not green?"

"Shouldn't you be curious about what companion skills I gained after activating my class?"

Hearing this, Lin Guosheng suddenly realized, and then quickly said.

"Yes, yes, Xiao Ji, what skill did you activate?"

"Well, I activated an active skill, and a passive skill, as well as a binding function."

Cheng Ji said.

"The active skill is called [Result], which requires a large amount of materials and crystal sources as nourishment, and then it can bear fruit."

"The passive skill is [Zefu], which can passively increase the experience gain of all players within a radius of 100 meters, and increase the full attribute by 5%.

"The [Zefu] skill can obtain a [Zefu] active skill after level five, increasing the range and buffs."

"The [binding] function is a feature that comes with the class, and you can select a country to bind."

"After binding, I will be bound to the national movement, both glory and loss, every time I improve, it will bring improvement to the national movement, once I die, the promotion will disappear, and the national movement will be reduced."

Speaking of this, Cheng Ji was silent for a while, and then said.

"Uncle Lin, should I bind the National Fortune with the Dragon Kingdom?"

Cheng Ji did not rank and bind luck to the Dragon Kingdom, but he was afraid that after his death, he would bring a reduction to the Dragon Kingdom's luck, after all, with his profession, it would inevitably lead to other countries joining forces to kill.

"Of course it should, but not now."

Lin Guosheng said.

"Xiao Ji, you are a gift from the Dragon Kingdom to the Dragon Kingdom."

"But we are not sure what vision of heaven and earth will appear after binding the national fortune, and whether it will attract the covetousness of other countries."

"We're not going to let that thing happen again."

"So, until you grow up, put everything on hold."

"Besides, this is very serious, and it is not for the two of us to decide."

"This requires the decision of the high-level of the Dragon Kingdom, but what is certain is that whether you have bound the Dragon Kingdom or not, from now on, you are already tied to the Dragon Kingdom."

"And, in the future, you will definitely be bound to the Dragon Kingdom."

Cheng Ji nodded.

"Uncle Lin, you're right."

"Since the awakening of this profession, I have already planned to hand myself over to the state."

"Therefore, everything in the future will be arranged by the state."

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