The eleven arcane puppets cooperate with each other, and the tacit understanding value continues to increase.

With the cooperation of eleven arcane puppets, the Sakura Country player squad was quickly defeated.

This made Cheng Ji feel a little disappointed.

His original intention was to use the Sakura Country player squad as a whetstone to hone his fit with the Arcane Puppet.

It's just that before their fit is full, the player squad of Sakura Country is defeated.

"It seems that next time you have to find a strong enough opponent."

After defeating the last person in the Sakura Country player squad, Cheng Ji put away the arcane puppet tastelessly.

Then, Cheng Ji calmly looked at Han Feng.

It was this glance that pronounced the life and death of the Sakura Country player squad.

Before Cheng Ji grows up, any enemy must die after knowing Cheng Ji's profession.

Even if these guys only saw Cheng Ji's [Secret Control Puppet] skill and didn't know Cheng Ji's occupation, they still had to die.

It's just that because Cheng Ji has never killed anyone, Cheng Ji can't do this kind of thing.

Under Cheng Ji's signal, Han Feng picked up the players of the Sakura Country and walked to the alley.

Only a few clicks were heard, and several players of Sakura Country were twisted by Han Feng.

Then, Cheng Ji took out the mobile phone that Han Feng had recaptured from the soldiers of the Sakura Country and contacted Li Jianye, who was far away in Jiangning City.

"Hey, Lao Li, I've solved it here, what's the situation on your side? Why hasn't anyone come yet?

After hearing Cheng Ji's words, Li Jianye on the other end of the phone said unhurriedly.

"Don't worry, it will take a lot of time to assemble the aircraft carrier formation, and it is estimated that it will arrive before dark."

"However, I have to say that the cherry blossom country really gave us a big gift this time, and our dragon country has to return the gift."

"By the way, Xiao Ji, you are now in the South China Sea, not far from the Sakura Country, so be careful of an organization called 'Eagle Pavilion'."

"Although your level of secrecy is the highest in the Dragon Kingdom, and even any files are not recorded, but..."

Li Jianye paused and continued.

"But there is no airtight wall in the world, and any resource mobilization in the Dragon Kingdom will have clues to follow."

"In other words, it is only a matter of time before you are targeted by other countries."

Cheng Ji knew what Li Jianye meant.

Although the Dragon Kingdom's secrecy work for Cheng Ji is the highest level, there are some things that cannot be kept secret.

For example, the vision of heaven and earth that occurred in Jiangning City.

This vision can lead foreign forces to speculate that there are professions in the Dragon Kingdom with a level no lower than the 'Legendary' level.

Every time the Dragon Kingdom mobilizes resources, it involves the resources of all provinces in the country, and it is difficult to keep it completely secret.

No matter how careful the Dragon Kingdom is, through the direction of various resources, it can also deduce the resident city of this profession.

These are unavoidable, but as long as Cheng Ji is still in the territory of the Dragon Kingdom, there is no need to worry about foreign forces.

Moreover, as long as Cheng Ji does not expose his abilities, foreign forces will not be enemies of the entire Dragon Country, just to kill one person.

However, if the foreign forces know that the player who awakened the last time the Dragon Kingdom awakened was not at the 'Legend' level, but at the 'Supreme' level.

Then, the foreign forces will definitely do whatever it takes to find ways to start a war with the Dragon Kingdom, and they will strangle Cheng Ji in the cradle.

"About the 'Eagle Pavilion', you can ask Shen Chen in person at that time."

"After all, Shen Chen has a deep blood feud against the 'Eagle Pavilion'."

"But Xiao Ji, don't worry, what happened back then will definitely not happen to you again."

Li Jianye took a deep breath and said.

"By the way, Xiao Ji, about the matter of binding the national fortune, the above discussed again."

"At present, the Dragon Kingdom does not have the power to be an enemy of the entire world, so it has to be slow."

"After all, this kind of thing, once bound to the entire Dragon Kingdom, then Xiao Ji's ability will be completely hidden."

"At that time, I am afraid that the whole world will try its best to kill you."

This kind of thing of improving the luck of the entire country cannot be hidden, and it will also cause the whole world to covet.

Although the Dragon Kingdom knows that the sooner the Dragon Kingdom is bound, the better, but now the Dragon Kingdom does not have the power to be an enemy of the world.

The current Dragon Kingdom cannot guarantee that after Cheng Ji's ability is exposed, it can withstand the pressure of the entire world and protect Cheng Ji.

Coupled with what happened back then, the Dragon Kingdom had to be so careful.

"But Xiao Ji, you don't have to worry too much about this, it won't be long before we can bind the luck of the entire Dragon Kingdom to you."

"Because the Dragon Kingdom will soon have two players of level sixty and six turns."

"At the same time, the Dragon Kingdom took the lead at the Aqua Blue Star United Nations Conference, intending to draft a new player protection law."

"Of course, the premise of all this is based on strength, and only the fist of the Dragon Kingdom is hard enough to master the right to speak."

"As for what player protection law, in the face of absolute strength, it is all bullshit."

Li Jianye's remarks, Cheng Ji agreed.

It's like the current Eagle Sauce Country, when it has absolute strength, it does not pay attention to the UN Constitution of Aqua Blue Star.

However, the country of Eagle Sauce does have this strength.

At present, in the eyes of other countries, the Dragon Kingdom has no five-turn players who can enter the battle after experiencing the 'Poisonous Dragon' copy.

Moreover, the most cutting-edge technology of the Dragon Kingdom is only a conventionally powered aircraft carrier.

On the Eagle Sauce Country's side, there are not only seven five-turn players who can be put into battle, but also one six-turn player.

There are also medium- and long-range intercontinental missiles, long-range intercontinental missiles, as well as nuclear weapons, nuclear-powered aircraft carriers and nuclear submarines.

It seems that whether it is compared to player strength or military strength, the Dragon Kingdom is not the opponent of the Eagle Sauce Country.

And the vision of heaven and earth caused by Cheng Ji's career activation this time is the best excuse for the Eagle Sauce Country to suppress the Dragon Kingdom.

But the Dragon Kingdom is not afraid of the Eagle Sauce Country.

A hundred years ago, the Dragon Kingdom also had no nuclear weapons, and it was even hundreds of times weaker than the current Dragon Country.

But it is that kind of dragon country, still relying on its own strength, single-handedly singled out more than a dozen cousins including nuclear countries such as the Eagle Sauce Country and did not fall behind.

After telling Li Jianye about his experience after leaving Jiangning City, Cheng Ji couldn't avoid being lectured by Li Jianye.

Compared with Chen Guosheng's words, Li Jianye is more conservative.

In Li Jianye's opinion, Cheng Ji should honestly stay in Jiangning City, accept the protection of the state, and then continue to use props to upgrade the level.

Chen Jianguo, on the other hand, feels that the speed of using props to increase is not as good as actual combat, and when the props are consumed, it is also necessary to fight in real combat.

Of course, whether it is Chen Jianguo or Li Jianye, there is no problem with the ideas of both sides.

The contradiction is just that the two sides stand from different angles.

After listening to Li Jianye's nagging, Cheng Ji hung up the phone.

Near the evening, the aircraft carrier fleet of the Dragon Kingdom arrived at the port terminal.

However, because the draft of the aircraft carrier and the warship was too deep to dock, only yachts were sent to land with soldiers from the Dragon Kingdom and took over the military base.

Just like Li Jianye said, Sakura Country did give a big gift to Dragon Country this time.

According to several military officers, the military base was originally a shallow part of the disputed area.

It may be that in the past few days, the Dragon Country and the Eagle Sauce Country have had several small-scale battles, which made the Sakura Country think that there was a chance, so it took a few days to reclaim land here and build a military base.

Of course, what Sakura Country did was very clear to Dragon Country.

The reason why I didn't see it was because the Dragon Kingdom was ready to take over.

After all, someone paid for the construction of a military base for the Dragon Country, and also sent a bunch of materials, what reason did the Dragon Country have to refuse this kind of thing?

In addition to this artificially reclaimed island, the various equipment and materials in the military base are gifts from the Sakura Country.

The soldiers of the Dragon Kingdom soon settled on the island and began to build fortifications.

In the eyes of the commander of the Dragon Kingdom, the Sakura Country would never give up this position.

After all, this location can be used as a springboard for the Sakura Country to invade the waters of the Dragon Country.

At the same time, the Dragon Kingdom also has this plan.

Just as the Sakura Country has always been worried about the Dragon Country, the Dragon Country has always been worried about the Cherry Blossom Country.

This location is a transit hub for the Sakura Country's invasion of the Dragon Country Sea and is an excellent springboard.

But if it is the other way around, it is also the transit hub for the Dragon Country to fight back against the Sakura Country, and it is an excellent springboard for the Dragon Country warships to sail to the Sakura Country.

As long as the Dragon Kingdom has the advantage in this position, then the warships of the Dragon Country can continuously transport the Dragon Country soldiers to the waters of the Sakura Country.

After the soldiers of the Dragon Kingdom landed, Cheng Ji and his party also got in touch with the head of the aircraft carrier formation.

According to the identity arranged by Li Jianye for Cheng Ji and his party, several people are special service teams responsible for recovering the island, and after the island is recovered, they can wait for the orders of their superiors on the island without obeying the command of the aircraft carrier formation.

Therefore, Cheng Ji and his party had great freedom on the island.

Cheng Ji learned from the people in charge that Shen Chen was also involved in this operation, but the level of secrecy was very high, and not many people knew.

At Cheng Ji's request, the other party still contacted Shen Chen and was willing to meet with Cheng Ji and his group.

Soon, Cheng Ji and Linlina boarded a speedboat and rushed towards the back of the fleet.

According to the words of the person in charge, Shen Chen at this time may die at any time, so he does not want to stay on the warship, but takes a small yacht alone and follows the fleet thirty kilometers away.

About Shen Chen, Cheng Ji learned a lot from several officers.

Shen Chen has a level 69 'poisoned' BUFF hanging on his body, and once Shen Chen dies, it will instantly infect all humans within a radius of thirty kilometers.

Moreover, the 'poisoned' BUFF is diffusive and contagious, and once someone on the aircraft carrier is contaminated with a level 69 poisoned BUFF, then the entire aircraft carrier formation can only wait for death at sea.

Soon, Cheng Ji's speedboat came to the side of Shen Chen's yacht.

Cheng Ji took Linlina on the yacht.

Except for Shen Chen, there was only one driver on this yacht.

Inside the yacht, it was densely packed with various recovery potions.

A man with a thin figure and sunken cheeks picked up several bottles of medicine from time to time and poured them into his mouth.

After seeing Cheng Ji appear, the man raised his head, and a cold sword intent flashed in his eyes.

However, after seeing the little girl beside Cheng Ji, Shen Chen suddenly showed gentle eyes again.

"Hello, my name is Cheng Ji."

Cheng Ji greeted politely.

On the side, Linlina did not show an excited expression, but picked up the staff with some bitterness and used a few healing spells at Shen Chen.

"Shen Chen, you big badass!"

"You tell us, you're going to be fine."

"But, but, but I haven't seen you for a few days..." Hearing

this, Shen Chen, who was like a skeleton, squeezed a smile from his face, and then said.

"Linlinna, well, brother and brother Cheng Ji have something to talk about, can you go out first?"

Hearing Shen Chen say this, Linlina did not answer, but just looked at Shen Chen with her eyes open.

After seeing Shen Chen's undoubted eyes, Linlinna couldn't help but cry out loud, and then ran out of the yacht.

Seeing this, Shen Chen sighed helplessly and said leisurely.

"Cheng Ji, huh? I've heard Lao Lin mention you, and their expectations of you are so high, they even offered to let me protect you..." Shen

Chen smiled, then raised his head and looked at Cheng Ji coldly and said.

"You shouldn't have brought her."

"I promised Lao Lin to let Lao Lin take her away, but I didn't want her to see my appearance."

Faced with Shen Chen's questioning, Cheng Ji just found a place to sit down and said.

"You don't want her to see you as you are, that's your choice."

"She wants to come, it's her choice."

"Since it's all choices, why do you think your choices are more important than her choices?"

"What's more, Linlina is my teammate, I will definitely help her or not."

Help her or not?

After hearing Cheng Ji's words, Shen Chen suddenly laughed and seemed a little happy.

He smiled and said.

"Indeed, who can refuse Linlinna's request?"

"She's cute, isn't she?"

"She's my sister."

"I kidnapped it home with a lollipop."

Shen Chen seemed to be showing off something.

But after he finished showing off, he said again.

"Although I don't know why those guys in Lao Lin trust you so much, I am willing to trust Lao Lin and Lao Chen."

"You don't know, do you? Lao Chen is also my teacher.

"Since Lao Chen is also your teacher, then you call me a senior brother and don't suffer a loss."

"In the future, Linlinna will also be your sister, you have to do your brother's responsibility and protect her."

Shen Chen's words were a little like explaining the aftermath.

This made Cheng Ji a little puzzled.

"I don't understand something."

Cheng Ji asked curiously.

"In your capacity, it's easy to ask for a fruit."

"After all, you are the first sword of the Dragon Kingdom."

"So, why are you suffering like this?"

Cheng Ji had the same doubts as the person who sent the fruit to Shen Chen at the beginning.

If Shen Chen was willing to eat the fruit, I am afraid that it would have already been level sixty, and the Dragon Kingdom would not need to be targeted everywhere by the Eagle Sauce Country.

"Because the Dragon Kingdom takes time."

Shen Chen said simply.

"If I eat the fruit retreat, no one in the Dragon Country will be able to take the ICBMs of the Eagle Sauce Country."

"And, if the poisoned BUFF on my body is gone, Eagle Sauce Country will be completely devoid of fear."

The reason why the Eagle Sauce Country has delayed the use of nuclear weapons is because he is afraid of the BUFF on Shen Chen's body.

When the Eagle Sauce Country planned to use nuclear weapons, the Dragon Kingdom generously admitted the poisoned BUFF on Shen Chen's body.

Moreover, the Dragon Kingdom also released words that in the case that the Eagle Sauce Country did not use nuclear weapons, the Dragon Kingdom promised not to use Shen Chen.

Therefore, the country of eagle sauce is waiting, waiting for Shen Chen to die.

The Dragon Kingdom is also waiting, waiting for the sixty-level players to appear and break this deadlock.

Therefore, Shen Chen could not go to retreat, nor could he lift the poisoned BUFF on his body, let alone die, he could only rely on the recovery potion to resist.

But even so, Shen Chen still did not give up.

Obviously, as long as Shen Chen opens his mouth, he can get the fruit and can lift the poisoned BUFF.

But he didn't, he knew that he was the first sword of the Dragon Kingdom, the sword of the Dragon Country, and only he could drag the Eagle Sauce Country.

"Don't worry, I can't die."

Shen Chen seemed to see Cheng Ji's concern, and said cheerfully.

"No one in this world can take me."

"Not even God."

"I'm a sword cultivator, I must have leveled this day!"

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