However, there are still too few records about epic players.

At present, the epic player information known by Aqua Blue Star is also limited to a few words in the teaching textbook.

Not to mention epic players, even legendary players, the number of records is only in single digits.

Therefore, it is not clear how strong the Epic player really is.

But what can be known is that every epic player has the strength to fight against a country alone.

"This international player protection law is very valuable."

Shen Chen said calmly.

"So, as long as the International Player Protection Law takes effect, and a six-turn player appears in the Dragon Kingdom, then your safety will not have to worry."

"However, I still advise you to keep a low profile until the international player protection law comes into effect."

"After all, not only are we eyeing the international player protection law, but many foreign forces have been eyeing the international player protection law."

Cheng Ji understood what Shen Chen meant.

The Dragon Kingdom intends to use this war to hit the Sakura Country hard before the National Player Protection Law takes effect.

Just like the Dragon Kingdom's idea, other countries are also interested in attacking other countries before international player protection laws come into effect.

If the foreign forces know that they are not the 'legendary' level players they speculated, but the 'supreme' level players, those foreign forces will inevitably unite against the Dragon Kingdom.

"That's right, Brother Dust."

Cheng Ji asked.

"So what kind of existence is the Eagle Pavilion?"

"How strong are they?"

"How can I avoid being targeted by the Eagle Pavilion?"

Hearing this, Shen Chen thought for a while, and then said.

"Gleneagles is an overseas organization composed of players, and its known base is in the Sakura Country."

"This organization is very mysterious, and it is responsible for hunting potential players who have not yet risen in various countries."

"As long as you keep a low profile, Gleneagles won't be so quick to target you."

"But you don't need to worry too much, an organization like the Eagle Pavilion, not only does the Dragon Kingdom not want it to exist, many countries also intend to take action against the Eagle Pavilion."

Hearing Shen Chen say this, Cheng Ji understood what he meant.

It seems that the Dragon Kingdom has united players from other countries and is ready to completely solve the organization of the 'Eagle Pavilion' before the international player protection law takes effect.

While the two were talking, the communication facilities in the cabin suddenly rang.

It was the aircraft carrier formation that was trying to contact Shen Chen through the communicator.

Shen Chen connected the communication suspiciously, and on the other end of the communicator, there was a voice of the communicator.

"Hello, Shen Jianxin, this is the 'Jin-Linhai Aircraft Carrier Formation'."

"According to reliable information, the Eagle Sauce Country will conduct a test launch of medium-range, long-range and long-range intercontinental missiles at noon tomorrow."

"The strike location is the 'Diaoyutai' area of the South China Sea."

"The latest information can refer to the fifth meeting between the Dragon Kingdom and the Eagle Sauce Country that has just ended."

Hearing this, Shen Chen's brows frowned slightly, and then said.

"I see."

"Tomorrow I will go to Diaoyutai alone."

After speaking, Shen Chen hung up the communication.

Although it is only a few short sentences, the information contained in it is indeed very large.

"ICBM test launch?"

Cheng Ji was a little surprised.

"What does Eagle Sauce Country mean?"

"They test fire, test fire, why would the target be our Diaoyutai?"

When Shen Chen heard this, he thought about it and said.

"It seems that the Eagle Sauce Country can't hold his breath anymore."

"Eagle Sauce Country said that it was a test launch, but it was actually trying to test the strength of the Dragon Country."

"If we can't take the ICBMs of the Eagle Sauce Country this time, then there is no doubt that the Eagle Sauce Country will inevitably carry out a nuclear strike on the Dragon Country in the short term."

The use of nuclear weapons is not child's play.

Because once used, there is no possibility of reconciliation between the two sides.

Especially big countries like the Dragon Country and the Eagle Sauce Country.

In the event of a nuclear war between the two sides, it must be a state destroyer.

Therefore, even if the Eagle Sauce Country is the only country that currently has nuclear weapons, it does not dare to use nuclear weapons lightly.

It is clear that the Eagle Sauce State does not have much nuclear stockpile.

Therefore, the Eagle Sauce Country does not dare to guarantee that the Dragon Country has the ability to intercept intercontinental missiles.

They also did not dare to guarantee that after using nuclear weapons, the Dragon Kingdom would have the ability to fight back.

If nuclear weapons were used rashly, the consequences would be unpredictable.

But if the Dragon Country cannot intercept this test launch of the ICBM, then the Eagle Sauce Country will have no scruples and can pour all its reserves into the Dragon Country.

After all, the Eagle Sauce Country only launched an intercontinental missile against the Dragon Country in the name of a test launch this time, and it was still an intercontinental missile without a nuclear warhead.

Even if the Dragon Kingdom really has the ability to intercept, then the Eagle Sauce National University can use a 'drill' to prevaricate and avoid the situation of endless death.

However, if the Dragon Country has the ability to intercept, then the Eagle Sauce Country must not dare to easily launch nuclear weapons against the Dragon Country.

But if the Dragon Country does not have the ability to intercept, then the Eagle Sauce Country will have no worries at all.

Then, the Eagle Sauce Country will do its best to stop the rise of the player of the Dragon Country who activated the profession in Jiangning City.

Because in the eyes of Eagle Sauce Country, that player must be a 'legendary' level class.

The Dragon Country has a Shen Chen that has already caused the world enough headaches, and if there is another one, the hegemonic position of the Eagle Sauce Country will be completely unstable.

"It seems that Eagle Sauce Country really can't wait."

Shen Chen said calmly.

"They're not ready to wait for me to die."

"However, this also shows that the advancement of the international player protection law has made Eagle Sauce Country feel pressure."

Shen Chen opened the video of the fifth meeting between the Dragon Country and the Eagle Sauce Country.

On the side, Cheng Ji also watched calmly.

It seems that in order to win international public opinion, the Eagle Sauce Country trumpeted its "impartiality" and "legitimacy".

In the mouth of the Eagle Sauce Country, it was the Dragon Country that manufactured weapons of mass destruction first in Jiangning City, and the Eagle Sauce Country came after the joint exercises in the South China Sea.

Yes, joint exercises.

In the mouth of the Eagle Sauce Country, their invasion of the waters of the Dragon Kingdom was glorified as a joint exercise to maintain world peace.

And the Dragon Kingdom has become the culprit who undermines world peace and creates weapons of mass destruction.

What is even more disgusting is that the Eagle Sauce Country has repeatedly stressed that it has not invaded the waters of the Dragon Country, nor does it recognize that Diaoyutai belongs to the Dragon Country.

According to the meaning of Eagle Sauce Country, Diaoyutai is a disputed area between Sakura Country and Dragon Country, and Eagle Sauce Country is a test firing exercise conducted jointly with Sakura Country with the permission of Sakura Country.

In addition, Takama-kuni also suggested that if Ryukoku wished, he could jointly manage the Diaoyutai with the Sakura Country, and the two countries would also enjoy ownership of the Diaoyutai between them.

Of course, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Dragon Country naturally rejected the words of the Eagle Sauce Country in righteous words, and said that Diaoyutai has been the land of the Dragon Country since ancient times, and what the Eagle Sauce Country and the Sakura Country have done is a serious violation of the territory of the Dragon Country, contempt for international law, and challenging the bottom line of the Dragon Country.

"This Sakura Country and Eagle Sauce Country people are really shameless!"

Cheng Ji said angrily.

"But the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Dragon Kingdom is really calm."

"If I were there, I really couldn't help but rush up and smoke a few big mouths from the representatives of the Eagle Sauce Country!"

Seeing Cheng Ji's indignant appearance, Shen Chen smiled heartily, and then said.

"Tomorrow will be a turning point in this war between the Dragon Kingdom and the Eagle Sauce Country."

"However, success or failure will not depend only on tomorrow."

"You must pay attention tonight, presumably Sakura Country and Eagle Sauce Country will definitely do something tonight."

Cheng Ji nodded.

The more such a time, the more nature should not be taken lightly.

"Okay Brother Dust, I see."

Cheng Ji nodded and said.

"I have asked everything I want to ask, so I won't bother Brother Dust."

Shen Chen's eyes closed slightly, and he nodded, not retaining Cheng Ji.

With his current situation, he may die at any time, and naturally does not want to have too many people around him.

Cheng Ji left the cabin and took Linlina with him to leave.

Although Linlina was a little reluctant, she still waved goodbye at Shen Chen.

After Cheng Ji and Linlina left by speedboat, Shen Chen suddenly opened his eyes.

"It's not good, it's a five-turn player in the Eagle Sauce Country!"

"He's in danger!"

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