This meeting brokered by the United Nations, the Dragon Kingdom originally planned to refuse.

But on second thought, why refuse?

"The Eagle Sauce Country is conducting terrorist exercises in the waters of our country, and its heart is reprehensible, and our Dragon Country is just conducting an anti-terrorist operation."

"As I just said, the Dragon Kingdom is doing the obligations of a great power!"

A spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Dragon Kingdom said.

"The harm that terrorists bring to Aquamarine is self-evident."

"Under international law, the Dragon Kingdom has the right and obligation to conduct anti-terrorist operations."

Saying that, the spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Dragon Kingdom took out a tube of washing powder and said.

"As you can see, this tube of radioactive powder was found by our Dragon Country on the aircraft carrier of Eagle Sauce Country."

"It is extremely radioactive, and can put the lives of players above level 30 and 3 revolutions in danger."

"If this weapon is produced, you can imagine how much threat the Eagle Sauce Country will bring to Aqua Blue Star!"

"This is undemocratic, inhumane and full of evil!"

"In the meantime, we in the Dragon Country express our strong condemnation, and hope that the Eagle Sauce Country will stop its research and give the world an explanation!"

"We hope that the Eagle Sauce Party will hand over all scientific research records and destroy them by our Dragon Kingdom!"

"At the same time, we need to pay two billion in destruction costs to our Dragon Country!"

"Otherwise, our Dragon Kingdom may use methods including but not limited to 'humanitarian condemnation', 'protest' and 'war' to maintain the peace of Aqua Blue Star, and safeguard Aqua Star's 'democracy' and 'freedom'!"

Familiar rhetoric reappeared at United Nations meetings.

Everything is so familiar, even the laundry detergent in the hands of the representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Dragon Kingdom is so familiar.

Everyone knows that the Dragon Kingdom is using the words of the Eagle Sauce Country to deliberately disgust the Eagle Sauce Country.

The countries attending the meeting even suspected that the washing powder in the hands of the spokesman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Dragon Kingdom was the same brand as the washing powder that the Eagle Sauce Country took out last time.

The spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Dragon Kingdom quickly concluded his speech.

This time, it was the turn of Eagle Sauce Country to speak.

Eagle Sauce Country spoke very sharply, and as soon as he took the stage, he said that it was the Dragon Country that interfered with the exercises of Eagle Sauce Country and Sakura Country.

They also stressed that their exercises were legal and compliant.

But at this moment, the representative of the Dragon Kingdom really couldn't listen anymore, so he got up directly and left the conference room with the Dragon Kingdom's Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Seeing the Dragon Country leaving, the Bear Country, the Bayang Country, and some representatives of some countries who had good friends with the Dragon Country also got up and left.

Even some representatives of the country who used to be the younger brother of the Eagle Sauce Country got up and left.

What kind of joke, now the whole world knows that Shen Chen has awakened in six turns, and the dragon kingdom not only has Shen Chen in his hands, but also a level sixty archmage, an epic level player, and hundreds of intercontinental missiles.

Even if they think with their toes, these countries know who to curry favor.

Especially some small countries around the Dragon Country followed behind the Dragon Country without hesitation.

And the former junior brother country of the Eagle Sauce Country also hurriedly left in order to avoid the retaliation of the Dragon Country.

Suddenly, there were nearly three-fifths less people in the conference room.

Of course, these countries are basically small countries that have no sense of presence in the world, and the reason why they seem to have taken away many people is simply because there are too many such small countries.

For example, most of the countries of the Americas and Europe did not leave with the Dragon Kingdom.

But even so, the Dragon Kingdom has given enough to the Eagle Sauce Country.

Everyone understood that the Dragon Kingdom was taking revenge on the Eagle Sauce Country.

Not only in retaliation in war, but also on a psychological and spiritual level.

This war is destined to be irreconcilable, and the Dragon Kingdom will not give up this opportunity to rise.

What's more, the Dragon Kingdom has been lying down for so long, and naturally it is impossible to let go of the Eagle Sauce Country and the Sakura Country so easily.

In the afternoon of the same day, there was good news from the front line of the Dragon Country, and it had successfully landed in the Sakura Country.

For humanitarian reasons, the Dragon Kingdom did not attack civilians, but destroyed the industrial system of Sakura Country to make weapons.

Dozens of science and technology players in Sakura Country were suspected of being terrorists and were arrested by the Dragon Country.

Several Sakura Country technology players tried to escape... Tried to detonate his bomb to carry out a terrorist attack, and was killed on the spot by the heroic player of the Dragon Kingdom.

Many officials of the Sakura Country participated in terrorist attacks and were taken away by the soldiers of the Dragon Kingdom for investigation.

A four-turn player in Sakura Country attempted to carry out a suicide terrorist attack, and was killed by a five-turn player in the Dragon Country.

Over the course of an afternoon, all kinds of similar good news were transmitted back to the Dragon Kingdom.

At this moment, let alone the cherry blossom country, even the whole world was stunned!

Good guy, when did Sakura Country suddenly have so many more terrorists?

Your Dragon Country has not fought the Sakura Country, but the lair of terrorists!

Everyone knew that the Dragon Kingdom was not fighting terrorism, but using this excuse to take revenge.

But no one dared to say anything, after all, the hatred of the Dragon Country and the Sakura Country was clear to the vast majority of people.

What's more, the six-turn combat system players give face, say anti-terrorism, who dares to jump out and say no, it is estimated that they will be designated as terrorists the next day.

However, the next thing that the Dragon Kingdom did completely blocked the mouths of all the countries of Aqua Blue Star.

The Eagle Pavilion base camp was discovered in the country of cherry blossoms, and was jointly wiped out by Shen Chen and several five-turn players!

What is Gleneagles?

Gleneagles is a world-recognized terrorist organization!

Now that the Dragon Kingdom has really found a terrorist organization in the territory of the Sakura Country, it seems that the Dragon Country is fighting terrorism in the Sakura Country?

That afternoon, another message detonated the entire network.

The first sword of the Dragon Kingdom was gone.

The first sword of the Dragon Kingdom, which was originally in the Sakura Country to deal with the Eagle Pavilion, suddenly left the Sakura Country and disappeared.

All the spies in the Sakura Country could not find a trace of Shen Chen.

Some people speculate that Shen Chen went to the country of eagle sauce.

But soon, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Dragon Kingdom responded.

There was no such thing, Shen Chen just returned to the Dragon Country.

At the same time, that night, the contradiction between the Dragon Kingdom and the Eagle Sauce Country was suddenly resolved.

The Dragon Kingdom had the eighth meeting with the Eagle Sauce Country.

At this meeting, Long Guo promised to let the aircraft carrier formation of the Eagle Sauce Country go back after inspecting the aircraft carrier.

And the Eagle Sauce Country actually generously admitted that its aircraft carrier formation was invaded by terrorists from other countries, and was willing to bear some responsibility for this confrontation between the Dragon Country and the Eagle Sauce Country.

The news of this news immediately shocked netizens who ate melons all over the world.

Why did the Dragon Kingdom and the Eagle Sauce Congress suddenly release such an incomprehensible news?

Everything seemed so weird, so weird that it was outrageous.

Soon someone pointed out that there was a gap of thirty minutes between someone discovering that the first sword of the Dragon Kingdom had disappeared and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Dragon Kingdom came forward to clarify.

In other words, what happened in the thirty minutes when the first sword of the Dragon Kingdom disappeared!

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