After finishing Zhang Jundong's wool, Cheng Ji and his party boarded a special plane to Zhongzhou City.

After a long time, the four arrived at a military base in Zhongzhou City.

The military base is far from the city and is fully closed.

At the same time, all members of the military base are screened and signed contracts that meet the criteria.

Cheng Ji came to the predetermined place and prepared to put down roots.

On the side, Chen Jianguo asked curiously.

"Speaking of Xiao Ji, you are about to take root soon, how do you feel in your heart?"

Hearing this, Cheng Ji thought about it and said.

"Well, what do you say?"

"Maybe it's age, right?"

"So, it just feels like you want to take root, right?"

Want to take root?

Hearing Cheng Ji's description, everyone was stunned.

Don't say that Li Jianye was stunned, even Cheng Ji himself was stunned.

As a person, Cheng Ji also didn't know what it would be like to become a tree.

But that feeling of wanting to take root and sprout is pervasive from the bottom of my heart.

"This root should be a lifetime."

Cheng Ji smiled, and then used [Rooting! Sprout! Skills.

This time, Cheng Ji was planning to let his root system spread to every inch of the entire Dragon Kingdom.

And once you do this, your own root system can no longer be withdrawn.

Li Jianye and several people looked at this scene in awe.

I saw that Cheng Ji's legs continued to grow roots and drill into the ground under his feet, and then the body surface gradually became lignified.

The sapling above his head continued to grow, and gradually, Cheng Ji grew into a tree, a tree hundreds of meters tall.

Moreover, this tree is constantly elevating, and Cheng Ji even has a feeling that he can even grow into outer space.

Bu Ji still quickly denied this idea, too big and too high is not good, the goal is too obvious, and it is too troublesome for the Dragon Kingdom to protect.

As a result, the tree gradually shrunk and finally turned into a tree more than ten meters tall.

The root system continued to spread, and soon spread for hundreds of kilometers.

The players in Zhongzhou City soon had a sense that a [Zefu] BUFF hung on his body at some point.

But this is not the most outrageous, what is even more outrageous is that Cheng Ji can switch this kind of BUFF at will.

Assuming that an enemy comes to the territory of the Dragon Kingdom, Cheng Ji can use another function of [Zefu] to hang the enemy on the BUFF of "slowing down", "poisoning" and "binding".

At the same time, through the connection between the root system, the entire underground world of the Dragon Kingdom seemed to be shrouded in a large net woven with the root system.

Cheng Ji can perceive everything within the range through these root systems, and at the same time, he can send his arcane puppets to the places covered by the root system through the nutrient delivery of the root system.

"Xiao Ji, are you okay?"

Chen Jianguo saw that the big tree did not react for a long time, and then asked with some concern.

"Is there anything uncomfortable?"

"If you have any problems, just squeak~"

On the side, Lin Guosheng said with disdain.

"Xiao Ji is a tree, not a mouse, what is the squeak?"

"If I want to say, Xiao Ji, if you are okay, you will bear fruit and throw a few large watermelons down."

Hearing Lin Guosheng say this, Li Jianye on the side also echoed.

"Xiao Ji, or you still have cantaloupe, right?"

"I prefer cantaloupe."

It was only half a ring, and the big tree did not respond.

This really frightened the three of them.

Just as the three of them were discussing whether to invite Shen Chen and Feng Linlin to come and take a look, the canopy of the big tree suddenly shook.

Cheng Ji's voice came from the leaves.

"I'm sorry Uncle Chen, Uncle Lin, Uncle Li, I just forgot for a moment that I used to be a person."

"I was a little unaccustomed to just becoming a big tree, so I subconsciously thought that I was a tree, so I should bask in the sun and do nothing."

"But this skill is very good, you don't have to dry anything, as long as you bask in the sun, you can gain energy and experience."

"Well, Uncle Lin, Uncle Li, Uncle Chen, you wait, I'll change form."

Saying that, a wicker-like thing hangs from the treetops, and a puppet-like fruit hangs from it.

Immediately afterwards, under the energy supplied by the root system, the puppet continued to expand, became larger, and finally became Cheng Ji's original appearance.

I saw Cheng Ji look back at the big tree, and then wondered.

"So after I turned into a tree, what did it look like?"


Cheng Ji muttered softly, a small sapling grew on his head again, and his hair became green.

Subsequently, Cheng Ji cut off the connection between the root system and opened his own attribute panel.

[Arcane puppet occupied by soul

] [Attribute: Epic

] [Level: 15]

Cheng Ji moved this body, and then said helplessly.

"I thought that with arcane puppets, I wouldn't have to hold on to the sapling, and it still didn't seem like I could get rid of the sapling above my head."

Saying that, Cheng Ji explained.

"Uncle Chen, Uncle Li, Uncle Lin, as you can see, this big tree is my essence."

"Now my ontology has a greater role as a 'base station' in addition to the functions you knew before."

"You can understand that my body is a signal base station, and the sapling on my brain door now receives signals."

"Well, wait... Feelings I'm actually a WiFi?

"Ahem, then again, although the transmission efficiency of this method is not as efficient as direct transmission with the root system, it is much more flexible and convenient than using the root system."

Later, Cheng Ji said.

"The root system of my body has spread hundreds of kilometers now, and it is estimated that after tonight, I will be able to spread the root system to the entire Dragon Kingdom."

"By the way, Uncle Li, I won't fly back with you in a while, I have a more convenient way."

"Well, first, we'll see you in Jiangning City later."

Saying that, a root system fell from above, and Cheng Ji put his hand on the root system.

Immediately afterwards, I saw Cheng Ji shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye until it was completely absorbed by the root system.

At the same time, in the government compound of Jiangning City, a root system broke through.

Immediately afterwards, a small fruit grew on the root system.

The fruit continued to expand, and finally turned into the appearance of Cheng Ji.

"Hey, this way is really convenient, in the future, there is no need to take a plane in the territory of the Dragon Kingdom, through the transmission of root energy, you can get here directly in a few seconds."

Perhaps because of the reason of binding the Dragon Kingdom, Cheng Ji's root system can only cover the territory of the Dragon Country, and the area of other countries, Cheng Ji's root system cannot be reached.

What's more interesting is that as long as the number of arcane puppets is large enough, Cheng Ji can even appear in different locations at the same time.

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