Time passes little by little.

In the evening, when Cheng Ji and the others were still eating dinner, they heard the news that the copy was opened!

A large number of players flock to the location of the quest.

They waited so long on the island for this moment.

On the other hand, Eagle Sauce Country and some players are running and scolding the president of Eagle Sauce Country.

Compared to other players, they really went to great lengths to brush up on this copy.

If you can't come up with anything good, then you really have to pay for your grandmother's house.

Cheng Ji and several people soon came to the outside of the copy.

At this moment, Xu Qingfeng had been waiting for a long time and stepped forward and said.

"Brother Ji, you're here."

"The first stage of this quest is the deep sea, so let me bring you some equipment above."

"Brother Ji, I haven't seen you for so long, what are you doing now?"

"Why would my superiors ask me to bring you some equipment?"

Hearing Xu Qingfeng's inquiry, Cheng Ji thought about it, did not explain much, and just said calmly.

"Xiaofeng, you are worthy of being the squad leader, and you have become a member of the Dragon Country Heavy Industry Training Team after not seeing it for so long."

"However, when you join the country, you should know what to do and what not to do for the country, right?"

"Also, don't call Brother Ji, either Brother Cheng or Daddy, otherwise you will have to bring your mouth with you at the next trial."

The Dragon Country Heavy Industry Training Team is a department of the Dragon Country official.

It refers to a group of players with the potential of the Dragon Kingdom to upgrade and cultivate a team.

As we all know, not everyone can activate the profession above the artifact and let the dragon kingdom directly cultivate.

Not all professions below the artifact are not necessary to cultivate.

For example, some relatively strong professions, or highly functional professions, as long as the player's talent is good, they can be cultivated by the training team.

After hearing Cheng Ji's words, Xu Qingfeng scratched his head in embarrassment and said.

"I'm sorry Brother Cheng, it's me who is abrupt, I really shouldn't talk much."

"After all, according to Brother Cheng, your talent should be cultivated by the state like Zhang Fan."

"It's all to blame that I didn't work hard at the beginning, so I awakened a 'rare' level profession."

Hearing Xu Qingfeng say this, Cheng Ji was also a little emotional.

After not seeing each other for so long, there are already some gaps between classmates, and some things are also involuntarily.

"Okay, talent is such a thing, it's not for you to decide."

"You have worked very hard at the beginning, and the students know this."

"Although I can't help you much, but this time you work harder in the copy, and when this time is over, if I have the opportunity, I will say more for you."

Cheng Ji is not painting cakes, with Cheng Ji's current identity, as long as he says hello, Xu Qingfeng's department will naturally get a lot of resource tilt.

But the premise is that Xu Qingfeng has to make some achievements, otherwise even if he wants to help the people around him, he can't find a good reason to help.

Soon, the equipment of the Longguo Heavy Industry Training Team was pulled over.

It was some wetsuits and oxygen tubes, as well as several small submarines.

With the strength of Cheng Ji's several people, it is not necessary to use these things, but since there is, it can save a lot of effort.

Cheng Ji did not refuse, accepting five wetsuits and a small submarine.

At this time, Tochuchi Kankiki also came up and said.

"Xiao Ji, do you mind getting a guy?"

"I have a 100-strong attack team here, and you have a submarine here, we can just get together."

Cheng Ji knew that Tuo Chuqi intended to take care of himself.

As a player of the five revolutions of Tochuqi, let alone a small submarine, I am afraid that there is no problem in getting a nuclear submarine.

"Then Uncle Tochuqi, let's get together."

Cheng Ji did not refuse Tuo Chuqi's kindness.

If there is a five-turn player to escort, the probability of success in this attack will be much higher.

Several people boarded small submarines.

Subsequently, a player opens this quest.

The figures gradually disappeared, and then entered a dark and dark deep sea.

This place in the deep sea is much darker than everyone imagined.

Cheng Ji turned on the searchlight and saw the tragic deaths of several players.

Unprepared, these players entered the quest directly, and the pressure of the deep sea instantly crushed their internal organs, and blood flowed down their seven tips.

Perhaps this is the sadness of ordinary players.

Without resources, without background, and with bad talents, everything is on your own.

They gambled everything on this copy, but they didn't know that their strength was so weak that they didn't even have pressure to deal with the bottom of the sea.

Is it that they do not know that the first stage of the copy is the deep sea? Apparently not.

Information about copies is semi-public.

It's just that they don't have the right to back down, and some players even sell houses and cars to gamble all their property in order to get resources that can continue in this quest.

Therefore, they have long had no way out, knowing that it is the deep sea, knowing that they may not be able to carry it, but they still have to continue to move forward.

"If my awakened profession is an ordinary or advanced profession, it must be almost the same ending, right?"

Although there is a precedent of Shen Chen, who preached with an ordinary class, for the vast majority of players, talent has already determined the future.

Cheng Ji did not sigh anything, and drove the small submarine towards the position of the second stage.

Along the way, you can see the figures of many players, and you can also see the corpses of many players.

Some players swim directly with perseverance without protection.

Fortunately, this deep sea is not very deep, and players above level fifteen can carry it with perseverance.

Some teams with support or classes with shields will be much easier.

At this moment, a black shadow flashed, and then an unprepared player disappeared in an instant, leaving only a trail of blood.

The speed of that black shadow was fast, but Cheng Ji still saw the appearance of that black shadow.

It was a killer whale-sized 'fish' type creature at level 25, with six eyes and a pair of wings.

"Six-eyed flying fish?"

Cheng Ji frowned.

"Why did that thing suddenly appear and then suddenly disappear?"

Cheng Ji clearly saw that six-eyed flying fish generated out of thin air, and then disappeared out of thin air.

"There should be some mechanism here."

Lin Yun said.

"The six-eyed flying fish should spawn under certain circumstances and then disappear."

"As long as we figure out the generation mechanism of the six-eyed flying fish, we can avoid the generation of the six-eyed flying fish."

Except for Cheng Ji and Rajile Kankiki, they are players who have completed many quests, so they have their own unique insights into the mechanics of quests.

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