After hearing Cheng Ji say this, many players came to their senses.

What about the nobility of the Son of God?

No matter how noble it is, it is also the country of eagle sauce, what is the matter with the country of Guan Long?

Besides, not long ago, there was still a dispute between the Dragon Country and the Eagle Sauce Country, and the Eagle Sauce Country is still the enemy of the Dragon Country.

What's more, Cheng Jidu has already burst out the four words 'Dragon Country Heavy Industry', if there are still people who are obsessed and want to shepherd sheep, no one can really save them.

After calming down, these players also reacted.

Why did you just inexplicably believe the words of the Son of God?

It is as if the words of the Son of God are so infectious that it is easy to believe.

This also makes people wonder if the other party is the 'protagonist', right?

Otherwise, what to say, what others believe?

On the side, the face of the Son of God was gloomy.

He has just used a convincing skill in order to guide the players of the Dragon Kingdom.

Unexpectedly, Cheng Ji saw through his trick at a glance.

The Son of God stared at Cheng Ji viciously, and also understood that Cheng Ji with a sapling in front of him was not as simple as he thought.

What the Son of God couldn't understand was that he had been pretending to be stupid in the Dragon Kingdom, in order to make others relax their vigilance and not pay so much attention to themselves.

But why is Cheng Ji still able to be vigilant about himself at all times?


the Son of God hooked the corner of his mouth, and then said to everyone.

"If you are willing to believe in me, dance the sacrificial dance with me!"

With that, the Son of God took the lead in dancing on the mural.

Seeing that the Son of God began to dance, Western players immediately followed.

Seeing this, some shepherds and banana people naturally jumped up with their Son of God.

Under the influence of the sacrificial dance, the whole island shook.

These players are happy, can dancing really move to the next stage?

The sacrificial dance movements on the totem seem to have some kind of law power.

When the player mimics these actions, it can resonate with the ruins and communicate with the so-called 'gods'.

The island shook, and a large number of corrupt creatures crawled out of the ruins, seemingly summoned by sacrificial dances.

These creatures have the characteristics of 'man' and 'fish', and their bodies are corrupt, and they can no longer see their original appearance.

"There was a real reaction! Long live the Son of God! The

shepherd shouted the prestige of the Son of God, not noticing the impending danger, let alone the fact that the Son of God was long gone.

Immediately afterwards, the corrupt creatures rushed towards the player with weapons.

These players just reacted, but found that their bodies were out of control.

The sacrificial dance seems to have some mysterious force pulling these players, and it seems that once the dance officially begins, there is no possibility of stopping.

Screams rang out, and corrupt creatures began a one-sided slaughter.

The number of these corrupt creatures is only a few dozen, but the strength is above level 30.

Therefore, those players who are controlled by the sacrificial dance do not have any power to resist at all.

There is no greater pain than a surplus of heart and insufficient strength.

Even if these players have the strength to resist, they cannot control their bodies, and can only let those corrupt creatures with decaying weapons penetrate their bodies.

When one player after another fell, these players panicked.

"Save me! Help me!

"I'm from the Dragon Kingdom! Longguo Heavy Industry can't abandon me!

"That's right! You are inhumane and undemocratic! I'm from the Dragon Kingdom, you should save me!" "

When the Son of God abandoned these people, when their foreign lords no longer needed their cooperation, they reacted, and only the Dragon Kingdom regarded them as people.

It's a pity that Cheng Ji gave them a chance, but these guys don't cherish it themselves.

Besides, the next copy is resigned to fate, life and death are conceited.

The Longguo Heavy Industry Training Team has no obligation to rescue.

On the other side, the team led by Cheng Ji marched towards the huge totem located in the center of the island.

Although the appeal of the Son of God was very strong, there were only more than three hundred people left, while the number led by Cheng Ji was about five hundred.

"The way to the next stage is not in that sacrificial dance."

Cheng Ji explained while hurrying on the road.

"The Son of God is partly right, and the sacrificial dance should be the dance that communicates with this boss known as 'God'."

"But combined with the information given on the mural, what can you associate with?"

Hearing Cheng Ji say this, everyone briefly recalled the painting on the totem.

The meaning of that painting is simple.

A so-called 'god' appeared and was enshrined.

The faithful communicate with the gods through sacrificial dances and pray for good weather and rain.

But one day, the 'gods' no longer blessed these believers with good weather, resulting in disasters and slaughter.

But the so-called 'gods' did not feel guilty, but took pleasure in the suffering of believers and continued to accept the worship of believers without burden.

Everyone probably understood some of Cheng Ji's meaning.

And Cheng Ji also continued to explain.

"So guess why this is in ruins?"

"With the character of the people of Daxia, this kind of inaction 'god' naturally only has the possibility of being overthrown by others."

In Bactria Dynasty, some gods are gods, while others are not.

The so-called sea god, in the eyes of the people of Daxia, is just a guy who manages the rain, and the people of Daxia worship the sea god, not because it is a god, but because it can call the wind and rain.

Take the benefits and dare not rain? The temple was demolished!

After thinking about this, you can naturally understand why this place has become a ruin.

Obviously, the so-called 'gods' of this copy have been slaughtered by the people of Daxia.

As an inactive 'god', he was naturally made into a copy boss by the game after assimilating reality.

And the players, as the attackers, are here to dance the sacrificial dance danced by the former believers, which is undoubtedly the most provocative for the replica boss.


Sorry, Daxia doesn't feed the gods of idleness!

Dare to do something unfavorable to the Great Xia Dynasty, and also take pleasure in the suffering of the people of the Great Xia Dynasty, let alone a false god, even if it is a real god, as long as it dares to shine the blood strip, it is the same!

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