Seeing this, Gong Yuying immediately comforted her:

"Don't worry, Miss Qin, drink a cup of coffee and calm down."

"Your eldest sister should be fine."

"I personally speculate that she should be temporarily under house arrest by your father or someone related to your father."

"The reason is probably that she has investigated something important that will affect the future of your Qin family."

"As for her whereabouts, I will ask my men to help check. She is such a big living person, she will not disappear out of thin air. Even if she is under house arrest, there will definitely be clues left."

Hearing this, Qin Huizhu calmed down a little.

She thought that the group of people tonight mentioned that they were instructed by her father.

Although she couldn't believe it completely, it seemed to be confirmed by the fact that the group of people only tied her up and took her away, and did not threaten her life.

But she still couldn't let her mind go completely.

At the same time, she suddenly realized something.

"By the way, you were able to intercept me here tonight."

Qin Huizhu narrowed her eyes and looked directly into Gong Yuying's eyes: "Did you start watching me a long time ago, or even my other family members?"

"Well, to be honest, Miss Qin, it is indeed the case." Gong Yuying admitted with a smile.


Qin Huizhu suddenly became a little annoyed.

"Calm down, Miss Qin, you should think about it from another angle."

Gong Yuying said calmly, "If it weren't for someone secretly watching you, we wouldn't be able to save you tonight. In short, you should thank us."


Although Qin Huizhu didn't want to admit it, it was true.

If it weren't for Gong Yuying's group of people tonight, I'm afraid I would have lost contact like my elder sister.

Thinking of this, Qin Huizhu sighed: "Sorry... tonight... thank you."

"You're welcome."

Gong Yuying waved her hand, "After all, we are just exchanging interests. As long as Miss Qin can reach a cooperative relationship with us, it will be the best reward."

"But I'm afraid it's difficult for me to help you now."

Qin Huizhu scratched her hair in annoyance.

If I could drink less during this period, I would not be so decadent and negative.

Listen more to what my elder sister said to me every time she came to the apartment, maybe things will develop in a good direction now.

"Drink some coffee first, Miss Qin."

Gong Yuying said again: "As far as I know, your elder sister has a habit of doing business in the business world. She always keeps a few more preparations. You can recall it slowly, maybe you can find some clues."


Qin Huizhu closed her eyes and kept thinking.

Clues... clues...

Preparations left by the elder sister...

If there really is... where would she put it?

Or to whom?



After a long time, Qin Huizhu opened her eyes as if she had just woken up from a dream, and anxiously picked up her phone to look through the address book, and found a person named Jiang Sisi and called her.

Qin Wangshu once mentioned that this assistant was one of the few people she could trust.

About half a minute later, as soon as the call was connected, she shouted anxiously:

"Xiao Si! It's me, I'm Qin Huizhu! Where are you now?"


The person on the other end of the phone seemed to be startled by Qin Huizhu's excited tone, and it took a while to recover: "Is it Sister Huizhu? I'm in Jinghua City, what's wrong?"

"My eldest sister is in trouble, and I can't contact her now!"


"Don't worry, she is not in danger of life, but is under house arrest by people related to my father."

"Then...what should I do?"

"Listen to me, did my eldest sister leave anything with you, or is there anything for you to tell me?"

"Yes! Sister Shu asked me to come to Jinghua City to find someone for her. She said that if I can't contact her temporarily after finding that person, let me tell you about this!"

"Who is it?"

"Zhang Weijiang, a driver who was fired by the Qin family two years ago."

Hearing this, Qin Huizhu was stunned.

She had some impression of this name.

But I can't remember more things.

At this time, Gong Yuying said:

"Miss Qin, ask her to send the information about this person. Our Zhaoguang Group is not very powerful in Jinghua City, but it is still relatively convenient to find someone."

"In addition, ask her to report her current location and don't move. I will send someone to guard her immediately.

To prevent her from being targeted and encountering an accident." After listening, she immediately conveyed these two things to Jiang Sisi. After all, the elder sister has lost contact now. If the matter is really as Gong Yuying guessed just now, it is because of an investigation of something important. Then Jiang Sisi, as one of the most trusted people of the elder sister, must be in a very unsafe situation. If it is not because she is not in Yunyan City, she will probably encounter the same thing as her tonight. "Okay, Sister Huizhu." Jiang Sisi immediately sent the information in her hand and reported her current location. After listening, Gong Yuying immediately asked Mi Binbin, who was standing next to her, to make arrangements. "Xiao Si, in addition to this matter, did the elder sister tell you anything else?" Qin Huizhu asked again. "Ah, yes, I remember that before I came to Jinghua City a few days ago, Sister Shu gave me several materials for paternity testing and asked me to help keep them. I kept one of them at home." Jiang Sisi replied. "Paternity test? ! "Qin Huizhu's voice unconsciously rose several decibels.

"Well... paternity test..." Jiang Sisi suppressed her voice, "Sister Shu said... the source of the materials is Qin Xiaofeng and the boss."

As soon as these words came out, the air in the office seemed to solidify.

Qin Huizhu seemed to have her memory corked up all of a sudden.

A large number of mosaic images in her mind suddenly became clear.


That's right...

My eldest sister talked about this in the apartment a few days ago.

She suspected that Qin Xiaofeng was my father's illegitimate child!

That means...

My eldest sister lost contact because she confirmed this matter and even found my father's little lover outside?!

Thinking of this, Qin Huizhu's face turned pale, her breathing became rapid, and her chest rose and fell violently, like a volcano about to erupt.

"Calm down, Miss Qin. "

Gong Yuying seemed to have guessed something and said immediately,

"This is not a problem that can be solved impulsively. What we need to do now is to get solid evidence first, so as to avoid any unexpected situations. One move will determine the outcome."

"I know..."

Qin Huizhu clenched her fists and took deep breaths to try to calm her emotions.

But she really wanted to rush back to the Qin family and question Qin Guojing in front of everyone.

"Xiao Si, send me your home address, I'll go get something now!"


After the phone call was hung up, Qin Huizhu's emotions still could not be calmed down.

In addition, she was also very worried about her elder sister's current situation.

But she also knew that since Qin Guojing had kept it a secret from his family for so many years, he would definitely not admit it so easily. He would definitely use all kinds of ways to quibble, and would not easily explain the elder sister's current location.

Gong Yuying seemed to see her thoughts, so she said:

"Miss Qin, let's do this, I have a small suggestion now. "


"Call the police. "

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