At 8:20 pm, the evening self-study time ended.

Day students walked out of the campus in groups of three or five.

Only Qin Yi was alone.

As usual.

In the past, Qin Yi would always look at those classmates who could go home with envy.

But today, Qin Yi did not feel lonely.

Because he had a new home.

There was a chubby calico cat at home, and the gentle Rumeng sister was waiting for him.

Thinking of this, he unconsciously quickened his pace and headed towards the nearest bus stop with anticipation.

When he arrived at school in the morning, Sister Rumeng told him the bus route back home, and secretly gave him money for lunch and dinner, as well as for taking the bus.

These were things he had never experienced in the past ten years.

There were many day students at the bus stop.

Most people were looking down at their phones.

Qin Yi didn't have a phone, so he took out his textbook and reviewed it while waiting for the bus.

He had just gotten into the state when a car horn interrupted his thoughts.

He looked up and saw a black Porsche in front of the bus stop, which instantly attracted the attention of the day students present.

Qin Yi frowned, he recognized the car.

Sure enough.

When the window rolled down, Qin Huizhu's disgusting face came into view.

"Get in the car!"

Qin Huizhu glanced at Qin Yi and said these two words in a cold tone.

But Qin Yi ignored it and returned his eyes to the textbook, as if he regarded Qin Huizhu as air.


Qin Huizhu was ignored and her face was ugly. Her hands on the steering wheel were clenched until they turned pale.

She wanted to scold him, but considering that there were other students at the bus stop, she suppressed the impulse and honked the horn a few more times.

But Qin Yi remained indifferent.

After a while, Qin Huizhu's patience ran out.

She was about to get off the bus, but saw Qin Yi put away his textbooks and walked forward.

Seeing this, Qin Huizhu sneered in her heart.

Finally couldn't hold it back, right?

After all, it was just a child throwing a tantrum.

After all, he wanted to go back to the Qin family.

After giving so many steps, he should know what's good for him.

Thinking of this, Qin Huizhu raised her chin slightly.

She was ready to scold Qin Yi when he got on the bus, and then let Qin Yi know how to treat her sister.


After waiting for a while, the car door still didn't move.

Qin Huizhu was a little confused. She looked at the bus stop again. Where was Qin Yi?

Where was he?

Qin Huizhu was confused. She turned her head and looked around. Finally, she found Qin Yi in the rearview mirror.

That guy was actually taking the bus? !

"Damn it!"

Seeing this scene, Qin Huizhu was so angry that she couldn't help but curse.

She pulled down her face and gave him enough steps, but she got treated like this in return?

Is there something wrong with his brain?

Why? !

How much does this kid want to get angry?

Qin Huizhu got off the bus in a rage and wanted to pull Qin Yi back.

But the bus door was closed and drove around her car.

"I'm really convinced!!!"

Qin Huizhu was so crazy that she hurried back to the car and stepped on the accelerator to catch up with the bus.

She didn't believe that she couldn't do anything to this kid?

The bus passed one station after another.

Qin Yi stared at his textbooks on the bus, occasionally looking up to see if he had missed the stop he was going to get off.

From beginning to end, Qin Huizhu had never been in his heart.

More than half an hour later.

The bus stopped at the terminal, and Qin Yi put away his textbooks and got off the bus.

When Sister Rumeng drove him to school in the morning, she passed by here and took him to recognize the road.

It only takes about five or six minutes to walk to the street where he met Sister Rumeng last night.

Sister Rumeng's bakery is on that street.

Just after getting off the bus and walking a few steps, the familiar black Porsche rushed over and stopped by the roadside.

It's really haunting.

Qin Yi glanced at it, ignored it, and walked forward on his own.

"Stop right there!"

Qin Huizhu hurriedly got off the bus, slammed the door, and then ran over to block Qin Yi.

"Stay away from me, I don't know you." Qin Yi walked around Qin Huizhu and continued to move forward.

"I'm your sister!" Qin Huizhu said angrily.

"Really?" Qin Yi said indifferently, "Then please prove it."

"What else do you need to prove about this? When you were taken back to the Qin family, your parents had already taken the test report, and you know this very well!


"So? Does having the test report mean you are my sister?"


Qin Huizhu was so angry at this unreasonable rebuttal that she didn't know how to answer for a while.

Little did she know that this was the sophistry that Qin Yi had learned from them in the three years since he was taken back to the Qin family.

"Come home with me!"

Qin Huizhu didn't want to say anything more and pretended to grab Qin Yi's arm.

But Qin Yi had expected it and took two steps back to avoid it.

"You are wrong, that is not my home."

Qin Yi stared at Qin Huizhu coldly.

He has never felt any sense of "home" in the Qin family.

In comparison, Sister Rumeng's home is what he calls home.

"What do you want to do to go back? "

Qin Huizhu felt that she was about to be driven crazy.

She didn't understand what good it would be for Qin Yi to leave the Qin family.

Why was this brother so persistent?

If it wasn't for Xiaofeng, she really wanted to leave Qin Yi here immediately and let Qin Yi fend for himself.

"Go back? What reason do I have to go back?" Qin Yi questioned.

"Mom and Dad are worried about you! Xiaofeng also wants you to go home!"


Qin Yi couldn't stop laughing as if he heard a big joke.

"What are you laughing at?"

Qin Huizhu hated Qin Yi's appearance.

"Let's not talk about the hypocritical couple, let's talk about Qin Xiaofeng."

Qin Yi restrained his laughter, his eyes full of coldness: "You said he wants me to go back? You are wrong, he is the one who least wants me to return to the Qin family! He even wishes I would die!"

"What are you talking about? Xiaofeng is not that kind of person! "

Qin Huizhu was angry. What she couldn't bear to hear most was Qin Xiaofeng's bad words.

"I'm too lazy to explain to you about right and wrong. You don't deserve it."

"The same thing, I wish you can sleep well in the future."

After saying that, Qin Yi bypassed Qin Huizhu and continued to move forward.

Hearing this, Qin Huizhu became anxious and quickly caught up with him: "What do you mean? Do you want to do something bad to Xiaofeng? I warn you, don't do anything to Xiaofeng, otherwise I will make you regret it! ! "

Qin Yi glanced at her: "Relax, I won't sacrifice my current life for that kind of person, it's not worth it."

Because that substitute won't live for too long.

Qin Yi silently added this sentence in his heart.

"I'll ask you one last time! Are you sure you don't want to go back to the Qin family?" Qin Huizhu said coldly.

"Then I'll answer you one last time, never, even if you kneel down and beg me. From now on, you can just treat me as dead outside, or as if I had never existed. "

"Okay! Then don't regret it! And don't think about doing anything bad to Xiaofeng, I will keep an eye on you!"

Qin Huizhu was completely angry, she stopped trying to stop Qin Yi, and turned back to the car.

With the roar of the engine, the Porsche drove away.

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