The teacher finally remembered.

"Oh... I remember now."

After a brief thought, the teacher finally remembered,

"A couple of days ago, the parent came to say that the school uniform was damaged by the pet at home, right?"

"I remember that your parents took you to the Academic Affairs Office to register?"

As soon as these words came out, Qin Yi knew that it was bad.

Chen Jinghui, who was standing by, was so anxious that he almost jumped up.


Can't you have a worse memory!

"Did you leave his parents' phone number at that time?" the dean asked.

"I'm not sure, I'll go over there and ask." After the teacher finished speaking, he put down the things in his hand and went out immediately.

Seeing this, Chen Jinghui prayed in his heart.

Don't stay!


The more you fear something, the easier it is to come.

When the teacher returned to the office again, he finally brought the news that he and Qin Yi didn't want to hear the most.

"Dean, good news, there's a phone number."

After saying that, he handed the phone number to the dean of teaching.

It's over...

Chen Jinghui watched the dean of teaching take out his mobile phone to make a call, and his heart sank.

He glanced at Qin Yi, who was pale beside him, and wanted to say a few words of comfort, but he didn't know what to say.



Half an hour later.

At the school gate.

Gu Rumeng, who received a call from the school, hurried over on her electric bike.

She parked the car, didn't bother to lock it, and even forgot to take off her helmet, and ran to the teaching building in a hurry.

When she arrived at the door of the office, she saw through the window that several parents were already inside with dark faces.

Several students stood beside these parents, lowered their heads and didn't even dare to breathe.

Gu Rumeng didn't know what mistakes these students made, and she didn't want to know.

She only cared about Qin Yi at the moment.

"Hello? May I ask who you are..."

A teacher noticed Gu Rumeng at the door and stood up to greet her.

"Ah, I'm Qin Yi's parent!"

Gu Rumeng replied anxiously: "Where is Qin Yi? Is he okay?"

"Oh, Qin Yi's parent."

The teacher nodded as if suddenly realizing something, and then pointed inside: "Don't worry, Qin Yi is okay, he's sitting inside. The director called you to come here, mainly to pay more attention to the student's situation."

Hearing this, Gu Rumeng's hanging heart relaxed a little.

She walked into the office, and then finally saw Qin Yi sitting in the innermost.

"Xiao Yi!"

The familiar call made Qin Yi stiffen all over.

When he saw Gu Rumeng coming towards him, he immediately lowered his head in panic, as if he felt that he had made a huge mistake, and did not dare to look into Gu Rumeng's eyes.

Chen Jinghui, who was standing next to him, was a little confused. Who was this beautiful elder sister who called Qin Yi's name? Why had he never seen her in the Qin family before?

Could she be a cousin or something?

But noticing Qin Yi's reaction at this time, he did not care to think too much, and quickly stood up and stood between Gu Rumeng and Qin Yi:

"I beat Qin Xiaofeng! If you have anything to say, come to me!"

The sudden words startled Gu Rumeng slightly.

She knew the name Qin Xiaofeng.

When she and Qin Yi talked about the past last night, she heard Qin Yi mention it.

It was the substitute who replaced Qin Yi's identity in the past ten years.

But at this moment, she did not want to care about Xiaofeng or not. She keenly captured a key information from Chen Jinghui's words.


That means fighting? !

Gu Rumeng's heart, which had just relaxed a few seconds ago, suddenly rose to her throat again.

She hurriedly bypassed Chen Jinghui and came to Qin Yi and said nervously:

"Xiaoyi, are you hurt?"

The concerned words made Chen Jinghui, who was watching, stunned.


Not quite right!

Didn't the Qin family treat Qin Yi particularly badly?

How could she be so gentle?

Was it a deliberate disguise?


Qin Yi lowered his head and answered.

As soon as he finished speaking, Gu Rumeng took his hand: "Are you really not hurt? Tell me honestly, I don't blame you."

"I'm really not hurt..."

Feeling the concern from Gu Rumeng, Qin Yi felt very guilty, "I'm sorry, Sister Rumeng..."

"What are you saying sorry for, silly."

Gu Rumeng gently touched Qin Yi's head:

"As long as you are fine, I will be relieved."

"And I believe you won't make mistakes on purpose. Something must have happened.

Is it something you can't stand?" Hearing this, Qin Yi suddenly felt a little sour in his nose. Before this, he was really worried that Gu Rumeng would be disappointed in him because of this matter. But now the attitude shown by Gu Rumeng completely dispelled his worries and made him feel the trust he had never had before. Because in the past three years of staying in the Qin family, every time a similar thing happened, those so-called family members never looked for the cause of the problem, but only scolded him indiscriminately. Until today, Qin Yi finally felt what it felt like to be trusted unwaveringly. Gu Rumeng seemed to have caught Qin Yi's emotions. She took out a tissue from her pocket and whispered in a voice that only she and Qin Yi could hear: "Silly, so many people are watching, you can't cry at this time." Hearing this, Qin Yi took the tissue, sniffed his nose, and responded in a muffled voice: "Well! "

Chen Jinghui, who was standing next to him, observed silently, feeling very uneasy.

That's not right...

This beautiful elder sister's concern for Qin Yi doesn't seem fake.

And looking at Qin Yi's reaction, he obviously trusts this beautiful elder sister.

Could it be that the Qin family is actually divided into two factions.

One faction is good to Qin Yi, and the other faction is good to Qin Xiaofeng?


My CPU is going to burn!

I've never heard my family say that the Qin family is so complicated before!

It's outrageous!

Just as Chen Jinghui was busy thinking about it, the dean who had just gone to the toilet returned to the office.

Just as he was about to talk more with the parents just now, he saw Gu Rumeng standing in front of Qin Yi, so he immediately walked over: "Excuse me, are you Qin Yi's parent?"

Gu Rumeng: "Yes, I am Qin Yi's sister. You should be Director Guo who called me, right?"

Director Guo moved a chair over: "Hello! Hello! Come, sit down!"

"Thank you. ”

“It’s like this, Qin Yi’s parent, I called you to the school. It’s not that Qin Yi made any mistakes. He is also a victim in this incident. You probably don’t know what happened yet, right?”

“Please tell me, Director Guo.”

“Come, watch this video first.”

Director Guo handed over the phone, and then slowly talked about the incident and the reason why Gu Rumeng was invited to the school.

Gu Rumeng listened and watched the video on the phone. Her brows gradually frowned, and anger began to emerge on her beautiful face.

During this process, several parents who arrived earlier were ashamed and embarrassed.

One of them was more irritable and raised his hand to beat his son on the spot. If there was no teacher nearby who happened to see and stop him, the whole office would probably be filled with wailing.

“Director Guo, have they apologized to Xiaoyi? "

After hearing the whole story, Gu Rumeng suppressed her anger and asked.

Before Director Guo could answer, a parent nearby grabbed his son's ear and dragged him to Qin Yi, cursing:

"What are you looking at, you little bastard? Every day, I work hard to support you to go to school, but you don't study hard, and you just do some weird things and want to fight with others!"

"Hurry up and apologize to them!"

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