The two of them were very excited.

These excited words immediately aroused the anger of Qin's father.

With a loud "bang", Qin Guojing slammed the coffee table and stood up:

"Come on, tell me, if Qin Yi doesn't come back, how can we make up for the losses in the business?!"

"Do you know how much the group has lost because of the trouble you caused?"

"Do you think you are the only one who feels sorry for Xiaofeng? Are you the only one who is angry?"

"And do you know what attitude that dead girl from the Chen family used to talk to me and your eldest sister today?"

"Her father doesn't even dare to show off in front of me!"

"You You still have the nerve to ask why? "

"If you hadn't gotten into trouble today, I would have been at Chen's house now, pointing at the brother and sister and scolding them!"

"And Qin Yi, that heartless little beast, I will definitely make him kneel down in front of Xiaofeng and admit his fault!"

"This situation is because you left someone with a handle!"

"I have already helped you clean up your mess and don't want to bother with you anymore, but you are still asking why? !"

The whole room was filled with Qin Guojing's angry scolding and questioning.

Every word was like an invisible arrow, piercing Qin Xueying's heart accurately, making her unable to find any reason to refute, and even making her face pale and tightly pursed her lips, not daring to say a word.

The other Qin sisters present were frightened by Qin Guojing's attitude at this moment, and no one dared to say anything.

Only Ding Pingli stood up, gently stroked Qin Guojing's back, and said to smooth things over:

"Okay, okay, Lao Qin, Xueying was just anxious and said that."

"She is our daughter after all, don't be so strict with her all the time, and don't get so angry, otherwise what if your high blood pressure relapses?"

"And don't forget, today is Xiaofeng's birthday."

"Although so many things happened today, on such an important day, we must not hurt the harmony of the family, don't you think?"

"Come on, drink some water and calm down."

Hearing his wife's comfort, Qin Guojing's angry face improved slightly.

He sat back on the sofa, but still snorted:

"Think about what she just said? She still thinks she is right."

"If I don't scold her now, how can she learn her lesson?"

"Look at the brother and sister of the Chen family. If she had half the smartness of those two bastards, I wouldn't be so angry at her now."

"Wangshu, go and collect her car keys."

"Then notify housekeeper Liu that from today on, she is not allowed to step out of this house except for work needs!"

"Even if she goes to work, someone must be watching her!"

"Until she reflects on it!"

"Lest she get into trouble outside again!"

As soon as these words came out, Qin Xueying felt wronged and angry.

She was about to resist, but Qin Wangshu, as the eldest sister, keenly sensed her emotions and quickly stood up to stop her.

"Xueying, you've been tired outside all day. Let's go back to your room and rest."

"Have a good sleep, and you'll be fine tomorrow when you wake up."

After saying that, Qin Wangshu was afraid that the family would be in chaos.

So he didn't give Qin Xueying a chance to speak, covered her mouth and dragged her upstairs.

The noisy living room finally returned to calm, but the depressing atmosphere was still shrouded.

"Mom, you're tired too, drink some water."

Qin Xiaofeng took the cup and carefully handed it to Ding Pingli.

It seemed that he wanted to break the depressing atmosphere at the moment.

"Hey, Xiaofeng is so good."

Ding Pingli felt warm, and her nose suddenly felt a little sour.

It is said that the more sensible children are, the more distressed they are. Ding Pingli feels this way now.

Even though she was bullied like this today and suffered so much grievance, she still cared about her family and took the initiative to take responsibility on herself.


How could such a sensible child suffer such a crime? Why is it not his own child?

On the other hand, a certain biological child...

What a sin!

"By the way, isn't today Xiaofeng's birthday?"

At this time, the fourth child Qin Yijing, who was sitting on the sofa, stood up.

Then she took out a carefully wrapped gift box from her bag: "Come, Xiaofeng, see what birthday gift your sister has prepared for you?"

Seeing this, Qin Xiaofeng took the gift box with some excitement, and then carefully opened it to see...

Inside lay an exquisite silver watch!

"When you and your sister watched the movie before, didn't you say that you envied the actors in the movie?

Is this Rolex? "

"I bought it for you as a birthday present for your 18th birthday. How do you like it?"

Hearing the words of the fourth sister, Qin Xiaofeng was full of joy and nodded like pounding garlic: "I like it! Thank you, fourth sister!"

Then, Ding Pingli and Qin Xi also got up from the sofa and hurried back to the room.

Soon, both of them returned to the living room with their prepared gifts.

"Come on, Xiaofeng, sister also prepared a gift for you."

Qin Xi handed the gift box to Qin Xiaofeng.

After opening it, it turned out to be a GUCCI men's wallet.

"From today on, our Xiaofeng is an adult."

"Although most people have started to use electronic payment these days, as an adult male, a wallet is of course indispensable."

Qin Xi carefully explained the meaning of her gift.

"Thank you, fifth sister! I will cherish it! "

Qin Xiaofeng's face was filled with joy.

Then it was Ding Pingli's turn.

"Xiaofeng, come here. Your dad and I prepared this gift. See if you like it."

Ding Pingli said as she opened the box in her hand.

Qin Xiaofeng looked closely and his eyes suddenly lit up with excitement.

There was a car key inside!

The brand on the key was the Panamera he had been thinking about for a long time!

"Dad, Mom, thank you!"

Qin Xiaofeng's eyes were filled with tears.

"Oh, you kid, why are you crying? Come on, be good. Today is your birthday. Don't cry. "

Ding Pingli gently wiped Qin Xiaofeng's tears with a tissue.

Seeing this scene, Qin Guojing, who was sitting on the sofa, softened his expression.

The depressing atmosphere in the living room finally dissipated at this moment, replaced by a sense of warmth.

Soon, Qin Wangshu returned to the living room from upstairs and brought the gifts he prepared, and also brought Qin Xueying's gifts, all of which were expensive luxury goods.

Qin Xiaofeng was so moved that tears could not stop flowing from her eyes, which made the Qin family feel distressed.

"By the way, speaking of which, the second sister is still in the hospital, but she should have prepared a birthday gift for Xiaofeng, right? "

Qin Xi suddenly mentioned it.

As soon as the words fell, the warm atmosphere in the living room suddenly froze.

Everyone present had not forgotten the scene last night when Qin Huizhu favored Qin Yi and deliberately targeted Xiaofeng.

At this moment, when Qin Huizhu was mentioned, everyone's expression suddenly became a little subtle.

And Qin Xi also realized that she had said the wrong thing, and quickly covered her mouth with embarrassment.


At the critical moment, it was the eldest sister Qin Wangshu who stood up:

"Huizhu also prepared a gift, but she is still in the hospital, so it is not convenient for her to give it to Xiaofeng in person. I will call her later and ask her where the gift she prepared for Xiaofeng is. "

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