The old lady slapped her thigh and cried "Ouch".

"How could you forget about this child?"

"Xinrui, please help this child."

"She must be feeling unwell. I just saw her squatting on the side of the road with a look of pain on her face, so I brought her here."

After hearing this, Kong Xinrui immediately understood that it was the old lady Ding who picked her up!

By the way... is there any curse on this street?

Back then, Rumeng was picked up by Aunt Gu on this street.

Then a few days ago, Xiaoyi was also picked up by Rumeng on this street.

Oh yes, and there is also the steamed bun that is almost fat like a ball.

Now Mrs. Ding has also picked one up.

Could it be that the Feng Shui of this old street has some saying?

"Xinrui, Xinrui? What are you thinking about?"

Mrs. Ding saw that Kong Xinrui had not moved for a long time, and couldn't help urging her.

"Oh! Sorry, Grandma Ding, I haven't had a good rest recently, and I was a little distracted just now."

Kong Xinrui's consciousness broke away from her wild thoughts, and she made up a random sentence with an embarrassed face.

Then she focused her attention on Qin Huizhu.

At this time, Qin Huizhu seemed to have suffered a blow, and stood there stupidly with a dull look.

Although Mrs. Ding had mentioned her just now, she still didn't react at all.

"Beauty, can you hear me?"

Kong Xinrui raised her hand and shook it in front of Qin Huizhu, with a face full of worry: "Oh no, she doesn't have a brain or mental illness, right?"

"... I don't."

At this time, Qin Huizhu finally spoke.

Her eyes were filled with grief, and her eyes gradually turned red, which made Kong Xinrui stunned.

"No, beautiful lady, what's wrong with you? Are you feeling uncomfortable?" Kong Xinrui asked quickly.

"I'm fine, really, fine..."

Qin Huizhu sniffed, "I just heard you talking about preparing a coming-of-age ceremony for your child, and suddenly I thought of something at home."

"Oh, so that's the case, I was just shocked!"

Kong Xinrui breathed a sigh of relief, "Then are you okay?"

"Don't worry, I'm fine."

Qin Huizhu forced a smile on her face, "Can we talk about the Xiao Yi you mentioned? I just heard the old lady mention him on the way here, and I heard that he is a very pitiful child."

Speaking of Qin Yi, Kong Xinrui immediately opened the conversation: "Of course."

"Xiao Yi is really "He was so pitiful. The night I first met him, I was wondering if he had been kidnapped by human traffickers for several years and then ran away secretly."

"You know, he was almost skinny at the time, and his body was covered with scars, especially his back, which had at least a dozen cigarette burns!"

"Later I found out that Xiaoyi actually had a family."

"But that family... Tsk, I get angry just thinking about it!"

"Let's not talk about how Xiaoyi was lost for more than ten years. Let's talk about the three years since we found him. The family's attitude towards Xiaoyi is not as friendly as a dog!"

"The most annoying thing is that the family who lost Xiaoyi back then After Xiaoyi was killed, I don’t know where they found a substitute, and gave all that originally belonged to Xiaoyi to the substitute! "

"Moreover, the substitute often bullied Xiaoyi behind his back, not only took away the good things Xiaoyi had done for that family, but also always threw some unfounded accusations on Xiaoyi's head!"

"That family doesn't care about right or wrong, as long as the substitute pretends to be innocent, Xiaoyi will be wronged!"

"How much suffering did Xiaoyi suffer because of him in the past three years!"

"I feel so uncomfortable just thinking about it!"

"Also, when Xiaoyi first came to this street a few days ago, it was raining. "

"In the middle of the night, He was almost soaked through, so he hid under the eaves of the store in front and shivered. He also had hypoglycemia at the time! "

"If my best friend hadn't found him and brought him to my clinic, he would have died on that rainy night!"

"That family is really cruel. The child was freezing and hungry on a rainy night, and no one came out to look for him."

"Tell me, can this family still be considered human? They are worse than beasts!"

Kong Xinrui became more and more excited and indignant as she spoke, "If that family appeared in front of me, I would definitely slap them hard!"

As Qin Huizhu listened, tears unconsciously overflowed from her eyes.

"Yes...that family is really worse than beasts..." Qin Huizhu's voice trembled.

It was not until this moment that she knew that Qin

The night Yigang left home, he almost died!

And what did I do that night? !

If...if I had stopped Xiaoyi that day, or if I had gone out in the rain to find Xiaoyi, would the situation be different?

Qin Huizhu questioned herself over and over again in her heart. She had never hated herself and that deformed family as much as she did today!

"Hey hey hey? Why are you crying like this?"

Kong Xinrui noticed Qin Huizhu's reaction and was a little at a loss.

Although Xiaoyi was very pitiful, the beauty in front of her became like this just by listening to her story. Her empathy was too strong.

If she really met Xiaoyi one day, wouldn't she be dying?

"Sorry... sorry..."

Qin Huizhu wiped her tears and tried to force a smile to hide her emotions.

But at this moment, she couldn't force a smile at all, but her face was full of pain.

"Beautiful lady, are you really okay?"

Kong Xinrui hesitated whether to call 120.

She felt that this was no longer a question of empathy.

Maybe she really had some mental illness, and her small clinic could not handle such a problem.

"It's really okay... I just suddenly remembered... I remembered my brother." Qin Huizhu answered with a sob.

"What happened to your brother?" Kong Xinrui asked cautiously.

"He is also suffering, his family doesn't love him at all, and I have done a lot of things to let him down... But I really... really miss him."

The more Qin Huizhu spoke, the more she couldn't control the tears that burst out of her eyes.

Seeing this, Kong Xinrui didn't know how to comfort her for a while, so she could only pat Qin Huizhu on the shoulder.

At this time, a familiar voice came into her ears from not far away.

"Xinrui! When are you going to close?"

"We agreed to give Xiaoyi a surprise tonight when she gets home from school. We have to prepare in advance!"

Kong Xinrui turned her head and saw that it was Gu Rumeng who was carrying a lot of bags and walking towards them.

She was about to answer when she saw Gu Rumeng paused, as if she had discovered something disgusting and filthy, and her face instantly became extremely ugly.

"Why are you here again?!"

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