The truth is, I'm telling you that I'm not going to do anything wrong.

"Chen Ziwen, stop spitting blood here!"

Zhou Nianwei was really anxious. She could no longer maintain her so-called personality. She pointed at Chen Ziwen angrily and said, "You are slandering me! You are taking things out of context! You want to mislead the students to have a misunderstanding about me!"


Chen Ziwen smiled brightly as always: "The students are not fools. Can't you tell whether it is taking things out of context?"

"The video has only just started. If you have nothing to hide, why are you in a hurry to smash my phone?"

These two simple questions immediately made Zhou Nianwei's neck red.

She could feel that more and more strange eyes were focused on her.

Even the "sisters" who were eating at the same table had subtle expressions on their faces.

One of them quietly moved her butt and moved away, as if she was worried about her reputation being affected and was ready to draw a clear line.

Seeing that the situation was getting more and more pessimistic, Zhou Nianwei tried to struggle:

"Nonsense! You are misleading others!"

"I just wanted to stop you, why do you think I have something to hide?"

"Are you going to slander me? Can't I explain it?"

As she spoke, Zhou Nianwei seemed to have suffered a great injustice, and the tears that had just stopped for a while fell.

"That's enough."

Chen Ziwen was annoyed by this pitiful look: "Anyway, I have already sent the video to your grade group for you. Everyone has their own judgment on what is right and wrong."

Hearing this, Zhou Nianwei's face turned pale instantly.

The students who were eating melons around her took out their mobile phones.

"Wow! It's really been sent to the group!"

"Where? Why didn't I see it?"

"It's in the senior year group, of course you can't see it."

"No, buddy, I know Chen Ziwen, isn't she a sophomore?"

"It's just a chat group that everyone created out of boredom. It's not a confidential department. Isn't it normal to have people from different grades mixed in?"

"Who cares? Let's eat melons first!"

"I'm not in that group, forward it to me, quickly!"

For a while, the whole cafeteria was bustling.

The familiar sound of the video playing was like waves, rising and falling, constantly reaching Zhou Nianwei's ears.

Zhou Nianwei knew that her reputation in school was over...

She picked up her phone on the table and wanted to escape in a panic.

But Chen Ziwen didn't intend to end things this way, and suddenly said: "Senior sister, why do I always see you sneaking into a luxury car on my way home from school recently?"

Zhou Nianwei, who had just walked out of the door, suddenly turned around and widened her eyes in disbelief: "What nonsense are you talking about?!"

"Ah? Did I see it wrong?"

Chen Ziwen thought for two seconds with an innocent face, and then said firmly: "No, I saw the uncle in the car yesterday giving you an Apple phone. The one in your hand must be you!"

As soon as these words came out, countless eyes around instantly gathered on Zhou Nianwei's hand.

Zhou Nianwei put the phone in her pocket in a panic, and yelled in anger: "Stop slandering me, you bitch! This is what my family bought for me!"


Chen Ziwen raised her eyebrows, "But I saw you changed your phone in the circle of friends last week, but it doesn't seem to be an Apple phone, right?"

At this moment, the expressions of several girls who were sitting at the same table and had a good relationship with Zhou Nianwei became more subtle when they heard this.

They knew something about Zhou Nianwei's family background.

Not poor, but not rich either.

They were also wondering why Zhou Nianwei's new phone, which she had just changed last week, suddenly became a new top-of-the-line Apple phone yesterday, and she showed it off to them all night.

They were not a wealthy family. How could their parents be willing to buy them a new phone that was two or three times more expensive and cost tens of thousands of yuan just after changing their phones for a week?

It doesn't make sense!

Now hearing what Chen Ziwen said, they couldn't help but doubt the source of the Apple phone.

Could it be that Zhou Nianwei really...

"Nonsense! How could you have my circle of friends? I haven't even added you!"

After Zhou Nianwei finished speaking, she noticed that the eyes of several sisters looking at her had changed, and she hurriedly explained: "Don't listen to her nonsense! She is slandering me! You know me, how could I do something like she said!"

"Nianwei, don't worry, we didn't think too much about it.

The girl with pigtails paused, as if she remembered something, and suddenly her words were directed:

"But she was right about one thing. You just changed your phone last week, but yesterday afternoon it suddenly became a top-of-the-line Apple phone that was several times more expensive."

"You obviously didn't go home at noon, and we didn't see your family come to school."

"Everyone knows what kind of personality you have. If you changed your phone the night before, you would definitely post it on WeChat Moments that night, but you didn't show your phone until the next afternoon, which really raises a lot of doubts."

"Of course... I don't think you really got out of a luxury car like this junior sister said, or that some uncle gave you a phone."

"I believe in you!"

Zhou Nianwei was stunned: "Siqi... you..."

"Ah? Did I say something wrong? ”

The girl with pigtails blinked, looking innocent.

The other girls at the same table didn’t say anything, but they all knew it in their hearts.

Siqi had actually been dissatisfied with Zhou Nianwei for a long time.

Because when Zhou Nianwei was with them on weekdays, she was gentle to everyone on the surface, but she was always a little arrogant in her words, looking down on this and that, and everyone was more or less disgusted by her.

The most memorable time was when Siqi wore a favorite dress to school and wanted to share it with them.

In the end, Zhou Nianwei secretly ridiculed her for being rustic and having a bad figure.

Although Siqi didn’t react on the surface that day , but they all knew that Siqi secretly shed tears at noon.

"I think what Siqi said makes sense..."

Another girl spoke up. She was actually quite dissatisfied with Zhou Nianwei, but she didn't tear her face off due to various reasons.

Moreover, she had a better relationship with the girl with pigtails. At this moment, seeing the girl with pigtails stand up to "add insult to injury", she felt that she should stand on the same side.

She also took this opportunity to draw a clear line with Zhou Nianwei, so as to avoid any strange rumors after today's incident.

"Nianwei... It's not that I won't help you, it's mainly because your case is really hard to explain."

"And in the video just now, you did really go too far. "

The remaining two girls also spoke up and moved closer to the girl with pigtails, their meaning was very clear.


Zhou Nianwei was trembling all over. She couldn't believe that several "good sisters" actually abandoned her at this time!

Chen Ziwen, who was standing next to her, saw this scene and her mouth was almost grinning from ear to ear.

"Zhou Nianwei, look, your character is really great."

The sarcastic words were like a flame that burned the thin line of reason in Zhou Nianwei's heart.

She finally couldn't control herself and rushed to Chen Ziwen like crazy:

"Bitch, shut up! ! !"

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