The more Uzumaki Qiantang thought about it, the more he felt that he had guessed correctly, after all, if it weren't for the Hanhan bloodline of the Thousand Hands Clan, a daimyo's bloodline with conspiracies and tricks carved into his bones, would there be such naivety and innocence?

He quietly pressed his hand on Yuan's short shoulder and entered a stream of chakra.

Sure enough, a familiar yang attribute chakra lurked in Yuan's small body.

Uzumaki Qiantang felt this familiar yang attribute chakra, sighed, and said:

"Sure enough, you have the blood of a thousand hands in your veins!"

Yuan Qi, who was pressed by him, was a little ignorant.

"That, big brother, what are you talking about a thousand hands!"

"Besides, your hands are so strange, it looks like something warm is squeezing into my body, itchy!"

When Uzumaki Qiantang heard the title of 'big brother', her face couldn't help twitching.

The system's ability to regenerate allows him to keep his face young forever. And with the power of a god, he will not grow old.

However, since I left the customs, I have met all acquaintances. Most of the names for him are 'grandfather's elders.'

Now that he is called 'big brother' at first glance, Uzumaki Qiantang is really a little unbearable.

However, what made him even more emotional was that Yuan didn't know anything about the name 'Thousand Hands'.

You know, when Konoha was not yet established. This name, but together with the Uchiha, dominated an era.

And now, less than sixty years after the death of the Thousand Hands Pillar, even the son of the Daimyo of the Fire Country, a child with the blood of the Thousand Hands clan, does not know what the word 'Thousand Hands' is.

This makes the whirlpool Qiantang, who has witnessed the prestige of the Thousand Hands Clan, how can he not feel embarrassed.

"Child, that warm thing you feel is called the Yang Chakra. Yes, it represents the essence of the Thousand Hands - the thing of life. "

"In your veins, the blood of a thousand hands flows. "

"So, you have to keep this surname in mind in the future, you know?"

Although Yuan was naïve, he was not stupid, and when he heard the words of Uzumaki Qiantang, he instantly figured out many things.

He opened his eyes wide, looked at the whirlpool Qiantang with excitement, and said loudly:

"Well, I remember. Thousand hands, these two words, I will never forget. "

"That, big brother. Thousand hands, this is your relative!"

Uzumaki Qiantang nodded, and then looked at Yuan Yuan curiously.

"What are you asking for? "

Yuan smiled embarrassedly.

"Naruto said just now that no matter what danger he faces, there will be Grandpa behind him. "

"Now he wants me to be a big name, and I'm afraid that my father will beat me or even kill me when he comes back. "

"If Senju is your relative of the eldest brother, will the eldest brother protect me from being killed by my father like he protected Naruto!"

Uzumaki Qiantang looked at Yuan Qi, who was looking up with his head up, careful with a hint of expectation, like a harmless little white rabbit in the grass, and the whole person suddenly laughed.

"Yes, Yuan, you guessed it right, the people of the Thousand Hands Clan are my relatives. "

"As for whether I will protect you or not, it's up to you. "

"It's always the big brother, and the big brother's shouting can't make me. Your ancestors are all my apprentices. "

"You want to call grandpa, do you know?"

Yuan heard Uzumaki Qiantang's words, his eyes lit up instantly, a bright smile appeared on his face, and he shouted sweetly to Uzumaki Qiantang:


When Vortex Qiantang heard this grandfather, he was immediately comforted, and hugged Yuan Ran, who was not as high as his waist, and said with a hearty smile:

"Okay, just because you are grandpa, I will keep you safe and secure for the rest of your life!"

At this moment, Naruto, who had been arranged by Uzumaki Chitang to 'invite over' the Minister of Fire of the Land of Fire who was full of the city, completed his mission and returned.

Seeing the happy appearance of Uzumaki Qiantang and Yuan, he couldn't help but widen his eyes, and his blue eyes were full of confusion.

"I don't think I've been gone for a while, why did you and Yuan become so familiar all of a sudden, grandpa. "

Naruto asked, confused, with a hint of jealousy in his voice.

You must know that even though Uzumaki Qiantang cares for him very, very much, he does not have such an intimate act.

This made him suddenly have a sense of loss that was compared to Yuan.

Uzumaki Chitang is a hundred-year-old goblin, coupled with the observation ability given by the god-like power, he suddenly discovered Naruto's loss, and immediately said with a smile:

"Naruto, I just discovered that Moto's bloodline has a thousand hands. If you talk about it, you're still his brother. "

"Come, you two get to know each other again!"

Naruto was immediately surprised when he heard Uzumaki Chitang's explanation of Moto's identity, and then the little jealousy in his heart disappeared in an instant.

"Senju, isn't that the clansman of Tsunade Mother-in-law? "

"I remember that Grandpa said before, and now there is only Tsunade Granny left in the Thousand Hands Clan. "_

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