It turns out that Naruto is not smart, but his execution is extraordinary.

To put it in a fashionable phrase, it's typical to do it first and then say it.

With such an execution ability, coupled with the blessing of multiple shadow clones, in less than half an hour, he raided all the dead ministers.

The copied family property, not counting the things that are not easy to price in the antiques, calligraphy and paintings, is enough for 30 million in cash alone, and after sending the whirlpool Qiantang to those ministers who support it, there will be 15 million left.

What surprised Naruto even more was the slow pile of grain in the granaries of the ministers' houses.

So much food added together is enough for the current people of Shin Konoha not to dare anything, let go of their bellies and eat for a year.

This made Naruto, who had been suffering from money and food, fall into a cloud of happiness all of a sudden.

"Hey, hey, hey!"

"I'm rich! I'm rich!"

Naruto hugged a pile of coins and giggled.

Seeing his appearance, Uzumaki Qiantang couldn't help but hit him.

"yes, you're rich. "

"But I think, on the other hand, you're losing a lot of money!"

When Naruto heard Uzumaki's words, he immediately felt confused.


How can it be!

How did I not know?

Seeing his confused expression, Uzumaki Qiantang couldn't help laughing, and said in a serious manner:

"You've forgotten what you did in the Land of Thunder. "

"Even the daimyo were killed, but they ignored their minister. "

"You know, the Land of Thunder is the most industrially developed country. The ordinary people of their country may not be as good as the ordinary people of the Fire Country, but the daimyos, nobles, and merchants are no worse than the Fire Country. "

"From this point of view, you have lost at least 100 million!"

When Naruto heard this, his whole person was dumbfounded.

After being stunned for a long time, he suddenly howled out in grief and shouted sadly:

"My heart hurts!"

Seeing his appearance, Uzumaki Qiantang stepped into the void and disappeared.

Only the hearty voice echoed back and forth in the air.

"Naruto, everything is settled for you, it's up to you. "

"Konoha over there, you must not give up, you have to deal with it carefully. "

"Don't let me just walk with my front foot, and your back foot was beaten by Konoha people so much that you had to ask me for help. "

Naruto heard the words left by Uzumaki Chitang, a hint of determination flashed in his eyes, and he shouted into the air seriously:

"Don't worry, Grandpa, I won't let you down this time. "


Thirty miles away from the capital of the Fire Country, in a hidden cave, several Konoha Shadows were quietly staying here.

And the Daimyo of the Fire Country, who disappeared, was knocked unconscious by ninjutsu and placed on a clean bed.

Half a day later, one of the shadows suddenly spoke, and his voice was muffled:

"Xinyi, Yuan Er hasn't been here for so long, something should have happened!"

His voice echoed back and forth in the cavern, without a response, as if there was no living person in the entire cavern except him.

However, he knew that everyone listened to his words.

It is precisely because of listening to it that there is such a dead silence now.

Because, everyone present knows what kind of terrifying existence they may face this time.

Vortex Thousand Begonias!

A terrifying existence that can kill the living, kill the dead.

As a Konoha Dark Division, the few people present watched the three generations killed by Orochimaru be resurrected by Uzumaki Chitang, and then confined to a small stone.

I can only come out for an hour or two every day, and the rest of the time, I will stay in deathly darkness.

Under this punishment, which was 10,000 times more terrifying than Sekiko's black house, they could see with the naked eye that the three generations of Hokage, who was once known as Shinobi, became greedy, cowardly, and despicable.

Faced with such a situation, they are sad and afraid.

I am afraid that one day, I will end up in the same fate, or even worse.

After all, the third generation can still come out for an hour or two a day to breathe. These dark parts of them may not even be qualified to breathe.

In the face of such fear, who is in the mood to speak?

Soon, the dark voice dissipated in the cave, and the entire pitch-black cavern returned to dead silence again.

At this moment, a spiritual fluctuation came from afar.

Familiar with the dark part of this fluctuation, he instantly recognized the spiritual link from the Yamanaka family at this time, so he did not resist and let this spiritual fluctuation enter his mind.

"The mission has been declared a failure, and Naruto Uzumaki has established the son of the daimyo in the capital of the Fire Nation to inherit the throne of the daimyo. "

"And announce to the whole world that we, the people of Konoha, have kidnapped the Daimyo. "

"We need you to send the daimyo to Konoha immediately to refute this rumor. "

When Konoha heard this, he first breathed a sigh of relief.

Finally, I don't have to fight with a terrifying existence like Uzumaki Qiantang.

However, they soon had a wave of doubts.

As the most elite dark department of Konoha, they have a lot of dealings with those nobles.

"I have the impression that although those nobles will gasp for breath even if they take a few more steps, they are arrogant one by one. "

"In such a situation, how could they agree with Naruto Uzumaki, a ninja, to elect a new daimyō?"

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