Mifune's voice was sonorous and powerful, and the long beard in his mouth and chin trembled as a result.

He looked at the samurai in front of him with burning eyes, and said loudly:

"As long as we defeat all the ninjas who want to oppress us, we samurai will not fall to the point where we are now. "

"So, we're going to help Shin Konoha and defeat the Five Great Ninja Villages!"

Help Shin Konoha and defeat the five ninja villages?

All the samurai present were instantly shocked.

Although the shouts were earth-shattering, they didn't dare to confront the five ninja villages head-on.

You must know that the samurai, including Mifune, are basically under the age of sixty, and they belong to the Iron Country generation born under the Five Great Ninja Village system.

In the past 60 years, the strength and cruelty of the ninjas have been deeply engraved in the hearts of every samurai through three consecutive ninja wars.

"This, this is too dangerous, Mifune!"

"That's the Five Great Ninja Villages, go against them, once something goes wrong, I'm afraid we'll all be doomed!"

Among the samurai, there was opposition.

The rest of the people, although they didn't speak, all showed expressions of approval.

Mifune was about to convince his men, but suddenly felt a discordant movement in the distance, and subconsciously, he drew his sword and slashed.

The bright sword light swayed forward like a full moon, giving people no chance to react.

The ninjas of the land country, who were originally hiding underground by ninjutsu, couldn't connect the seal, so they had to jump on the spot and roll out of the hiding place in embarrassment.

The tumbling out of the rock ninja, with the dark yellow skin unique to the land of earth, a square face and a burly body, two dark blue marks as sharp as a sickle, made him look very dangerous.

He was half-squatting on the ground, holding a seal in his hand, looking at Mifune with vigilance, and said:

"Worthy of the last glory of the samurai, the Iron Country Admiral Mifune. "

"It is rumored that your sword can be used to kill the enemy before it is fired, and to slash the enemy before it is moved. No ninjutsu can work against you, because under your sword, the ninjas don't have time to connect the seals. "

"Now it seems that I really live up to my reputation, and even I almost died under your knife. "

Mifune didn't have the slightest fluctuation on his face when he heard these words of praise for himself, but his eyes were full of murder.

Although he already had the idea of taking refuge in Shin Konoha and breaking with the Five Great Ninja Villages, he was not mentally prepared for this.

Originally, he planned to learn about the situation in his country during this Five Shadows Conference and spy on some of the plans of the Five Great Ninja Villages.

Then at the end of the Five Shadows Conference, after the Five Great Ninjas left the Iron Country, they took the information and took refuge in New Konoha.

But he never expected that when his plan had just begun, he would be discovered by the ninjas of the five ninja villages.

This time, even if he didn't want to confront the five great ninja villages head-on and let the samurai of the Iron Country suffer losses, he wouldn't be able to.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but think of blood-soaked pictures in his mind.

There were his own, there were Okisuke, there were other samurai present, and there were samurai who were not present.

The boiling killing intent and panic made the green tendons on Mifune's arms jump, and the whole thing became hideous.

"You, damn it, bastard of Iwa Ninja Village!"

"Give me death!"

The next moment, another flash of sword light.

If the shining silver moon is pure, beautiful, and deadly.

Iai slash!

In the face of such a knife, the ninja is unable to resist.

Because it's so fast, so fast that there's no time to seal at all.

However, for the elite ninja who is ready again, there are more than enough means to fight it.

For example-

"Tu Dun - the art of printing fish in the water!"

The seal that Wen Ya had already pinched in Iwa Ninja Village quickly launched ninjutsu, and the whole person quickly dived into the ground like a fish falling into the water.

Calmly avoid the beautiful and dangerous Iai Slash like the light of the silver moon!

When there was only one head left, Wen Ya of Iwa Ninja Village looked at Mifune, who was blue with an iron face, and said coldly:

"Dare to resist the five ninja villages, I really don't know whether to praise you for your ambition or stupidity. "

"However, as a person from Iwa Ninja Village, I don't have any objection to what you did. "

"In order to express this favor, I will do my best to use all my strength in the next hunt to show my respect for you strong-willed samurai. "


After a 'goodbye', Wenya of Iwa Ninja Village disappeared into the ground.

A samurai immediately turned over and put his ear to the ground, and after a few breaths, he fought helplessly and desperately.

"He's already a mile away, and we can't catch up!"

When Mifune heard this, his face became more and more pale.

"Everyone prepare, divide into four squads, and start escaping!"

"In any case, at least there must be a team that can escape the pursuit of the five major ninja villages and take refuge in New Konoha. "

"Only in this way can the path of our samurai be passed on!"

"Everyone, please!"

The samurai looked sad one by one, and none of them spoke.

They drew their swords and held aloft their companions and Mifune with a traditional samurai farewell.

And then—

Without looking back, he headed southeast.

A great escape, officially begun!_

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