Uchiha Obito was a little emotional, and his mood was very complicated.

He didn't expect that he would come over to persuade Uzumaki Qiantang to fail, and as a result, he accompanied himself inside, but he didn't resist this feeling in his heart, or rather, under the control of Uzumaki Qiantang, let him not resist this feeling.

What made him wonder was actually Uzumaki Chitang, why did Naruto join Akatsuki?

But since the master commanded it, he would do so.

Uchiha Obito didn't act immediately, but hesitated about what identity he should use to contact Naruto.

Madara Uchiha, or his true identity?

After some hesitation.

The Uchiha Obito jumped off the reef and walked towards Naruto.

The sudden arrival of the figure made them stop the pace of training.

Maitkai looked at it cautiously, and he even looked up at the reef, where Uzumaki Qiantang was still sitting, which made his body tense for a moment, and relaxed.

Since Lord Qiantang is still here, then this person can come over with the permission of Lord Qiantang.

"Who are you?" Maitkai said softly, looking at him.

Obito stopped and looked at them.

He hesitated for a long time, and slowly took off the mask from his face—he decided to reveal his true mask in front of these two people.

After thinking about it just now, he decided to tell these people his true identity.

After all...... He and Maitkai are also friends, a person who knows each other, and what he says will undoubtedly be more convincing.

"It's me, Maitkai, long time no see. Uchiha Obito looked at him and greeted softly.

Maitkai frowned, he felt a little familiar, but he couldn't correspond to the person in his head.

Until, he saw the chakra eye on the right, which reminded him of Kakashi.

At this point, he suddenly came to his senses and said in shock: "You are Obito, Uchiha Obito, aren't you dead?".

"I'm supposed to die. Uchiha Obito shook his head, "But I survived." "

"Then why didn't you go back to Konoha. Maitkai asked, confused.

Uchiha sneered, "It's ridiculous to go back to Konoha - I saw the darkness of Konoha more than ten years before you. "

"Do you know how Lynn died?".

Without waiting for Maitkai to speak, Uchiha Obito said directly.

Beautiful jade.

A familiar but unfamiliar name, Maitkai's eyes conjured up with the appearance of an innocent and energetic girl - a girl that Kakashi once liked.

But how she died, Maitkai is not very clear, in Konoha's caliber, it is said that Nohara Rin died at the hands of the Misty Ninja.

But looking at Uchiha Obito's tone now, it doesn't seem to be so simple......

Maitkai didn't speak.

Uchiha Obito sneered: "Rin died at the hands of Kakashi, and it was only the mist that implanted the three tails in Lin's body - without thinking about the seal as the head and making Rin a human pillar force, he killed Rin without hesitation." "

"This is Konoha, ridiculous village. "

Maitkai was silent and did not speak.

Uchiha Obito looked at the two people in front of him and sighed: "Don't talk about the sad things before, I came here this time to invite the two of you-".

He was referring specifically to Naruto and Maitkai, ignoring Rock Lee, who was standing behind Maitkai.

"Join Akatsuki. "

Maitkai was stunned, and Naruto was also a little unresponsive.

"Akatsu, what does this organization do?" Naruto quickly asked.

Uchiha Obito lowered his head and glanced at Naruto, "You're the teacher's son, you're really similar to him." Akatsuki is an organization I created with the aim of destroying the Five Great Powers, ending the war with war, and bringing eternal peace to the ninja world. "

Eternal peace——

These five words made Naruto's heart flutter.

Maitkai is also very excited.

They all glanced at Uzumaki Chitang, and Uchiha Obito said softly: "That lord, he is indifferent to the affairs of the ninja world, he will not stop us, and in the same way, he will not help us. "

Maitkai was still thinking.

Naruto nodded heavily, "Okay, I've decided to join Akatsuki! to bring true peace to the ninja world, I want to become, a shadow that makes everyone happy!".

Uchiha Obito smiled stupidly, this kid really looks a little like him.

Naruto agreed, and Maitkai didn't hesitate for too long, and agreed.

Uchiha Obito looked at them and smiled slightly: "Very good...... You are welcome to join us. "

On the other side of the sea, the sun glows with a scorching glow.

Uzumaki Qiantang squinted his eyes slightly, looking.

The follow-up matter, to the point where there is no need to worry about Uzumaki Chitang, after Naruto joined Akatsuki, the last ring was "empty" and did not fall into the hands of Maitkai or Naruto.

This ring, Uchiha Obito wanted to give to Naruto.

But it's a pity that Naruto's strength is not enough now - so it was put on hold for the time being.

As a senior brother, Uchiha Obito took on the task of training Naruto during this time.

Chitang Uzumaki just handed over Naruto some basic sealing techniques, as well as his father's signature ninjutsu, Spiral Maru.

After all, Naruto without Spiral Pill has no soul.

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