The atmosphere is weird!

Except for the navy, even pirates did not dare to act rashly.

The pirates did not dare to act rashly, just because they did not dare to provoke the majesty of the navy!


The reason why they didn't dare to act rashly on this warship was because they all knew very well what a terrifying monster stood on the deck of the sailing ship beside them!

A horror pirate with a bounty of 500 million berry!

There was such a terrifying presence beside them.

This makes them have the courage to dare to attack and kill these pirates!

"Even, even the navy doesn't dare to move?!"

Thousands of pirates on the coast stared blankly at the warships ahead.

They were terrified.


They cast many terrifying and shocking glances at the figure on the deck of the sailboat next to them, and their faces were full of awe and fear.

They didn't expect it!

This taboo-like existence even made the navy dare not act rashly!

The prestige is too loud!

"No wonder ......"

"The forbidden existence of the Great Passage!"

In front of him, the navy did not dare to act rashly. It can be imagined how terrifying the strength of Mr. Lu En, the sword master of the Destruction Sword, is!"

Thousands of pirates were shaken in their hearts.

One person, deterring hundreds of navies from daring to act rashly!

This strength is categorically not something they can imagine.

"Good, what a terrible might!"

Leah was stunned.

She is in the midst of a group of pirates.


Inevitably, she and all the pirates around her could clearly see ahead. On that warship, a group of navies who did not dare to act rashly also looked deeply frightened.

No doubt!

These feelings of horror are by no means what they bring to these navies.

In addition to them.

That's just one person!

That's it, destroy the sword hero!

"This is the Destruction Sword Hero!"

Liya's throat was dry, and her lips trembled slightly.

It's horrible!

Only prestige and momentum oppression.

It can make all the navies on the warship dare not act rashly, what a domineering thing this is!

Her eyes were filled with deep admiration and adoration.

If someday.

She could do it, and what a scene it was!

She would wake up laughing in her dreams.

"With his own strength, he will dominate the entire navy!"

"This is the horror of the Destruction Sword Hero!"

The horrified expressions on the faces of thousands of pirates have not been calmed down to this day.

And they approved!

This is undoubtedly the taboo of the Great Channel!

In their impressions.

Only by destroying the sword hero can this kind of terrifying feat be achieved.

One person, so that the Navy does not dare to move!

This is the influence of destroying the prestige of Jian Hao!

Warship, deck.

A group of navies, under the flying squirrels did not convey orders.

None of them dared to go out at will.

The situation is deadlocked, and it has become extremely strange.

"Destroying the Sword Hero, perhaps, just passing by......"

The flying squirrel thought to himself.

He could never have imagined it in his life.

One day, he actually needs to find a reason to comfort himself.

For such reasons.

The flying squirrel's eyes turned, suppressing the throbbing in his heart, and turned to look at the many pirates on the shore, and shouted: "All the people obey the order, kill all these pirates, not one of them will be left!"

"Yes, Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel!"

The Navy was in a state of flux for a while.

After the order of the flying squirrel was given.

It can be clearly seen.

A group of navies, armed with spears and sabers, quickly stepped off the warship, rushed to the coast, and launched a fierce attack with thousands of pirates in front!

"Kill, kill these damn navy!"

"It's just a white coat, do you really think that you can judge what justice is in this piece?"

"Kill them, a bunch of hypocritical guys!"

Thousands of pirates rioted in an instant.

A fierce battle begins!

Only the flying squirrels remained on the deck of the warship and did not move.

It's not that he doesn't want to.

And purely he didn't dare!

The flying squirrel could feel the gaze cast by the figure of the sailboat.

as a result.

The flying squirrel was sluggish all over.

After adjusting his breathing, the flying squirrel suppressed many negative emotions in his heart, staring at Lu En on the sailboat not far away, not daring to look away, nor daring to act rashly.

The battle broke out!

This point did not surprise Lu En.

When the navy meets with pirates, most of the time, a battle breaks out!

Of course.

There are very few exceptions.

For example.

In the Chambord Islands, Lu En met the rear admiral who carried two thousand navies. Knowing that Lu En's terrifying strength was in the situation, the navy would not be stupid to send him to death.


The same is true of the brigadier generals he met in Carnival City before.

In the navy, there are not all idiots who only have one blood, and no matter how strong the enemy is, they will rush directly to their deaths. There are many others, all of whom have good wisdom.

When encountering pirates who are stronger than themselves, the navy will certainly not be easily dispatched.

Instead, they will choose to inform the news and contact someone stronger in the Navy to take action.

"It's amazing ......"

"Navy, not defeated?"

Lu En was surprised.

on the battlefield.

Can be witnessed.

The Navy estimates that the number is less than a thousand. However, he was already able to compete with three or four thousand pirates, and he did not fall behind for a while.

It is not difficult to imagine that the overall combat strength of the navy is still superior!

The vast majority of pirates are only fighting alone, not in groups!

They did not develop the ability to cooperate in group fighting, so that three or four thousand people, but the navy was less than a thousand people to compete or even equalize each other!


The navy and pirates are in full swing.

"Killing all these damn pirates will only burn and plunder in this sea, and pirates are the root of all the evils in this sea!"

"Only by killing them all, this sea will be peaceful and peaceful!"

"That's right, brothers, don't show mercy to these damn pirates. "

A group of navies became more and more courageous, raised the blades in their hands, and rushed towards the crowd of pirates in front of them.

The fight begins!

The sound of weapons colliding with each other, lingering in the distance, was extremely harsh.

There were quite a few corpses on the ground.

Fight, and there will inevitably be death!

The battle between the navy and the pirates has always been endless!


A strange situation has emerged.

Pirates, actually pressed and beaten by the navy!

This is unexpected.

"Only by sweeping away all the pirates will the sea usher in a peaceful day!"


The pirates were defeated by the navy.

Oppressed into a passive situation.

A pirate wearing a red turban shouted with a disgruntled face: "You damned navy will be doing evil things under the banner of justice all day long!"

"Fart, you pirates are the source of chaos in this sea!"

"You navy, bully the weak and fear the hard, you are the moth of the sea!"

"Which eye do you have to see our navy bullying the weak and afraid of the hard?!"

The two yelled at each other.

That's when it happened.

The pirate wearing a red turban pointed to the figure on the sailboat not far away, gritted his teeth, and shouted at the navy in front of him regardless of it: "It's the same pirate, why don't you arrest him, just arrest us!"

The words fell.

The battle on the spot turned out to be a strange slight sign of stopping.

Many navies followed their eyes and saw young figures holding katanas on the decks of sailing ships.

I can't help it.

They shuddered.

Catch each other?

Are you kidding!

Are they really dying?

Although they are in the navy, they still want to live a few more years!

If they provoke that person, they don't doubt it, they will be wiped out here today!

This is a big monster with a bounty of 500 million to destroy Jian Hao!

No matter how many people they come, they will only be sent to death if they rush up!

As for arresting each other?

They can't even think of it!

"You still dare to deny that you are not bullying the weak and afraid of the hard!"

The pirates in red turbans continue to drink.

"Fuck you, brothers, kill him for Lao Tzu!"

"This kid has the most words, brothers, let's tear his mouth apart!"

"Kill him, this kid talks so much, I don't get bored of it!"

Thirty or fifty navy officers began to launch a fierce siege against this pirate!


Under the siege, the pirate was brutally beaten to death.

Look at the corpse.

A group of pirates looked disdainful.

Do you know when we don't know that he is a pirate?

Do you need to say this?

You're the one who talks the most!

Something that everybody knows.

Why do you put it on the bright side and say, if you don't kill you, who will you kill?


The key is......

They can't beat it!

If they could have beaten it, they would have fought a long time ago!

Even, they don't have the self-confidence to dare to stand in front of each other!


They had no choice but to work together to kill this one first!

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