"Seems to have been negligent!"

Lu En suddenly slapped his head.

Looking at the fallen guards on the ground, he was a little helpless.

I almost forgot to leave someone behind and asked the other king Kobra which area of the palace he was in?

But think about it.

It's just a trifle!

If you can't find the other party, the other party will naturally take the initiative to find you.

"Then I'll be here, waiting for the king. "

Lu En smiled.

Stood still and found a chair to sit on.

As long as the noise is a little louder.

I'm not afraid that the king won't come to him!

According to Luen's understanding.

This king of Alabastan is a king who loves his people very much!


Hundreds of guards, all paralyzed on the ground, motionless.

Only Lu En, sitting in the middle.

The scene looks particularly weird!

As Lu En expected.


Another group of the king's guards quickly arrived at the scene.

When they saw the guards falling on the ground, the more than 300 king's guards who had just arrived at the scene fixed their eyes on the young figure sitting in the center.

Their mood has become extraordinarily heavy!

No surprises.

The strength of this person who broke into the palace is very terrifying!

can silently kill these hundreds of guards in seconds.

This level of strength makes them have to be cautious!

"Gaca, Captain Bale, that's him!"

"Intruders of the palace!"

Several of the king's guards were staring at Luen.

The two leaders were two sturdy middle-aged men, they looked at each other, their eyes were solemn, staring at Lu En, not daring to relax and answer questions.

"Bell, do your best!"

"Of course, in the face of this mysterious existence, I don't dare to be careless at all!"


It was under Lu En's gaze.

You can see it.

The two captains of the escort team, named Gaka and Bell, took the initiative to approach in the direction of Lu En in front of them.


Their bodies have changed dramatically!

One turned into a wolf, and the other into an animal similar to an eagle!

Both of them are Devil Fruit Abilities!

Although the ability is not very strong, it is already at the top in Alabastan!

"Captain, they're starting to use their Devil Fruit abilities!"

"This intruder will inevitably be subdued by the captains!"

"Everybody, let's keep an eye on it. Dare to break into the palace, this guy is really bold, he doesn't know whether he is alive or dead!"

A group of members of the King's Guard, witnessing the two of them changing their Devil Fruit forms, gradually began to rise, looking ahead with confidence.

"Devil Fruit powers?"

Lu En's eyes narrowed slightly.

Glancing at the two in front of him, he looked at it a little.


He couldn't help but shake his head.


It's really too weak!

It's even worse than the pirates Lu En encountered along the way!

Such a person can also serve as the captain of the so-called King's Guard in Alabastan?

No wonder!

It's no wonder that Klockdahl was able to easily control the kingdom of Alabastan without much effort. Even their so-called guards to protect the king were so weak.

It's not hard to imagine.

In the face of the pirates on this sea, they are naturally difficult to resist!

"Intruder, I would like to advise you ......"

Gaka was the wolf, his eyes were fixed on Lu En, his eyes became extremely unkind, he clenched the saber in his hand, and said in a deep voice.

But his words were never finished at all.

The next second.

Lu En stood up from his seat.

It's a small gesture.

made the pupils of Gaka and Bell shrink, their faces changed drastically, and they quickly raised the weapons in their hands, ready to prevent Lu En's sudden attack at any time.

They didn't dare to take Lu En lightly.

Purely so, they were completely unsure that they would be able to subdue Lu En.

They want to negotiate!

If it can be resolved peacefully, of course they don't want to provoke this mysterious existence!

"You should know where your king is, right?"

Lu En suddenly spoke.

The words fell.

The atmosphere became silent!



"Gaca, I don't think I have to talk to him too much!"

"Immediately, take him down!"

The two Devil Fruit Powers, who were the King's Guard, cast an unkind and angry cold look at Lu En, and were ready to attack.

See them in action.

Lu En couldn't help but laugh and shook his head.

So it seems.

You still have to force the other party to take the initiative.


These people should not easily tell themselves where this king is.

"Then I'll have to let you sleep for a while. "

Lu En looked at Gaka and Bell in front of him, and the hundreds of members of the King's Guard behind them.

Overlord color, urge!


A terrifying momentum.

With Lu En as the central point, it swept in all directions.

Present a circle, with Lu En as the center, enveloping all the people present!


Including Gaca and Bell, they are directly covered by this overlord color!

"This, this is!"

Gaka and Bell's pupils shrank, their faces full of horror.

The terrifying momentum oppressed their bodies, making the cells in their bodies seem to be squeezed greatly, and they are extremely uncomfortable, and they can't breathe.

Plop! Plop!

One by one, the members of the King's Guard, under the influence of the overlord color.

Just for a moment.

Hundreds of king's guards, all down, without exception!

Just like the Guards before it.

They didn't show any signs of struggle before they fell.

An instant.

The originally lively scene became extremely cold.

Except for Lu En.

There are only two Devil Fruit abilities left, Gaka and Bell.

It's not that they're blocking the overlord color.

And purely, Lu En didn't want them to fall, that's all.


The two of them don't have the ability to resist the spread of Lu En's overlord color!

The atmosphere is weird!

Gaka and Bell fell to their knees, the fear in their hearts infinitely magnified, and they couldn't help but shiver and tremble.


The two of them quickly changed from a Devil Fruit mentality back to human form.

A deep sense of fear haunted their hearts.

Keep your head up.

Gaka and Bell looked at the young figure in front of them in horror, their lips trembling, their faces full of horror and disbelief.


And they saw it.


None of the King's guards, who had followed them and were ready to try to stop the intruders, were spared, and they all fell to the ground.

Like the hundreds of guards before him, there is no exception!

Just for a moment!

Hundreds of members of the King's Guard, not a single one could stand!

"And, there's still the two of us?!"

Gaka and Bell looked at each other, unable to hide the fear in their eyes.

What the hell is going on?!

These people, all of them were killed in seconds!

And also!

What kind of power is the oppression of the momentum just now?

Everything is like a mystery, haunting their minds and cannot be erased.

Face Luen.

They felt a deep sense of powerlessness!

Totally irresistible!

"Alright, let's continue to wait for your king's arrival. "

Lu En looked at Gakka and Bell in front of him and smiled.

He believes!

The other party will inevitably appear!

Moreover, the time of appearance, not too long.


"King Kobra, Princess Vivi, run away!"

The curly-haired Ikalem, who was the king's butler, was looking at the group of fathers and daughters in front of him with fear and panic in his eyes.

In front of him.

King Cobra, and Princess Vivi.

The two looked stubborn and shook their heads: "Ikalem, we will not leave, we will not abandon our people. Even if there is an intruder, we will not leave!"

"King Kobra......

Ikalem was helpless and anxious.

Of course he does.

The intruder outside is a monster with very terrifying strength!

"What about Gacabel?"

Wei Wei bit her pink lips lightly, and her pretty face was full of worry.

"They ......"

Ikalem opened his mouth and said with a dry throat, "In just one shot, the more than three hundred members of the King's Guard led by the two of them, all of them, were killed in an instant!"


Wei Wei's beautiful eyes were wide and round, and her pretty face was dull.

Stronger than Gaca and Bell.

Unexpectedly, it was a second?!

The strength of this intruder is too outrageous!

She couldn't imagine it!

"How many intruders are there?"

Cobra suppressed the throbbing in his heart and asked.

"The intruder, just, just one person. "

When Ikalem's words fell.

The atmosphere became more and more silent!

"One, one person?!"

Cobra was dumbfounded.

A single intruder will make a mess of their entire palace?!

This is an exaggeration!

How strong is the strength of the other party?


Kobra couldn't help but swallow, his eyes filled with horror.

On the side, even Weiwei was stunned.

"What does he want?"

Kobra gritted his teeth and looked at Ikalem.

He said he wanted to meet with you, King Kobra. But King Kobra, you must not go out, in the face of this terrifying existence, once you go out, it is really life and death only in the other party's thoughts!"

Ikalem hurriedly dissuaded.

"Needless to say!"

Kobra exhaled heavily, suppressing the throbbing in his heart, "Take me to see him, I can't let my people take on the responsibility that belongs to me!"

Before that.

He never imagined it!

The Baroque Walker Workshop had just collapsed.

Klockdahl, one of the Seven Martial Seas of His Majesty, had just been taken away for a few days.


Alabastan, once again, has ushered in a monster!


It's a monster that's even more terrifying than the former, Klockdahl!

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