Treat yourself like a toy.

Or was the layout person say this kind of thing in front of him.

I have the heart to resist, but I don't have the power.

Kakashi looked at Chitang Uzumaki, his eyes full of despair.

He knew that Uzumaki Qiantang was very powerful, but he never thought that Uzumaki Qiantang was already so powerful, even if it was just a clone, even if it condensed the power ...... of their dozens of upper ninjas

Just one hit!

And it's a casual hit.

Let them end up like this...... A tragic end.

Kakashi knew very well in his heart that this was still Uzumaki Chitang who showed mercy and deliberately left the lives of these people, otherwise whether it was him, Sasuke, and Hinata, they would all be wiped out together.

As for the purpose of Uzumaki Qiantang doing this?

I just want to see Naruto stage a revenge play.

But even if they knew, they were like marionettes who could only watch Naruto do it.

Maitkai looked at the whirlpool Qiantang and paused slightly: "Lord Qiantang, what about the task?"

Uzumaki Chitang glanced at him and said softly, "If it weren't for me, would you have the confidence to defeat those Konoha shadows, and then retreat with Naruto?"

Maitkai fell silent.

If Uzumaki Qiantang didn't make a move, even if he opened the seven doors, he would have the confidence to defeat these people, but he would retreat with Naruto's whole body...... It's a little more difficult.

There's also a Kakashi after all.

Unless you don't want to die, open the eight doors again.

Uzumaki Chitang waved his hand: "Okay, this time if you fail in your mission, Naruto still has room to grow......


"If they have an objection, let them come to me. "

Maitkai nodded slightly, and along with Naruto, he followed behind Chitang Uzumaki, disappearing from Kakashi's vision.

Kakashi let out a long sigh of relief.

Sasuke staggered up from the ground and looked at Kakashi, his gaze a little glazed, "Kakashi-sensei, how strong has Naruto become now?".

Kakashi fell silent, looking at Sasuke's gaze with some concern: "He...... His current strength should be at a special level of forbearance. "

"With the help of the power of the Nine-Tails, his strength is not weaker than that of ordinary Shangnin. "

Sasuke was a little distracted: "In just half a year, he has become so strong?".


From the tail of a ninja school's crane, he has grown into a strong man at the upper ninja level.

This can no longer be described as a rebirth.

This is almost a change of person - a crane tail has been replaced by a shinobi who looks exactly the same and has the same name.

Kakashi comforted softly, "Naruto, he is already talented, he is the son of the fourth generation Hokage, and it is only because of the interference of the Nine-Tails that he has not been able to master ninjutsu maturely. "

Now he has been following behind Chitang Uzumaki, who can almost be said to be the strongest ninja in the ninja world...... Uzumaki Chitang is the character who taught the first Hokage and the second Hokage ......".

"Naruto is behind him, and it is not impossible to have such a change. "

A light gradually appeared in Sasuke's eyes.

He keenly grasped one word: "Vortex Thousand Begonia".

Yes, all the changes in Naruto began when he was taken away by Uzumaki Chitang.

If it's yourself...... If I can follow behind Uzumaki Qiantang, will I be able to have such a change?

Sasuke's heart suddenly burst into a longing.

A thirst for strength.

These were seen by Kakashi, and he couldn't help but be a little worried.

In the country of the whirlpool, the whirlpool Qiantang, who was still meditating on the beach, suddenly opened his eyes

Immediately after, his figure flashed, and the space distorted, and then he appeared on the border of the Vortex Country, looking at the three people who had quietly sneaked in.

The three of them didn't notice the whirlpool Qiantang that suddenly appeared above their heads.

Still cautiously groping forward.

"Orochimaru?" Uzumaki Qiantang suddenly spoke, calling out to the three people underground.

The three men froze.

The feminine person who was the leader raised his head, looked at the whirlpool Qiantang suspended in the air in amazement, and respectfully said: "Lord Qiantang, I haven't seen you so young for a long time-".

"You're here to find me?" Uzumaki Chitang squinted as Orochimaru slowly landed.

Orochimaru nodded lightly: "It is worthy of Lord Qiantang's ......."

Uzumaki Qiantang interrupted him: "I don't need you to slap me like this, just say it, what's the matter?".

Orochimaru chuckled: "Lord Qiantang, you are just entertaining guests like this, don't you plan to find a place to sit, let's have a good chat ......


He didn't finish his words.

The whirlpool formed a seal, and with a bang, at their side, huge vines with roots emerged from the dirt, and then formed a house that had been scavenged.

Uzumaki Qiantang raised his hand and pointed: "Please." "

Orochimaru's eyes shrank suddenly, and Mu escaped.

It turned out to be Mu Dun!

This is a bit beyond his imagination, and the people of the Vortex Clan can also master the blood inheritance limit of Mu Dun

However, his strength was still very sufficient, and he suppressed the surprise in his heart, and he followed the whirlpool Qiantang into the cabin slowly.

At a table, sit down opposite to Uzumaki Chitang.

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