The threat of death looms over every cell in the body.

On the deck of the entire pirate ship, there were no less than 400 pirates, all stiff, staring at this brilliant and sharp slash that fell from the sky.

They can't move!

Covered by this coercion!


The speed of this slash is really too fast!

It's so fast that they can't dodge!

They could only watch, the image of the dazzling slash infinitely magnifying from their eyes. And they, on the other hand, remained motionless, standing in place and looking extremely stiff.


A group of pirates roared in anger and daring.

The Kingdom of Alabastan is just around the corner!

As long as they break through the coastal defenses, they can completely control the kingdom of Alabastan!

How could they endure it!

No one is extinguished here!

They are unwilling, they are angry!

But the result is not something they can lead and change.

It's close!

This slash was so fast that everyone couldn't react.

All you could see was a flickering glow.

The next second.


There was a loud and earth-shattering sound, resounding through the sky, hovering in all directions.

The entire pirate ship, under the cover of this slash, was directly split, easily penetrated, split into two, and reduced to two pirate ships!

Everyone present could clearly witness it.

This slash pierced through the pirate ship, and the power never stopped.

Instead, it bombarded directly into the distant sea.


Followed by.

And they saw it.

This sea is torn apart by this slash!

The sea has been split!


The waves splashed high, rolling wave after wave, splashing directly into the air hundreds of meters high, throwing aimlessly.

Rolling violent waves began to wash over the edge of the coast.

Wave after wave rolls like a storm sweeping across the sea.

And let the sea here look magnificent and surging!


The churning sea water fell from a height of hundreds of meters, and suddenly hit the sea surface, rippling violent waves, and the ripples spread in all directions, affecting the coast.

The pirate ships located on the surface of the sea all shook and trembled violently.

The brilliant slash faded away......


But it left an incredible picture.

Look ahead.

This sea, the surface of the sea, has been forcibly split into a huge and long gap!

Everyone present was stunned.

Whether it was a pirate or a member of the escort of the Kingdom of Alabastan, their eyes were staring directly at the sea in front of them, their faces were terrified, their faces were full of horror, and their mood was like the wave that had just been surging and could not be calmed.

They saw it.

This sea has been pierced by a rift thousands of meters away!


It was split directly!

This gap spreads all the way to thousands of meters away.

And so that they can not see the end at all!


The hearts of the people were terrified, and their lips trembled.

In contrast.

The destroyed pirate ship seems to have become very normal.

Under this terrifying slash.


Will the pirate ship and the pirates be spared?


Such a terrible slash, no one can stop it!

The pirates on that pirate ship, even the people and the ship, must have not even left a corpse. Buried directly in this sea.


The atmosphere became extraordinarily eerie......

The fighting inexplicably stopped.

Of the six pirate ships, five remain today.

Located on deck.

Thousands of pirates stared blankly at the destroyed pirate ship, speechless and terrified.

They can't even understand what is happening!

That moment.

A slash that covered the ship!

But they didn't even notice the signs.

The ship was destroyed, and they had not noticed anything unusual before.

Very suddenly!

It's scary too!

It's just a blink of an eye.

The entire pirate ship, including the more than 400 pirates on board, all died at sea!

and even ......

Even this sea has been split hard!

What a terrifying force does this have to be?!

It's unimaginable!

"Yes, who is it?!"

A group of pirates looked terrified.

They looked at the picture of the sea gradually healing, and their minds still remembered it deeply.

The terrifying slash that split the sea just now!

Who the hell is it!

Who can deliver such a horrific slash?!


Is there still such a terrifying monster hidden in Alabastan?

Why before that.

But they had never heard of it!

"A pirate ship, just so easily, without resistance, will be destroyed!"

"Alabastan, when did a monster of this level appear?!"

"Even if it was Klockdahl, as the king of the Seven Martial Seas, it was absolutely impossible for him to achieve such a feat. Even the sea splits!"

"It's a sword hero, a sword hero with very terrifying strength!"

The remaining pirates were apprehensive and looked around in horror.


The members of the convoy were stunned.

Their throats were dry, their lips trembled, and their eyes stared blankly at the healing sea, then at the wreckage of the pirate ship floating on the surface.

This scene.

Undoubtedly, it will make them remember it for the rest of their lives!

A knife!

It must be just a knife!

The entire pirate ship, including the one on deck, was destroyed, even with people and ships. Even after destroying the ship, the remnants of the remnants still spread thousands of meters away in the sea.

Will the sea, split thousands of meters of rifts!

"Is this a human means?!"

"Oh my God!"

"Fairy-like means, one knife splits the sea, easily connects people and ships, and directly destroys a pirate group!"

"A huge group of pirates ......"

"Under this knife, not even the bones can be found!"

A group of members of the Guardians, shocked and terrified.

This kind of picture must be the first time they have witnessed it!

It's too strong!

Just a knife!

Directly terminated this battle.

Let the battle on the scene come to an abrupt end.


A group of pirates that have since completely disappeared from the sea.

More than 400 pirates were killed in an instant!

It's more powerful than they can imagine.

"If I'm not mistaken......"

"This slash is coming from the edge of the sky!"

A weak voice rang out from the crowd.

And so.

Numerous guards located on the coast, raised their heads and looked at the horizon.

Soon they saw it.

A young figure, stepping on the void step by step, descended from the sky.

This is a picture.

made their expressions more and more confused.

At the same time.

The five remaining pirate ships, the thousands of pirates standing on the deck, also saw the young figure holding a dark red blade descending from the sky.

"That, that slash from the sky......"

"Did he do it?!"

A group of pirates looked frightened and shivered uncontrollably.

The horror of that knife is still vivid!

Let them never forget in this life!

Just a knife!

One of the pirates of their pirate alliance was directly killed in seconds and completely disappeared from the sea!

This level of strength made them tremble.

No doubt!

This knife was the most terrifying knife they had ever witnessed in their lives!

Thousands of pirates, on the deck of the pirate ship, had dry throats and stared blankly at the landing shore, looking at the figure holding a dark red demonic blade, unable to take their eyes off.

A gentle breeze.

The waves roll.

A pair of eyes were fixed on this figure falling from the sky, without blinking. All eyes were on the same page, with deep fear and shock.

Both the pirates and the guards all show the same mood swings.

Who the hell is this person?!

This is the question in the hearts of everyone present.

With such terrifying strength, they would never think that this person would be unknown!

Under the sun.

Holding the demon sword Spring Rain, Lu En was located on the coast, raised his head, and looked at the wrecks of many pirate ships floating on the sea in front of him, and a smile appeared on his face.

This moment.

Everyone can clearly witness Lu En's face.

I only feel.

The atmosphere here has become even more eccentric and oppressive!

"He, he's ......"

At this moment, a group of pirates on the deck of the pirate ship finally witnessed Lu En's face.

All of them trembled, their eyes inevitably showed fear, staring at Lu En's figure, opening their mouths, their voices trembling: "Break, Destroy Sword Hero......"

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