Having dealt with the invasion of the Pirate Alliance, now Lu En doesn't think that he owes anything to the Kingdom of Alabastan, but can prepare for leaving Alabastan.

What he could get on this trip, he had already gotten.

First of all.

Rodney's treasure, that pile of gold treasures!


The most important thing is naturally the demon knife spring rain in his hands now!

A demon knife in the ranks of the twenty-one workers of the Great Quick Knife!

It's so precious that it's hard to find another one in the sea.

Here's why.

The reason why the big fast knife has a price and no market.

It's really too rare!

There are many Great Passage Sword Heroes, not to mention the New World!

And the big fast knife, there are only twenty-one, it is conceivable that if the sword heroes are all pursuing famous swords. Then the number of famous knives will naturally be extremely scarce!

Being able to get the Demon Sword Spring Rain from Alabastan on this trip is already an unexpected joy for Lu En.

"All the way from the New World back to the ...... of Chambord"

"Now, I have successfully obtained the Demon Sword Spring Rain!"

"Officially owned, my own knife!"

Luen's eyes flickered.

He could feel it.

This voyage to the sea has greatly improved his strength.


Even in the face of drought, it is not as small as it used to be!


Lu En believes that he has been able to shake the drought initially!

got the famous knife, and the strength has also improved a lot.


There are also attribute points that have not been used, and once used, they are blessed correctly.

Lu En is already confident that he can face the drought head-on!

"Mr. Luen, are you going back to the palace?"

Kobra asks tentatively.

"It's fine. "

Lu En nodded.


He needs a little time to control the current strength and the lack of gaps, so as to use attribute points to bless his physical attributes.

In this way, we can maximize our own strength.

Rather than just blindly improving one of the property panels.

The consequences of this.

It's that Lu En is strong in some aspects, and he will be weak in some aspects, full of loopholes!

Becoming stronger is an all-round attribute improvement.

It's not just one attribute!

on this.

Lu En, of course, knows this clearly.

With Kobra, all the way back to the palace, not much time was wasted.

The matter of the invasion of the Pirate Alliance was solved by Lu En alone, leaving some members of the Guardian Army behind, and dealing with some follow-up matters.

Of course.

There was no follow-up left.


All the pirate ships, under the power of Lu En, have been reduced to grinding.

Naturally, there are not many follow-ups that need to be dealt with.

After this incident.

Kobra became more and more respectful to Luen.

He knew it very clearly.

A fierce man like Lu En, in the Great Channel, is really too rare!

Such a terrifying and powerful pirate, and not as vicious as the pirates in his impression, although not very kind-hearted, but by no means ungrateful.


Kobra wants to curry favor with Luen!

At the very least, let Lu en form a friendship with Alabastan.


The security of Alabastan will be greatly guaranteed!

Lu En naturally knew about Kobra's feelings, but he didn't want to get involved too much. He didn't have so much time to deal with these tedious things.

Return to the royal palace.

Lu En directly found a quiet place, alone in a spacious open space.


He needs to try what he currently lacks.

And use attribute points to fill in all the deficiencies, and greatly improve your own strength!

"Bring up the properties panel!"

[Host: Lu En]

[Strength: 128 (+6)]

[Speed: 125 (+5)]

[Stamina: 120 (+3)]

[Instinct Reaction: 100 (+4)]

[Skills: Introduction to Swordsmanship Lv.23 (+lv.3), Swordsmanship: Swallow Return Lv.12 (+lv.1), Armed Color Domineering Lv.11, Overlord Color Domineering Lv.8, Seeing and Hearing Color Domineering Lv.7, Boxing Lv.2, Half-Fish Body Lv.1, Navy Six Style Lv.1]

[Attribute Points: 27]

[Attack Effect: Shock Wave Lv.10]

Put your own properties panel under your nose.

Lu En's eyes flashed.


After what happened just now, I also picked up a lot of attributes from Smoker and others. 's own strength, after just now, can be regarded as a big leap!

But it's not enough!

With such strength, it is absolutely impossible to shake the drought!

Also needed, get stronger!

In this way, we will be able to contend with the drought.

"All aspects of power are more balanced......

"But the instinctive reaction is relatively low!"

"Sometimes, instinctive reactions allow me to anticipate danger and avoid it. This ability, although it is not very strong, is also an attribute panel that has to be improved!"

"In addition to this, the color of armament and the color of seeing and hearing, this two-color domineering, must also be improved. In battle, two-color domineering is crucial!"

"Overlord Color......"

Lu En fell into deep thought.

Overlord color, used in battles of the same level, is not very useful.

If there is a need for a boost, it is not currently.

When there are spare attribute points, Lu En doesn't mind improving his overlord color.

But if you want to fight the drought.

It doesn't make much sense to elevate the overlord color.


Overlord color, you can not do it for the time being.

"There is also a half-fish physique that I have overlooked, which can strengthen my body's resilience and vitality, and make me harder!"

"But if you want to accumulate this time and again, you can't make a big improvement at once. Otherwise, all the attribute points will be spent here at once, and other skills will not be able to be improved. "

"Fighting the Drought......

"I can't rely on the strength of the flesh to fight him. Therefore, improving the body of a half-fish may improve my resilience a lot, but it will not be able to withstand the full force of the drought!"

"You don't need to improve it all-round, you can be a little tentative, improve it a little bit, and see how it works. "

Lu En made up his mind.

His mind moved: "Raise the body of a half-fish!"

【Successful Addition】

[The half-fish body level is improving......]


[Current Half-Fish Body Level: LV.2]

[Total cost of attribute points: 2]

When the sound of the system is just delivered.

Lu En could feel it.

There have been some wonderful changes in the body.

Clenched fists.

Lu En's eyes twinkled.

No surprises.

Its own resilience, vitality, defense and other aspects have been improved a lot.

Slightly common-sense.

Lu En directly took out the demon knife Spring Rain and wiped a slight gap on his index finger.


Followed by.

Visible to the naked eye!

Lu En saw that the wound was slowly healing little by little!

It takes about a minute or so.

The wound has congealed into a tiny scar.

"Resilience, it's really getting stronger!"

Lu En's eyes flashed.

Half-fish, what a good thing!

It's a pity!

The current attribute points are insufficient, otherwise, you can consider a large increase.

Not only the resilience, but also the defense of the surface layer of the skin, as well as the vitality of the body, along with the improvement of the half-fish body, have undergone a lot of changes.

"This ability, if greatly improved, even far exceeds the physique possessed by Drought Jack. It's not impossible to catch up with Kaido's immortal physique. "

Lu En could be sure of this in his heart.

But if you want to catch up with Kaido's undead physique, you still need to raise the registration to near the top.

Followed by.

Feeling the changes in the body after lifting the body of the half-fish, Lu En continued to move his gaze, thinking about the target object that could be improved next.

2 stat points have been consumed, and 25 stat points remain.

You can also give a huge makeover to the body attribute panel!

"Last ......"

"Navy Six!"

Lu En's eyes froze.

Navy Six, the moon step does not need to be improved too much, because it has little effect on Lu En. He just needs to be able to step in the air, and there is no point in lifting too high.

But, the shaving of the six styles, if the level increases!

There must be a very huge baptism of Luen's speed!

So that he can kill enemies faster!

And let the enemy, simply unable to react!

"You can go up a level and see how it goes. "

Lu En thought silently in his heart.

"Raise the Navy Six!"

【Successful Addition】

[Navy Type 6 level is being raised......]


[Current Navy Type 6 Level: LV.2]

[Total cost of attribute points: 1]

"It only cost 1 attribute point in total, and it seems that the attribute points required for different skill upgrade levels are also very different. "

"In comparison, the entry of the Navy Type 6 is relatively easy, and the attribute points required to upgrade will be much less than that of a half-fish body. "

Lu En was stunned.


Needs to give it a try.

What kind of effect does the promotion of the Navy Six have?

"The most important thing is the shaving of the six styles!"

Lu En's eyes flashed, and his strength gathered under his feet.


The figure disappeared in place in an instant.

The next second.

Lu En's figure gradually solidified.

"Speed, it's a lot faster!"

Lu En's eyes were shining.

So it seems!

Improving the Navy Type 6 is still very good.

And most importantly......

To upgrade the Navy Type 6, the attribute points that need to be consumed are not too outrageous!

How to improve the remaining attribute points, Lu En's head already has a direction.

Ten minutes later.

"Bring up the properties panel!"

[Host: Lu En]

[Strength: 130 (+2)]

[Speed: 127 (+2)]

[Stamina: 120]

[Instinct Reaction: 105 (+5)]

[Skills: Introduction to Swordsmanship Lv.23, Swordsmanship: Yan Hui Lv.12, Armed Color Domineering Lv.13 (+lv.2), Navy Six Style Lv.10 (+Lv.8), Overlord Color Domineering Lv.8, Seeing and Hearing Color Domineering Lv.8 (+lv.1), Half Fish Body Lv.2 (+Lv.1), Boxing Lv.2, ]

[Attribute Points: 0]

[Attack Effect: Shock Wave Lv.10]

All attribute points are spent.

Lu En's strength, visible to the naked eye, has ushered in a huge leap and sublimation!

Witness the current properties panel.

A smile appeared on Lu En's face, and he couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "I think, now that I should be ready to return to the new world!"

Drought Jack under the command of the Four Emperors?

This time!

Lu En is confident that he may not lose!

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