Alabastan, a few kilometers away from the town of Eruma.

Spacious flat lying area in the open and vast.

A gentle breeze.

The air was filled with a deep smell of burning, extremely pungent, blending into the air of this area, with the breeze swirling, and drifting into the distance.


Riddled with!

No soil is intact.

The whole land, a kilometer radius!

All almost, reduced to ruins!

The arid earth collapsed.

Accompanied by terrifying slashes that pierced thousands of meters away, they still remained in this area. The rift is bottomless and spreads in different directions.

Located in the center of the battlefield ahead.

The ground caved in, and a huge gap appeared.

The entire soil has cracked and collapsed, and it has long been unrecognizable.

It's like an absolute forbidden area, and no one will care about it in the future!

Burnt soil, pungent smell.



Any object was destroyed by the aftermath of the collision of the two terrifying forces just now, without any blocking power.

Here, an absolute desert of ruins has been formed!

No one cared about it in the first place, but with the impact of the force just now, the soil here had been completely torn apart, and it became even more miserable and dilapidated.

Gaps spread in all directions from the center of the battlefield ahead.

kilometers away.

Smoker, Dusty and the others stared at the scene in front of them with frightened eyes, their lips trembling, their throats dry, and they couldn't speak for a while.

It's horrible!

The battle between these two people is almost like destroying the kingdom of Alabastan at any time!

The collision of the two.

Directly cause the destruction of everything within a kilometer!

Whether it's a creature or an object.

Anyone who is affected by the terrifying force just now will inevitably be annihilated!


This place has been reduced to an absolute forbidden area!

"Colonel Smoker, he, they, are really human?!"

Dusty's lips trembled, unable to speak.

It's scary!

The battle between two people almost destroyed a town!

This is also because the two of them are in an open and flat lying area.

If two people are in the center of town to fight.

The consequences are unimaginable!

When the time comes, there will be more groups of buildings destroyed. Moreover, it will also affect countless ordinary people, who will be wrapped in the terrible aftermath.

Even if it's a kilometer away!

You can still feel it.

The aftermath of the collision just now made her feel completely unable to resist at all.

It's too strong!

This level of battle is completely beyond the reach of these people.


As long as they get close, they are very likely to be killed in seconds!

Not a species of a rank at all.

This reminded Smoker's head of the Warring States again.

He and the other party are not of the same rank at all!

"The winner ......"

"It's the Destruction Sword Hero!"

A group of navy officers stared blankly at the sword-wielding figure in front of them.

The battle between the two monsters has finally come to an end!

They never imagined it.

The victor is the Sword Hero of Destruction!

And that, as the captain of the second team of the Whitebeard Pirates, Fire Fist Ace has already announced defeat!

"Destroying the strength of the Sword Hero, it seems to be a bit exaggerated in horror!"

"Even the Fire Fist Ace was defeated by his sword!"

"I always have a hunch ......"

"Destroying Sword Hao, far more than the strength of 500 million Berry, his bounty should be higher!"

More than 30 elite navy officers trembled at their words.

They stared at the sword-wielding figure in front of them, and the fear in their eyes could not be concealed.


Encounter such pirates.

Presumably, they will despair!

"This is the legendary Sword Breaker!"

Dusty clenched his fists.

She was inspired to become stronger and become a powerful female swordsman!


The scene she saw left a deep impression on her.

Powerful Sword Hero......

Perhaps, as the one in front of you!

This is the real powerful sword hero!

Although the other party is a pirate, this level of strength undoubtedly makes Dusty deeply admired.

"The two of them, they're too strong!"

The corners of Smoker's mouth were bitter.

He shook his head helplessly and sighed.

I thought.

As a natural powerhouse, he can hunt down pirates in the waters of the Great Passage. But he never thought that the two pirates he encountered here in Alabastan made him feel desperate.

Is this human?

It's a monster!

"Fire Fist Ace, is he dead?"

A pirate feebly asked.

A pair of frightened eyes moved ahead.

All you can see is the ruins.

You can still see the figure that is still standing.

And Fire Fist Ace seems to have fallen!

At this time.

Slowly retracting the demon knife Chunyu, armed and domineering and restrained, lowering his head, Lu En looked at his tattered clothes, with a little emotion.

On the surface of the skin, there are many burn scars.

But under his own extraordinary resilience, the burn marks gradually healed themselves.

That's the benefit of a half-fish body boost!

"It's over!"

Lu En smiled.


This battle is very easy!

It's easier than ever.

Although it was indeed burned by Emperor Ace Yan, the injury was only a skin injury, and under the healing power of the half-fish body, it would soon recover as before.

After this battle.

Lu En has a deeper and more accurate understanding of his own strength.

800 million Berry class!

This is Lu En's judgment of his own strength.

There is still some distance from a billion, but it is not too far away.

Lu En is confident.

On his way back to the New World from the Great Passage, he will surely be able to raise his strength to the stage of a billion berry.


Fight the drought alone!

This is not impossible.

Thoughts are flying.


Take a look around.

Lu En saw it.

Because of the battle between the two, the scene was destroyed.

The whole soil is cracked!

No surprises.

It's going to be an absolute ruin that no one cares about!

"Looks like ......"

"If you're not careful, you ruin a place. "

"But Alabastan is so big, I don't think it minds. "

Lu En laughed.


He looked not far away, at the figure lying on the ground.

It's Ace!

He's not dead!

Of course, Lu En didn't have the intention of killing Ace, otherwise, there is no doubt that what is lying on the ground now is Ace's cold corpse!

Step by step.

Lu En walked in the direction of Ace, who was lying on the ground.

I can see it vaguely.

Ace was lying on the scorching ground, his body looking particularly embarrassed, his breathing was chaotic and rhythmless, his face was tired and heavy, and his eyes still had a deep sense of shock.

Others may not be able to see clearly.

But Ace can definitely see it.

The moment he released the Yan Emperor and collided with Lu En's slash.

The Emperor of the Flame is like the scorching sun......

Unexpectedly, it was brutally split open!


This scene.

It was deeply imprinted in Ace's mind, and he could never forget it in his life.

The horror of that knife!

Ace still remembers it vividly, and he can't forget it to this day.

This battle ......

Ace understands that he is defeated!

Easily defeated by the other party!

Even his strongest means, Emperor Yan, was torn apart by Lu En!

It can well be imagined.

If the other party did not leave his hand at the last critical moment, he would have been reduced to a cold corpse.

"Destroy the Sword Hero's ......"

"What a monster-like guy!"

Ace was lying on the ground, and the scenes of the battle with Lu En were still echoing in his mind.

During the whole process, he was almost crushed, pressed and beaten, and had no power to fight back.

"Is this guy really only a bounty of 500 million?"

"The hardest thing is ......"

"He maybe, really just a Xi on the red-haired ship!"

"Unexpectedly, I actually lost to a Xi?!"

Ace looked helpless and bitter.

He is the captain of the second team of the Whitebeard Pirates.

Unexpectedly, he lost to the Xi students on the red-haired pirates.

During the whole battle, he was even crushed by the other party to win!

This result is too much for Ace to accept.

He joined the Whitebeard Pirates for many years.

Or for the first time!

The first encounter.

Being crushed by others in battle, almost being hung and beaten!

"If not, we have to deal with the traitor Titch......

"When I think that I actually lost to a real Xi student on the red-haired ship, I am ashamed of my father's cultivation of me, and I am ashamed of the prestige of the Whitebeard Pirates......"

"Really, I want to kill myself on the spot!"

Feeling the sound of footsteps in his ears, Ace turned his head and looked at Lu En's arrival, still lying motionless on the ground, looking extremely depressed.

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