Walking around the streets of the Seven Waters Capital, you can clearly feel the lively and noisy atmosphere that is blowing on your face.

The streets are bustling with people.

The prosperity and prosperity of the maritime city naturally attracts residents from all over the island.

There is a lot of business.

The economy will naturally climb up!

Lu En didn't take the little episode just now to heart at all.


He had simply forgotten what had just happened.

"So ......"

"Next, it's time to look for the Straw Hat Pirates!"

Lu En smiled.

In my impression.

It seems that I still remember that the strength of the Straw Hat Pirates during this period was very good.

But for Luen.

Even if you let the other party grow up for a few years, in Lu En's eyes, they are still a group of rookies!

"The boy in Jesus' house is called Usob. "

"At this time, Usob seems to have changed to a guy called the Sniper King. However, they are still with the Straw Hat Pirates. "

"This saves me a lot of time to search one by one. "

"It's better to weigh the strength of their entire pirate group at once. "

Lu En thought to himself.


Towards the heartland of prosperity.

The prosperity of the capital of the seven waters is undoubtedly displayed here!

Look around.

You can clearly see that the tall buildings are towering into the clouds.


The source of the sea passes through the waterway, and many small boats called blue water fish can be seen dragging along the waterway, carrying tourists, and there is laughter and laughter along the way.

"What a thriving maritime city!"

Lu En couldn't help but smile.


Already walked to the end of the street alley.

In my ears, there was a sudden commotion.

"Big brother, it's a fat sheep!"

"Big fat sheep, big fat sheep alone!"

Several thugs who suddenly jumped out were staring at Lu En with excitement.

"It seems that even in a prosperous place, there will inevitably be some more clumsy people. No, that's not quite right. "

"More accurate should be ......"

"Poor people can only be seen in the most prosperous places!"

Lu En looked at the few thugs in front of him and smiled.

The more prosperous the place.

The higher the chance of such people!


A prosperous place means that the more fat sheep they have, the more opportunities they will have to make a fortune.

"Boy, ...... your hands"

The words of a few thugs never fell.

A stout man, cheating with a red heart tattoo, quickly walked over and shouted: "What are you bastards doing?

The words just fell.

One person, one kick.

A few thugs rolled on the ground, very embarrassed.

Followed by.

They raised their heads and hurriedly explained: "Brother Zanbai, we are not what you think, we just want to scare and scare this guy." No, really trying to snatch his Berry. "

The man named Zanbai ignored the gangsters.

Turn around.

Step by step, he walked in front of Lu En, and hurriedly smiled: "This gentleman, I'm really sorry, I didn't discipline me well." If it bothers you, please be considerate and considerate, and I will teach them a good lesson later!"

After saying this.

Zanbai quickly turned around and shouted coldly at a few thugs: "You guys, get out of here, let me see you do this kind of evil thing in the future, see if I don't mess with you!"

Just as he was about to leave with someone.

Lu En smiled and said, "Wait a minute." "

The pace came to an abrupt halt.

Zanbai hurriedly turned around, looked at Lu En, and asked puzzledly: "May I ask this gentleman, is there anything else?"

"Your name, Zamby, and the red heart tattoo on your left arm is proof that you come from the French family. I shouldn't be wrong with what I said, right?"

Lu En smiled.

"Yes, I'm from the Frankie family!"

Zambai nodded proudly.

He didn't deny it, but was proud of it!

"No wonder, I thought those two were a little familiar. It turns out that they are also from the Frankie family. In this way, everything makes sense. "

Lu En smiled and spoke again, "It's the first time I've come to the Capital of Seven Waters, and I'm not familiar with life. So, I want to ask you something. "


Zanbai is very crisp.

As the number one thug of the Frankie family, his personality is also very cheerful!

"Do you know where the Straw Hat Pirates are?"

Lu En's eyes narrowed slightly.

"The Straw Hat Pirates?"

Zanbai shook his head, "I don't know, this group of guys doesn't know if they have left the capital of the seven waters." Probably not, I forgot about it anyway. "

Hear the words.

Lu En was about to ask the next sentence.

An exposed man in swimming trunks, swaggering step by step out of the alley, his blue hair is standing up, his exposed figure, the muscle lines are very obvious, with explosive power, full of oppression.

"Boss Frankie!"

You can see it.

Standing in front of him, Zambai waited for a group of thugs to quickly walk up to Frankie's side.

That's right!

This person is Frankie!

Tom the Fish-Man's disciple, formerly known as Katfram!

Now it's called Frankie!


Lu En was surprised, and immediately burst out laughing.

"How could it be?"

Frankie raised his eyebrows, and first stared at Lu En, with a little unkindness, "Boy, are you bullying these brothers under me." "

"Your name is Frankie?"

The corners of Lu En's mouth moved slightly.

"Who are you?"

Frankie looked hostile.

"Your original name, Katflam ?"

Lu En laughed.


Frankie's pupils shrank, his face changed drastically, and he asked in a cold voice, "Boy, who are you?" I don't know any Katflam and I don't know who you're talking about!"

"Really? None of that matters. I want to ask you about a group of people, and I think you, as the head snake of the Seven Waters City, should know their whereabouts. "

Lu En said with a smile.

"Why am I telling you? Also, I don't know any Katflam. Now that you know, Uncle Ben, as the head snake of the Seven Waters Capital, still dares to be presumptuous in front of me!"

"Boy, your guts are really big!"

"I admire your courage, but this is not your capital to show off your might in front of me. Forget it this time, next time, I will never talk so well!"

Frankie snorted coldly and prepared to leave with a group of men.

His spirit became extremely tense!

Because he can feel it.

The comer is not good!

Can actually say Katflam!

This was something that Frankie didn't expect.

The other party, who is sacred?!

Frankie is ready for battle.

"Don't be nervous, I'm not going to do it. Besides, to be honest, if I wanted to do it, you'd already be reduced to a cold corpse. "

"So you can rest assured that you don't have to worry about my surprise attack. "

"For if I want to attack, you will not be able to stop it, so you might as well rest assured. "

Lu En said with a smile.

"Boy, you're so rampant!"

"If you don't apologize, you can't get out of this street!"

Zanbai and a few other thugs glared at Lu En angrily.

Big Brother Franky, whom they admired the most, was actually insulted to his face!

How can they accept this!

"Who the hell are you!"

Frankie's brow furrowed, and he stared at Luen.

All of a sudden.

He always felt that Lu En's face in front of him was a little familiar!

It's as if ......

Like somewhere?

Stomp, stomp!

Not far.

Two tall, squared women quickly approached Frankie's side.

The two of them were out of breath, their faces turned red, and they kept gasping, and then they spoke: "Boss French, it's not good, that, that monster ......"

"What monster? Where did you just go? "

Frankie was puzzled.

The two daughters, Kiwi and Moz, suppressed the throbbing in their hearts.

They looked up, just as they were about to tell the truth about what had just happened.


And they saw it.

Standing in front of them, Lu En with a smile on his face.

"The two of you, it's only been less than a few minutes apart, and it's such a coincidence that we're meeting again!"

Lu En smiled.

"You, you!"

The two women's eyes widened in horror, their lips trembled slightly, and fear directly enveloped their bodies.

They couldn't help it, took a few steps back, stared at Lu En with fear on their faces, fear spread all over their bodies, making them uncontrollable and trembling.

They can't think of it!

The meeting again was so fast!

They couldn't react!

"What are you?"

Frankie sensed the eerie atmosphere.

"Eldest sister, you should make your words clear!"

Zambai and a few other thugs couldn't wait at all.

"Brother Frankie, you didn't make us remember it clearly. A monster that has recently emerged in the Great Passage, so if we encounter it by chance, we must not provoke it?"

Keewi's lips trembled.

The atmosphere suddenly became eerie!


Frankie only felt that all the cells in his body stiffened.

Stand beside him.

Including a few gangsters, they also looked confused and motionless.

"So, you mean to say ......"

Frankie's throat was dry, and he turned his head and stared blankly at Luen.

Visible to the naked eye.

His eyes, gradually dilated, became frightened.

The face on the bounty sheet in his mind.

Match the face you see!


See eye to eye!

Frankie looked at Lu En in front of him, and blurted out with shock and horror on his face.

"You, you're ......"

"Destroy the Sword Hero?!"

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