Air solidification.

Depressed, pervasive in all directions.

For Sanji and Chopper, facing Lu En is like facing an unattainable and terrifying enemy, and they have no absolute certainty that they can shake it.


They can be sure.

Once they fight, they will inevitably be killed instantly by the other party!

There is no doubt about that.

The big monster with a bounty of 500 million, how can they be able to contend with it?!

Come to think of this.

The pressure in Sanji and Chopper's hearts is incomparable!

"Excuse me, what about your companions?"

The corners of Lu En's mouth curled slightly, and he found a place to sit down casually.

"You, what do you want to do with them?!"

"If you dare to go against them, I will definitely not let you go!"

Chopper's eyes were filled with anger.

"If I want to be bad for them, you can't stop them. Isn't it?"

Lu En smiled meaningfully.


Chopper was speechless for a moment.


If Lu En really wanted to do it, who of them could stop him?

No one can stop you!

Even if it's as strong as Luffy.

But Chopper could still feel it.

Luffy and the one in front of him exude a completely different aura!

The levels are completely unequal!

"Since you don't want to say it, then don't say it!"

Sanji's face was full of vigilance, and he was furious.

He kicked his feet.

In a split second.

appeared next to Lu En and kicked out suddenly.


Chopper's face changed drastically, and he took out the blue wave ball and bit it directly.

In the blink of an eye.

It turned into a powerful reindeer, quickly followed Sanji's footsteps, and launched a two-sided siege attack on Lu En, which was menacing.

"Are young people so irritable nowadays?"

"I didn't even have time to do it, but you guys were the first to strike. "

Lu En smiled.

Glancing at Sanji and Chopper on the left and right, there was not much movement.

The next second.

A terrifying aura gradually centered on Lu En, emanating from all directions.

An instant.

The terrifying momentum, like the tide, is surging!


The aura instantly spread and enveloped the surroundings.

This is......

Overlord color domineering!

The majestic coercion swept over the body.

This made Sanji and Chopper both stop their movements abruptly, their eyes full of horror, staring at Lu En, not daring to move, their throats were dry, and they couldn't speak.

They only feel.

The cells of the body are squeezed and cracked at any time!

The terrifying sense of oppression oppressed their bodies to become extremely sluggish and unable to move.

"This, this is ......"

Sanji's lips twitched, his face full of horror.

Body, unable to move!

The oppression made him feel a deep sense of fear.

I can't wait to escape the scene immediately!


Chopper also looked horrified.

The two are completely incomprehensible.

Luen, what the hell have you done?!

"What did you do?!"

Chopper glared at Lu En and shouted.

Its body, trembling uncontrollably with fear.

Washed by the overlord color.

There are some signs of weakness on both of its legs.

"I didn't do anything, didn't you see it? You can't stop me just because I'm oppressed. In this way, how can you protect the partners you see as important?"

The corners of Lu En's mouth curled slightly.

"Damn it!"

Sanji was furious.

He gritted his teeth and rushed towards Lu En.

To the head of Landing En.

Kick down.


It's very lightweight.

Lu En raised his left arm slightly, and he blocked Sanji's blow.

No stress!

"So easy, blocked?"

Sanji's face changed slightly.

No lingering.

The next kick is out.

"First meat!"


"Back meat!"

A flurry.

Sanji used his leg skills.

Wave after wave, attacking Lu En.

Can be attacked every time.

No surprises!

Under the cover of seeing and hearing domineering.

Any offensive trajectory of Sanji can be completely perceived by Lu En in advance!


It's easy to dodge.


Chopper could see it with horror.

Every blow of Sanji was predicted and dodged by Lu En in advance. From beginning to end, Sanji couldn't touch the terrifying scene of Lu Enyijiao.


Chopper's lips twitched slightly.

It saw that Sanji was still attacking hard, and it wanted to open its mouth to stop the other party.


Sanji didn't notice it.

Every blow he hit was dodged by the other party in advance!

"Is this the Destruction Sword Hero?!"

"It's really scary!"

Chopper gritted his teeth and forced the timidity in his heart.

Suddenly, it grabbed the wooden chair next to it and smashed it down on Lu En.

Just as it just saw.

It's like there's an eye on the back!

Lu En bent down and easily dodged this move!


"This ability ......"

Sanji's pupils shrank, his feet kicked, and he quickly distanced himself from Lu En.

Now he can understand it deeply.

All the attacks just now were purely in vain!

All of them were skillfully resolved by the other party!


More than just defuse!

Instead, it was completely prejudged by the other party!

Dodge his attack trajectory without much effort!

This ability, for some reason, reminds Sanji.

The one Anilu I met on the Sky Island!

"Chopper, do you think that this ability misses the heart of that Anilu!"

Sanji had a solemn face.

"Yes, that's it!"

Chopper nodded hurriedly, "Just now, Sanji, you may have been too involved." You didn't even notice that your attack was dodged by him in advance!"

"That means ......"

"He already knows the trajectory of your attack before you attack. That way, he'll be ready to dodge your attack before it arrives!"

"In this way, let's not talk about defeating him, we won't even be able to touch the corners of his clothes at all!"

The words fell.

Sanji's expression became more and more ugly.

I already understood the gap in strength with the other party.

Right now!

You can't even touch the corners of each other's clothes.

How to fight this battle?!

Completely at a loss!


Lu En's eyes narrowed slightly.

In the Sky Island, it is indeed called so.

But it's more accurate to call it ......

Seeing and hearing is domineering!

It's a pity.

The current Chopper still hasn't learned about the means of domineering this level.


Lu En's experience is undoubtedly able to crush Chopper and Sanji!

"Shoot at the same time!"

Sanji let out a loud shout.

Coincidentally, he and Chopper both launched an attack on Lu En quickly.

It's blazing fast!

But it's still pointless.

Under the shadow of seeing and hearing.

Sanji and Chopper's offensive methods pale in comparison.

Lu En sat quietly in the seat, and he could easily defuse the attacks of the two, and he skillfully dodged them every time. And Jean Sanji and Chopper are very tired.

From start to finish.

They didn't even touch the corners of Lu En's clothes!


Sanji and Chopper were panting, their faces flushed, and they stared at Lu En with horror on their faces.

Now they are.

A deeper experience.

The gap in strength is like a chasm!

Let them, completely insurmountable!

"He's too strong!"

Sanji's face was flushed, and his breathing was rapid and rhythmless.

None of the hits can hit the opponent.

But it has already made their breathing extremely chaotic.

"Sanji, we, are far from opponents!"

"All of us combined, we are afraid that we will not be able to pose any threat to him!"

"He's the most terrible enemy we've ever encountered since we went to sea!"

Chopper gritted his teeth and said with a look of horror on his face.

The two of them joined forces.

But still, he couldn't even threaten to force Lu En out of his seat!

It can well be imagined.

How far away the gap is!

The sense of oppression emanating from Lu En's body was firmly pressed on their shoulders, making them dare not move again, and stared at Lu En in horror.

Run into such an enemy.

It's a nightmare!

They tried their best, but they still couldn't touch each other's clothes!

The gap is really too big.

Big enough to make them desperate!

And what's even more terrifying is ......

The whole process.

It was purely their one-sided attack.

but they did not see it.

The other party fights back!

One thought.

A monster of this level, if you fight back......

What will happen to them?

No surprises.

They, I'm afraid they will be killed in an instant!


Sanji and Chopper were both in extreme panic and shuddered.

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