Toot toot!

The sound of the sea train is very unique, extremely harsh, driving a sea area, it will automatically sound this screeching sound drifting into the distance.

From this area, wander farther into the sea.

Hear something like that.

You can see it.

A huge black phantom lurking at the bottom of the ocean gradually moved away from the sea train.

With the sound, come and drive away the sea kings!


When Luqi returned to the carriage, his mood calmed down a little.

The feeling of being shrouded in the domineering aura of the overlord color is really too uncomfortable!


Luqi sat in his seat, exhaled heavily, and looked out the window at the looming island, and couldn't help but look back at the carriage behind him.

What happened just now is still vivid!

"What happened?"

Kaku was next to Luqi and asked directly, without the slightest scruples.

"I saw a monster!"

Lucky's mouth slammed.

Not far.

Kalifa's beautiful eyes also had a little palpitations: "You saw it too, right?"


Lucky nodded.

The words of the two conversed that the rest of the CP9 members around them were confused and completely confused.

"How does it feel?"

Kalifa was paralyzed in the seat, exhausted, her pink lips trembling slightly, "Just now, he glanced at me, and I felt like I could die at any time!"

"He doesn't just look at me!"

Luki's throat was dry.

Recall, the feeling of being oppressed by that momentum.

Until now.

He couldn't forget it, and his heart was terrified.

It's as good as a good agent like him.

But when enveloped by that momentum, the so-called psychological quality will be reduced to nothing!

"He shouldn't dare to do it, right?"

Kalifa's beautiful eyes were round, and she asked tentatively.

The generals of the headquarters are here!

The other party, even dare to do it?

This made her completely unimaginable!

"It's true that I don't dare to do it, but monsters of this level, some means, can always make you unguardable. Obviously, I've been tricked!"

"At that time, I just felt that my body couldn't move, and I fell into boundless fear!"

The fear on Luffy's face still struggled to dissipate.

There were many CP9 members present.

It's the first time I've seen them.

An agent as confident as Lu Qi would have such a frightened look.

This really refreshed their cognition!

"Who the hell is coming?!"

Kaku asked again.

They are still confused.

Although seeing Lu Qi so frightened made them feel very novel, but who caused Lu Qi to panic so much, they still couldn't think of an answer.

"It turned out to be ......"

"A guy like you will have times of fear!"

Not far away, a man who was tied up and down his whole body, with a somewhat weird smile, his eyes turned and fixed on Lu Qi's body, sneering again and again.

It's Frankie!

"Shut up!"

Lucci glanced at Frankie faintly.

"I can't believe that CP9's agents would be afraid. I thought that every one of you CP9 agents was an emotionless machine. "

"But I never thought that although you are impersonal, the emotion of fear will still exist in you. It makes me wonder who the hell can make you so scared!"

Frankie burst out laughing.


He looked at a thin figure in a black cloak and covered his head in a seat not far away, and said, "I say, Nico Robin, aren't you curious?"


Sitting on the seat, wearing a black cloak to cover her face, is none other than Nicole Robin, a crew member of the Straw Hat Pirates!

Keep your head up.

Robin looked at Frankie in front of him, turned his brows, looked at Lu Qi and the others, lowered his head again, and was silent, without any expression fluctuations.

She sat quietly in the window chair, motionless.

At this time, she had already burned all her thoughts.

All she thought was.

As long as you don't involve your partner, she will admit whatever you want her to do!

"It's boring. "

Frankie couldn't help but shake his head.

"Shut him up!"

Luki said to Kaku beside him.


Kaku grabbed the tape and sealed Frankie's mouth.

Returning to his original position, Kaku asked, "Who the hell is it?"

"That monster you talked about earlier!"

Lu Qi took a deep breath and told the truth.

The words fell.

The atmosphere became silent.


Kaku's eyes widened, his face frightened, and he blurted out, "You, are you sure? That monster is located on this sea train?!"

Fear, haunting the heart!

It's not just Kaku.

Gabra and the others also looked at Luqi with a look of horror.

Are you sure?

Is that monster?!

Of course they knew, who Luch was talking about!

I didn't think about it.

The other party actually followed them to the train they are on now?!

The thought of this made them goosebumps rise all over their bodies, and they were creepy and fidgeting.

They are in the same train as a monster!

It's terrifying!

"It's him!"

Lucci nodded heavily, the fear in his eyes still lingering in the depths of his eyes.


Panic boiling!

Fear haunts the heart of each of them.

"Actually, it's really this monster!"

"He, why did he keep up?"

"No, no, why did he follow us to Justice Island!"

"Isn't it?"

"He wants to save Nicole Robin or Frankie?"

A group of CP9 members looked terrified and kept talking.

Hear the word 'save'.

Robin shuddered, raised his head, and looked at Lu Qi and the others with flustered eyes.

But a little combing.

She denied it.

These people will certainly not be her companions.

Those buddies of hers, no one has made all CP9 members so afraid!

So, even Robin was a little curious.

Who the hell is it?!

Who can make CP9 so scared!

Frankie, who was gagged, his eyes were full of surprise, looking at CP9's panicked expression, he only felt extremely comfortable up and down.


Even these agents are terrified!

Come to think of this.

Frankie's breathing is unimpeded!

Who the hell is it?

It caused such a panic among the CP9 agents!

For this.

Frankie is curious!

I don't know why.

He suddenly thought about it.

A monster that also appears in the City of Seven Waters......

"This, wouldn't it?!"

Frankie's eyes widened, and he had a guess in his mind.

"It's okay, someone stopped him!"

Lucci continued.

Admiral Pheasant of the Navy Headquarters also followed the train.

That's what keeps them from panicking.


They're out of the box now!

"I want to go to the toilet!"

Robin suddenly stood up from his seat.


Luci glanced in Califa's direction.

Kalifa stood up from her seat and slowly left the carriage with Robin.

Many of the CP9 members who stayed in place were still in fear.

Of course they do.

What a terrifying monster on this train now!

At this time.

Rush to the toilet with Kalifa.


In the passageway, Robin bumps into a man.

Or rather......

She and Kalifa have both met the same person!

Their footsteps came to an abrupt halt.

"Break, destroy the sword hero!"

Robin's eyes widened and he looked at Lu En with a look of horror.

Although it was only the first time to witness it.

But she can be sure.

This is the terrifying monster that countless pirates in the Great Passage have been terrified, destroying the sword hero!

A powerful presence with a bounty of up to 500 million berry!


It even appeared on this sea train?!

All of a sudden.

Robin's head went blank, his pink lips moved slightly, and he trembled all over, unable to speak.

How could a monster of this level appear on a sea train?!


It's not just Robin.

Lian was next to Robin.

Kalifadu's legs were already limp, and he was shivering.

"This, this monster, shouldn't there be a guard by the Pheasant General?"

"Why、Why is it here?"

Kalifa was already dominated by fear.

"Two ......"

"What a coincidence!"

Lu En smiled and looked at Califa and Robin.

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