It is also sealed.

Spiritism summons Fukasaku Immortals and Shima Immortals.

"Little Jiraiya, why did you summon us out. Zhima Immortal looked at Jiraiya, a little puzzled, and after looking around, he continued: "It's not Konoha here, how did it become like this?".

Jilai also sighed: "Please also ask the two immortals, first help me form an immortal mode, and when the current matter is over, I will explain it to the two of you." "

The Shima Immortal and the Fukasaku Immortal nodded.

It seems that the current situation is a little unoptimistic, and they still rarely see such a sad look from Jiraiya.

Even if he left Konoha at that time, it was pretty much that.

Sealing, meditating.

With the help of the two immortals, Jiraiya began to slowly capture the natural chakra.

Naruto was preparing to fight the ninjas of Konoha again.

Not far away, the purple barrier on the roof suddenly disappeared.

Yakushidou carried the somewhat embarrassed Orochimaru, and landed beside Naruto with a sigh: "Orochimaru-sama has failed, and now the situation is not good, and he is going to retreat." "

The plan failed.

Naruto took a sip, looked at the venue that was almost destroyed by him with some reluctance, and nodded.

Or their own strength is not enough.

Naruto had a deep understanding - if his strength could be like Uzumaki Chigonia, why did he need to join forces with Orochimaru to destroy Konoha.

It only takes one person to do this.

The four of them were about to retreat when the ninjas of Konoha surrounded them.

Some of them were still at war with the Sand Hidden Ninjas, but Konoha had gained the upper hand, and they had freed up more men.

Naruto gritted his teeth and pulled out another scroll.

"Let's go, I'll summon Grandpa Qiantang's doppelganger. Naruto took a deep breath, opened the scroll, and threw it towards the Konoha ninja.

The name of the whirlpool thousand begonias.

Even if it was just brought out of Naruto's mouth, it had already shocked many people.

Naruto and the four of them, taking this opportunity, took out the encirclement and fled towards Konoha Outside.

When the reel opened, white smoke billowed out.

Uzumaki Qiantang walked out of the white mist, looked at the Konoha ninja in all directions, and chuckled: "Naruto, this kid, poked such a big basket again." "

It's really a whirlpool.

The Konoha ninjas immediately lost the confidence to fight.

This man really suppressed the existence of their entire village.

"He's just a doppelganger. "

"We don't need to be afraid. "

"We still have Jiraiya, just clones. "

In the crowd, such a shout erupted, although most of the people said so, but no one dared to step forward and dare to fight with the whirlpool Qiantang.

"Konoha ninja, is it so little courage now?" Uzumaki Chitang looked at them and laughed contemptuously.

That kind of look like looking at ants made this group of Konoha ninjas very uncomfortable.

But, no matter how uncomfortable it is.

And they did.

In front of the whirlpool Qiantang, they are just ants.

During this period of stalemate, Jiraiya finally completed his immortal mode, with two toads standing on his shoulders on one left and one right, mysterious rune traces appeared on his face, and the rich natural chakra enveloped him.

Immortal mode.

The biggest hole card from the beginning.

Jilai also walked out from behind the crowd, looked at the whirlpool Qiantang, and looked cautious: "Lord Qiantang, I haven't seen you for a long time." "

"Zilai, I didn't expect that you would be so old after only a few years. Uzumaki Qiantang picked it and said jokingly.

Zilai also shook his head: "Not everyone can stay young forever like Lord Qiantang." "

Uzumaki Qiantang nodded: "Okay, let's break up this matter here......


Before Uzumaki Chitang could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Jiraiya: "It's Chitang-sama, did you encourage Naruto to destroy Konoha?".


Uzumaki Qiantang couldn't help but feel a little funny.

"If I want to destroy Konoha, then why encourage Naruto. "

Jiraiya was silent: "But you know, Naruto is the best ...... in Konoha."

"The best belonging?" Chitang Uzumaki sneered, "I don't know where you came up with such an idea, why is Naruto the best place to belong in Konoha?".

"Naruto, he has his own ideas, you people have some respect for him. "

Jiraiya nodded his head: "I still insist on my opinion, you are just a doppelganger now, and after I defeat your doppelganger, I will personally bring Naruto back." "

Uzumaki Qiantang looked at him with a smile: "Where did you get the courage to say that you can defeat my clone?".

"The last group of people who said that are dead. "

"Is it the confidence given to you by the immortal mode?".

Jiraiya tightened his hands, he had such confidence, and it was indeed because of the immortal mode - this powerful secret technique that only the first Hokage had ever mastered in history.

Uzumaki Qiantang smiled and didn't speak, just raised her hand slightly, a little in the direction of Jiraiya.

Jiraiya's complexion changed dramatically in an instant.

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