The matter of returning to the capital of seven waters has been successfully resolved.

on this.

Lu En was not too surprised.

The flying squirrel still coaxed.

Otherwise, Lu En didn't mind, and directly plundered a warship and sailed directly to the capital of seven waters. Presumably, no one present could stop his actions.

"Flying Squirrel ......"

A group of navies looked at the flying squirrels with worried expressions.

Is this really appropriate?

They're navy!

Transporting a pirate to the capital of the seven waters!

This is a first example!

"Don't talk nonsense, complete the mission of destroying Justice Island as soon as possible. "

The flying squirrel glanced at a group of navies and directly ordered, "Continue to start filling the shells, destroy Justice Island, and our mission will be accomplished." "

"Yes, Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel. "

A group of navies nodded hurriedly.

Of course, they did not dare to question the decision of the flying squirrel.


The four lieutenant generals not far away looked at the flying squirrel with strange expressions.

I saw Lu En standing next to the flying squirrel.

They suddenly understood the situation of the flying squirrel!

"It's not easy, brother. "

The four lieutenant generals sighed in their hearts.

Suddenly they were very happy!


Destroy the monster of Jianhao, it's not them who are looking for it.

Otherwise, they will be like flying squirrels.

"Luckily, this monster is looking for a flying squirrel!"

The four lieutenant generals had exactly the same thing in mind.

Followed by.

As the warship shells smashed rapidly on the island of justice.

The rest of the warships have been mobilized!

Demon Slayer Order, Continue!

Boom! Boom!

One after another, artillery shells slammed into Justice Island hundreds of meters away from warships.

Black shells carpet bombarded the islands in all directions.


A loud and piercing sound resounded through the sky.

The entire island of Justice, at a speed visible to the naked eye, is crumbling and constantly dividing. Shattered floors, cracks spread in all directions, and there was no track to speak of.

Towering groups of buildings.

Under the shroud of artillery fire.

Very fast, it fell directly into ruins.

Standing on the deck of a warship.

Lu En saw it clearly.

The former island of Justice Island, which I had just passed by, was gradually reduced to ruins under the sweep of this heavy artillery fire, and the broken rifts fell into the sea on both sides.

A former island was directly sunk by artillery fire!


Countless shells, looming the island of justice.


Artillery fire rose from the sky.

The whole island was engulfed in flames and crumbled.

Witness it all.

Lu En can understand.

The horror of the Demon Slayer Order.

With countless shells, the entire island was swept away, and in a short period of time, the entire island was sunk. Whoever is on the island will die in the fire.

"Even the navy inside, without exception!"

"The navy is much more ruthless than pirates. "

"It's none of my business, though. "

Lu En shook his head and sighed.

Under the gaze.

The entire judicial island has cracked inch by inch.

Whether it's the front island, or the main island, there is also the bridge just now.

Under the influence of this artillery fire.

They were all inevitably collapsed and cracked by direct bombardment.


The deafening sound was transmitted from the front and filled the ears of many navies. But they showed no sign of stopping, still filling their shells and bombarding Justice Island in front of them.

They just have to obey orders!

And the five lieutenant generals, just take care of the demon slaying order!

No matter who there is on the island of justice.

There is only one task for them.

Destroy the Island of Justice!

And all the living beings on the island, all of them will be destroyed!

"It's a pity ......"

"The Demon Slaying Order is just a prestige. For powerful pirates, the Demon Slayer Order is just a ridiculous joke!"

"If you deal with me, the Demon Slaying Order, it's meaningless!"

Lu En thought to himself.

Watch the Island of Justice crumble and collapse.

He didn't have much of a mood swing.

The islands of the Navy were touched by the Navy itself.

It's their business.

And Lu En, he just wants to return to the capital of seven waters.


It's also the last thing that needs to be done.

This trip rushed to Justice Island, and did not fight the Straw Hat Pirates. On the contrary, from the pheasant's body, he got a golden attribute card, which is not in vain.

However, since he is about to return to the capital of the seven waters.

Before leaving.

Lu En naturally had to solve the last thing he needed to deal with.

That is......

A small thing that Jesus cloth casually confessed.

Just right.

Lu En also wanted to weigh it.

The growth of the Straw Hat Pirates.

Sanji and Chopper, who met before, failed to make Lu En serious at all.

"Hope ......"

"Returning to the City of Seven Waters, I met the Straw Hat Pirates, and they can make me take it a little seriously. Otherwise, wouldn't the process of weighing their strength be too boring?"

Lu En smiled.

But that's just for thinking.

Make yourself serious?

It's not realistic!

With the strength of the Straw Hat Pirates, it is no accident that they will only be killed in seconds.


The earth-shattering sound resounded in the sky.

Thoughts pull back.

Lu En looked at the island of justice in front of him.

into the eyes.

All you can see is ruins.

All the buildings, under the bombardment, had been bombarded to tatters, reduced to rubble, and crumbled with the ground of the entire island.

Countless groups of buildings are pouring into the sea on both sides.

In the blink of an eye.

The originally sprawling island of justice.

Shrunk several laps!

The towering building has long since collapsed.

It's good to look at.

Basically, there are no walls more than 10 meters high, and it has basically been transformed into a spacious island similar to a beach.

But, that's not enough!

Artillery fire continued to pour down, shelling the entire Isle of Justice.

In Lu En's eyes.

Justice Island, after all, sank.

The entire island crumbled, reduced to broken stones, and washed away by the sea to the bottom of the sea.

Judicial Island ......

It has been razed to the ground!

Under the fire of the cannons, it could not continue to hold on, and was disintegrated and melted into the sea.

"Go on!"

Accompanied by the big drink of flying squirrels.

Numerous artillery fire spread again.

Even this little bit of island no longer remains on the surface of the sea, and all of them have been bombarded under the seabed.

Look around.

Already, there is no longer a single island.

Here, it has become the heart of the vast sea.

With the exception of ten warships, no trace of the island was ever captured.

Standing on the deck of a warship.

Lu En took in the sinking of the entire Justice Island.

All of this is happening right in front of our eyes.

"It's finally over!"

Lu En stretched his arms.

The ending has not changed.

Just as expected.

As for whether the members of CP9 are still alive.

Lu En didn't know this, and he didn't need to think about it so much.

Whether the other party can live or not has little to do with him.

"Stop attacking!"

The flying squirrel gave the order.

The artillery fire is extinguished!

Demon Slayer Order, announce the end!

The whole island, under the sweep of this artillery fire, the whole process only took a few minutes, no more than ten minutes, and it had sunk into the sea.

This is the Demon Slayer Order!

For any ordinary person, it is an action that feels like a nightmare.

But in Luen's eyes.

The Demon Slayer Order is nothing more than that.

Fooling ordinary people can also make them tremble.

But for Luen.

Demon Slayer Order?


"It's over. "

The flying squirrel glanced at the vast sea ahead and whispered to himself.

His mission is over.

The Demon Slaying Order is to destroy and perish!

Justice Island was beaten like this.

Except for the Flying Squirrel's mission announced the end of the mission, the remaining four lieutenant generals have also been able to leave the waters in this area and return home.

However, unlike the rest of the lieutenant generals, for now, the flying squirrel has a troublesome thing that he needs to do personally.

He certainly didn't forget.

Beside him, there was a terrifying monster!

"Let the warship transport a pirate to its destination!"

"I, a lieutenant general, am really a failure. "

The flying squirrel looked helpless and bitter.


With the end of the Demon Slaying Order.

In this area, there were originally ten warships.

In the blink of an eye, nine ships have already left.

There was only one warship left, that is, the warship commanded by the flying squirrel, carrying Lu En, sailing all the way to the other nine warships in different directions, rushing to the capital of the seven waters.

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