Tsunade remembers that when he was very young, there was a young man who lived in Konoha all the time.

Even his grandfather respects him very much.

Later, Tsunade learned that the young man was Tsuruma's grandfather's teacher, called Chitang Uzumaki.

Later, the god of the ninja world will also grow old one day and die.

Tsunade cried for a long time, but it was still Uzumaki Chitang who came to comfort Tsunade and take care of Tsunade.

Later, the whirlpool thousand begonias also disappeared.

Some say he died, just like Grandpa Tsuma.

Some say that he is still alive, but has fallen into a deep sleep.

Now, he's back, standing right in front of Tsunade.

Tsunade unconsciously approached Uzumaki Chigo, and when he got closer, he saw the familiar appearance.

Suddenly, tears flowed down my face, and I couldn't stop it.

Damn, why are you crying?

He should have been happy that he was finally back.

"I'm back, isn't Tsunade happy?

Uzumaki Chitang looked at Tsunade with some helplessness.

This girl was grown up by him, but unfortunately, he was at the end of his life at that time.

He knew what Tsunade had been through, and those experiences had also made Tsunade resist war and blood.

"I didn't cry, yes, it was so windy that the sand got into my eyes. "

Tsunade skimmed his face, showing a rare hint of shyness.

The body suddenly exerted force, and the chakra was concentrated on the fist.

Strange power!

The chakra erupted in an instant.

Uzumaki Qiantang smiled indulgently, and his right hand was like a breeze blowing, dissolving Tsunade's strange power.

His left hand lightly restrained Tsunade's shoulder, and he sighed helplessly.

"Tsunade, don't forget, I taught you how to fight. "

"Welcome back. Tsunade's body relaxed, his voice trembling, but with joy.

The medical ninjutsu acted on his body, and Tsunade changed into the appearance of a ten-year-old and rushed into the arms of Uzumaki Chitang.

Just like at the beginning, when Uzumaki Chitang took care of Tsunade.

Uzumaki Qiantang smiled helplessly, what else could she do in the face of such a Tsunade?

Of course, it's a pamper.

At the beginning, Konoha Village's favorite player was Uzumaki Qiantang.

Orochimaru's face was pale, and it was impossible to tell what he was thinking.

But Tsunade's shy look still made Orochimaru shout "" in his heart.

Could he not know what Tsunade was like?

A strange force, Tsunade's combat power burst to the limit even more than himself and Jiraiya.

This violent woman would actually look like this?

Am I crazy, or is Uzumaki Qiantang too awesome?

Compared to Orochimaru, Maitkai and the others are obviously more receptive to such a thing.

Tsunade-sama will also have a shy and cute side.,Are you kidding me?

Oh, it's in the face of Uzumaki Chitang-sama, then it's fine.

No matter how bizarre things are, as long as you meet Lord Uzumaki Qiantang, it seems that everything becomes reasonable.

Naruto staggered over Tsunade as he burrowed into the arms of Uzumaki Chigo.

In the end, he walked to the side of Uzumaki Qiantang and shouted in a low voice: "Grandpa." "

"Naruto, Tsunade, why are you fighting? And Tsunade, you are so hard. "

Uzumaki Chitang looked at Naruto and breathed a sigh of relief.

The means of protection he left behind protected Naruto in time.

Although he looked a little embarrassed, Naruto was not injured.

"This kid actually said that I was an old witch. At the mention of this, Tsunade gritted his teeth.

As a princess of Konoha, when did she suffer such a grievance and was actually called an old witch by a little ghost?

If it weren't for the fact that he was the son of Watergate, Naruto would definitely not be standing here intact.

Uzumaki Qiantang felt a headache for the first time, and after thinking about it, he could only persuade Tsunade: "Little Tsunade, you are an elder after all, don't be angry with children." "

"I didn't. Tsunade buried his head in Uzumaki's chest.

"Alas. "Chitang Uzumaki knew that this would happen if she met Tsunade.

However, Tsunade has grown up anyway.

Maybe he felt that there were people watching all around, and he quickly retracted his shyness.

The body of the god is still the same as that of a little girl.

"Why did the children of the Water Gate leave Konoha Village?" asked Tsunade as he looked at Chitang Uzumaki suspiciously.

Since Uzumaki Chitang had been paying attention to Naruto, he would naturally know why.

In other words, Naruto's departure from Konoha was the choice made by Chitang Uzumaki.

"It's the choice I asked Naruto to make, as for the reason...... Tsunade, why did you leave Konoha in the first place?".

"I ......


Tsunade sign language stopper, he was disappointed in Konoha, so he left Konoha.

Sure enough, Konoha is really going back more and more.

When she left, she knew that if Uzumaki Qiantang was still there, she would never let Konoha become like this.

Konoha is like this now, and the three generations have an unshirkable responsibility.

"Okay, let's get down to business, Orochimaru, do you want to make a deal?"

The doppelganger of Uzumaki Qiantang can't stay for a long time, so let's solve the matter quickly.

Orochimaru smiled, but in his heart he was thinking about what else he could make this big guy look at.

"Uzumaki Chitang-sama, I don't have anything on me that you need, right?"

"You've been working with Tuan Zang for a long time. "

"I ......


"I'm too lazy to care about writing about the wheel eye, so I just want to ask you, do you want to study the white eye?"

PS: Everyone, please give us more comments... If there are still the number of comments on the day.,I hope you can leave me one.,Officially resume the update tomorrow.,There's a deficiency raised.,I'll look at it.,I'll change it.,I accidentally clicked on two deleted comments today.,Sorry...... Good night.

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