The momentum of the whirlpool Qiantang oppressed, so that everyone did not have the courage to step forward.

Even if he has faced it many times, Ape Fei Sun Slash feels that he may be killed by Uzumaki Qiantang at any time.

This man, who had mastered the strongest power in the ninja world, stood there, like an immortal.

Tsunade looked at Uzumaki Chitang with red eyes.

What Lord Qiantang said just now was "my person", and it turned out that in the eyes of Lord Qiantang, I was already his person.

Uzumaki Qiantang didn't know that he made up the 10,000-word plot with his casual words.

Jiraiya looked at Tsunade's shy label, and suddenly felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.


Is it heartbreak?

With the protection of Uzumaki Chigonia, no one dares to approach Tsunade at all.

Uzumaki Qiantang sneered: "Where my family's little Tsunade stays, it's not your turn to make a decision." "

No one dared to say another word.

I could only watch as Uzumaki Chitang left with Tsunade.

Uzumaki Qiantang's gaze scanned everyone, and finally stopped at the ape flying sun.

"I hate it when someone makes small moves under my layout. "

Uzumaki Qiantang waved his hand and brought up a large number of chakras, impacting the soul of the ape flying sun.

The originally illusory soul began to thicken, and the chakra flush brought out a hint of evil aura.

Ape Fei Ri's eyes began to become sober from confusion.

"Where am I?, Jiraiya, is Tsunade back?".

Ape Fei Ri Slash looked around and saw Jiraiya looking at himself with wide eyes.

"Teacher, what's wrong with you?" Combined with the previous performance of the Ape Flying Sun Slash, how could he not know that the Ape Fei Sun Slash was calculated by someone.

"I'm fine, I seem to be missing something in my head. "Sarutobi feels like he's in a clear state now, and he's been in a daze before.

Memories of the previous days began to emerge, and the expression of the ape flying sun became more and more remorseful.

"Tuanzang......" Sarutobi shouted, but at this time, Shimura Tuanzang didn't know where to go.

There was no answer around.

Silence doesn't look like it.

Sarutobi looked at Tsunade in Uzumaki Qiantang's arms with a guilty expression, and his tone trembled a little.

"Tsunade, the teacher was hit by illusion before, and everything he did was not intended, but the teacher was sorry for you, and now you are still willing to come back?".

Ape Fei Sun Slash said very sincerely, and his breath suddenly became old.

"I can forgive you, however, I don't want to be the Hokage. "

Tsunade also saw that Sarutobi was controlled by someone, although he forgave Sarutobi in his heart.

However, this does not mean that Tsunade will forgive the village of Konoha.

"Why don't you become the Hokage, but just stay in the village, and spend more time with me, the old guy?" Sarutobi still wanted to keep Tsunade.

As long as Tsunade is willing to stay in Konoha, he has a chance to persuade Tsunade to become the Hokage.

Ape Fei Ri Slash, this old fellow calculated everything clearly.

A hand of emotional cards, playing is fetters.

I want to use the fetters to tie Tsunade and let Tsunade work hard for Konoha.

Uzumaki Chitang has long seen through the trick of Sarutobi Sunslash, and from this point alone, Sarutobi Sunslash is more like a politician than Shimura Danzo.

It's also more annoying.

Tsunade tugged at Uzumaki Chitang's clothes, not knowing what to do for a while.

She eats soft and not hard, and the ape Fei Ri slashes the soft and retreating, and this emotional hand makes Tsunade unable to deal with it.

"It's okay, leave it to me. "

Chitang Uzumaki smiled and rubbed Tsunade's long hair.

He let Tsunade go back to Konoha because he wanted her to make a good break, and now that his goal has been achieved, these eyesore guys will naturally not become a burden to Tsunade.

What he wants to see is that this group of people are scheming, and in the end, they are just destroyed by their own backhand.

When Uzumaki Qiantang looked at the ape flying sun, his gaze became extremely cold.

It's like trying to freeze the ape flying sun.

A layer of ice began to slowly emerge above the soul of the ape flying sun.

It is unimaginable that the soul of an unnamed thing can be frozen.


Do you want to die again? This time I feel like there's no chance of resurrection.

The ice melted rapidly, and Uzumaki Qiantang was looking at Tsunade's face, and there was no death.

Ape Fei Sun Slash still has his role, and Uzumaki Qiantang doesn't want Konoha to collapse so soon.

A warning to Ape Fei Ri is a must.

"Hinatal slash, the Hokage's position has been sitting for a long time, people will change, and once people change, the ninja path will change. "

In the words of Vortex Qiantang, the face of the ape Fei Ri Slash turned pale.

"Ri Chop, you fell for the illusion, but under the illusion, you provoked what you wanted to say most in your heart, can you still deny it?"

"I don't know how that kid in the pillar taught you, but I definitely don't have a disciple like you. "

Uzumaki Qiantang's words directly denied the identity of the ape flying sun.

As a disciple of the first and second generations, Ape Fei Ri has always been proud of his identity.

But Uzumaki Qiantang denied everything about the ape flying sun slash in one sentence, and almost hit the soul of the ape flying sun slash.

There is no greater mourning than the death of the heart, and the death of a person is secondary.

"Tuan Zang, I know you're listening, what I don't like, you'd better not do it, otherwise the fate of the day can also be yours. "

Uzumaki Qiantang looked at a small room at the bottom of Konoha Village, where Tuan Zang had been hiding after being exposed.

This was a blatant threat, but Tuan Zang did not dare to ignore it.

Fuck the Hokage, isn't it okay if Lao Tzu is inappropriate? Tuan Zang is really scared.

Like a whirlpool, Chitang left Konoha with Tsunade in her arms.

No one dared to stop it, and no one could stop it.

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