For the coquettish Tsunade, Uzumaki Qiantang expressed helplessness.

But Tsunade also knows that he can't always be pestered with Uzumaki Chigonia.

The establishment of a new Konoha requires a lot of things, such as the need for enough villagers, the need for enough ninjas.

It requires a complete teaching system, and a variety of ninjutsu and secret arts.

Uzumaki Qiantang has enough techniques in his brain, including various forbidden techniques.

When Senju was studying ninjutsu, many of them were references given by Uzumaki Chitang.

The forbidden scroll, the Vortex Qiantang can be made in minutes, these are not problems.

But those teaching talents, Shin Konoha is very lacking, and if you include Tsunade, there are only two people with Kai.

"There are a little few people, so how can it be interesting. "

Uzumaki Qiantang knew that it was not so simple, when the child in the pillar built Konoha in the beginning, it was all based on the family unit.

Naturally, there will be no shortage of villagers.

But the new Konoha of the Vortex Country started from scratch, and the population became the biggest problem.

"There should be no need to worry about the population problem, because there are displaced people in many places. "

Tsunade has traveled to many places, and because of the fighting between the ninja villages, some small ninja villages have no way to shelter their villagers.

Eventually, these villagers will lose their homes.

Tsunade explained, "All we need to do is bring those people back to Shinkonoha. "

"Let Naruto do these things. "

Uzumaki Chitang nodded and called Naruto and the others over.

"What are we missing now?".

As soon as Uzumaki Qiantang's words came out, Naruto immediately answered.

"I know, I know, I'm missing Ichiraku ramen!".

Speaking of which, Naruto's mouth was about to flow out without a fight.

Uzumaki Qiantang: "......".

Maitkai touched Naruto's head and smiled.

"It should be that there is a lack of people to make Ichiraku ramen, right, if you want to build a new Konoha and the population problem needs to be solved, right, Chitang-sama. "

Uzumaki Qiantang nodded.

"Didn't you say you were going to build a new Konoha? The new Konoha can't be just us. "

"So, as a compatible village, Shin-Konoha is willing to live in the village for ordinary people who have lost their homes. "

"Of course, if you have a good ninja, you can also hire a new Konoha, and if you don't accept the hiring, you can directly tie it back. "

Naruto went on his mission alone, and Lee followed Maitkai. "

This outing gave Naruto a clear understanding of his strength, and Chitang Uzumaki was also relieved to let Naruto carry out the mission independently.

Li Luo already has the strength of the middle ninja, but the cultivation of physical skills is originally very slow.

For the sake of safety, Li Luo still acted with Katekai.

"Tsunade, as a ninja of Shin-Konoha, you should also carry out the mission. Uzumaki Qiantang made an invitation.

"No problem, I want five talisman jades. "Tsunade is haggling.

"Why do you want so many? Two at most, this operation is not dangerous. "

"When you're bored, you can call you out and chat with me. "

"That's three, no more. "

Tsunade smiled, three pieces are also very good, with a big bodyguard, can chat, can be used as a pillow.

"Naruto, Kai, each of you has a talisman jade. "

Uzumaki Chitang took out two more talisman jades and handed them to Naruto and Kai.

He can make this thing at any time, but there is no need, what he wants to see is that these people grow up, and then destroy the former dream country with his own hands.

"Tsunade, what's the place with the most displaced people?".

"The country with the most displaced people should be the Land of Rain, a country that has been at war for many years. "

"Land of Rain?".

Uzumaki Qiantang showed a hint of a smile.

The base of the Xiao organization is in the Land of Rain, so I just took the opportunity to meet it.


The Land of Rain is located in the rainy season when it rains all year round, and the rain is surrounded by rain, forming an inland lake in Yuyin Village.

Because it is located at the junction of the land of earth, the country of wind, and the land of fire.

As a result, it became the main battlefield in times of war in neighboring countries.

The largest number of refugees here is understandable.

Even though Sanshoyu Hanzo adopted a policy of relative seclusion, refugees continued to emerge.

At least along the way, Naruto and Uzumaki saw many refugees fleeing the Land of Rain.

Naruto complained, "It's a terrible rainy season like this. "

Even if you hold an umbrella, there will still be places wet with rain, and such an environment will be very dangerous in the face of assassination by ninjas who are good at water escape. "A true ninja is one who learns how to fight at all times and in all circumstances. "

With a smile on her face, Chitang Uzumaki taught Naruto about the ninja fight.

The rain falls on the body of the whirlpool Qiantang, but there is no way to get close, and it will evaporate as soon as it gets close, forming water vapor.

Hazy water vapor surrounds the whirlpool Qiantang, looking like a fairy god who came out of mythology.

"I know I know, like this. "

Naruto's right hand rubbed out a spiral pill and smashed it into a puddle in the road ahead.

A muffled grunt sounded, and a ninja wearing a breathing mask was smashed out by Spiral Pill.

Chitang Uzumaki had already discovered this ninja and just wanted to test how alert Naruto was.

The discovered ninja of Rain Hidden Village used the water escape to escape, and Naruto tried to catch up, but was stopped by Chitang Uzumaki.

"There's no need, let him go. Vortex Qiantang said lightly, "But this weather is really not very comfortable, or the sunshine of the country of vortex is more nourishing." "

Uzumaki Qiantang sighed and waved his sleeve with one hand, as if wiping away paint, erasing the clouds from the sky.

The land of rain in the dark began to shine into the sun, like a miracle.

Naruto was dumbfounded, if the previous battle could only prove that Chitang Uzumaki was very strong in combat.

The current means are simply miraculous.

"It's definitely not a natural change, it's the power of God. "

In the distance, Nagato and Xiao Nan looked at the sudden change in the sky, and a sense of palpitation arose.

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