Ape Fei Ri Slash's face was a little twisted.

He asked himself that the gap between himself and the original Hokage was not as big as he thought - he was even recognized as the strongest Hokage in all generations.

"Lord Qiantang, if you are obsessed, forgive the juniors for making a move on you. Ape Fei Ri took a deep breath and narrowed his eyes slightly.

Uzumaki Chitang just glanced at him, didn't speak, pulled Naruto, and with just a flick of his feet, he flashed out of the window, and then landed lightly on the roof.

Naruto stood obediently behind him.

Ape Fei Ri Slash and Tuan Zang followed out with hindsight, landing in front of Uzumaki Qiantang, and the roofs around them were full of dense ninjas.

They give the most cautious attitude towards this legendary ninja.

Uzumaki Qiantang swept over with cold eyes, and said lightly: "If I want to leave, you can't stop me." "

Sarutobi didn't speak.

But he was very receptive to Uzumaki Qiantang's words, and judging from the speed he had just shown, Konoha had indeed not been able to stop them.

No one interrupted, and the whirlpool continued, continuing in a story-like tone.

"But you also know that I'm a man who has always been a good person. "

"I entrusted you with the Vortex Nation, but when the Vortex Clan suffered the annihilation, you did not lend a hand. "

"I entrusted Jiu Sinai to you, just one person, even your human power, but you still haven't been able to protect her life-".

Even, her children, who also bear the tragic fate of "human pillar power", don't give the treatment of the hero's son, but also bear the notoriety of the demon fox. "

"Really, I'm a good bully for the Uzumaki Clan?".

Uzumaki Qiantang swept over with cold eyes, his gaze was like a knife, except for the ape flying sun, no one even dared to look at him.

"So I'm here to teach you stupid fellows a lesson...... You may have forgotten my methods. "

Sarutobi forced himself to calm down: "Konoha and the country of Vortex have always been best friends, but there was just an accident at the time, and we didn't be able to help in time-".

"As for Naruto's affairs, the village has the needs of the village, and he is the son of the Hokage, so he should bear this ......."

Uzumaki Qiantang interrupted him: "Don't say these high-sounding words, I've never heard of any greatness is to make a child sacrifice, and I don't think a village that can't give equal treatment to heroes is a good destination." "

Uzumaki Qiantang's words made the ninjas around him a little uproar.

It seems like...... Konoha has never given a hero a good treatment.

Jiraiya, Tsunade ran away, Orochimaru defected, and Konoha White Fang was forced to commit suicide due to a fishing boat......

Even a small child like Naruto can't escape the fate of being manipulated by the top of Konoha Rank.

Sarutobi also understands how fatal these words are to Konoha's rule.

"In that case, Lord Qiantang, then I'm sorry. Ape Feiri scribbled down a sentence and shot directly - although he was old, the speed of sealing was not inferior at all compared to when he was young.

Earth Escape: Earth Dragon Technique!

The tiles on the roof, after a burst of twisting, turned into a huge swarthy dragon, roaring and slamming into the whirlpool Qiantang

In the hands of a shadow-level powerhouse, even if it is just a B-level ninjutsu, it also exerts the strength of A-level ninjutsu, and the earth dragon seems to come to life, wantonly exuding its majesty.

But it's useless.

The earth dragon just roared, and stopped abruptly when it was about to land on Uzumaki Qiantang.

Uzumaki Qiantang just glanced at the past lightly, and Sarutobi only felt that the chakra between himself and the earth dragon was completely stopped-the ninjutsu he had performed was deprived of the past by such a glance.

How could it be!

Ape Fei Ri's hand began to tremble a little, he had lived for so many years, and he had fought so many enemies.

I never thought that one day, I would encounter such a strange situation.

The ninjutsu born from his hands will be deprived of sovereignty.


The earth dragon was frozen for a while, and his whole body twisted in a strange state, and the whirlpool Qiantang stretched out his hand and lightly touched it in the void - the earth dragon instantly collapsed, condensed into thousands of thumb-thick earth needles, and shot away in all directions.

Is this ninjutsu?

Ape Fei Ri didn't have time to think about it, slapped the roof, and formed a ninja seal.

The Art of Earth Escape: Earth Flow Wall!

The earthen wall came out of the ground, and the barrage was in front of him—but it didn't work very well.

The seemingly small earthen needles were easily torn apart, and this earth wall that could resist A-level ninjutsu and even S-level ninjutsu wiped the ape Fei Ri's ears, taking away a piece of flesh and blood and flying lightly.

With a casual blow, it has such a great power?

Ape Feiri looked at the whirlpool Qiantang in amazement, full of surprise.

Uzumaki Qiantang looked at him coldly, and was about to say something.

Suddenly, the sound of a thunderbird buzzing flashed from behind him, and a blue cut in, targeting his chest.

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