Standing in front of Tsunade and Maitkai is Konoha's strongest culinary ninja.

The pioneer of Ichiraku ramen, the legendary user of noodles - hand-made.

Tsunade now especially wants to punch Naruto to the point where he can't take care of himself.

Obviously said that he would come to Konoha to rob the ninja teacher, what did Naruto turn back?

Ramen teacher?

The thought of Teda teaching a group of ninja children how to make ramen Xi made Tsunade feel the urge to get angry.

Seeing that the future Hokage of Shin Konoha was so unreliable, both Maitkai and Tsunade felt that the future was bleak.

"What should this little girl do? She's the little princess of the Hyuga family, Hinata Hanabi. "

Naruto learned Hinata Hanabi's identity.

The meaning of this identity in Konoha is not simple.

The Konoha Uchiha and Hyuga clans have always been the two major families of Konoha Village, and they are well-known in the entire ninja world.

In particular, the Hyuga family attaches great importance to the members of their own family.

Not to mention that this Hinata Hanabi is still the little princess of the Hyuga family.

"It's a big problem. Maitkai said helplessly.

"I didn't want to be greedy for those two bowls of Ichiraku ramen if I knew it. Tsunade also said distressedly.

The reason for this incident was that Tsunade and the others were about to leave after robbing Iruka and Red Bean.

Then Hinata Hanabi was about to go home with two bowls of ramen, and Tsunade took a fancy to those two bowls of ramen, and then robbed Hinata Hanabi.

"Find a time to send her back, there's still time. Naruto glanced at Hinata, such a time bomb could not be placed in Shinkonoha.

Otherwise, it is really possible for the Hyuga family to come to Shin Konoha desperately.

"Then send it back quickly. Tsunade immediately said, wanting to get rid of this burden quickly.

In the distance, above Konoha , a ninja warning signal was raised.

Kakashi's face changed drastically, and he immediately said, "I'm afraid it's too late, hurry up, the Hyuga family found out that the Hyuga fireworks are gone." "

"Hurry, hurry, hurry. "Yile also knows that the matter is urgent, the little princess of the Hyuga family's clan disappears, and the Hyuga family will go crazy.

Tsunade immediately washed the red beans on Mite's back without any pressure.

Maitkai hit Iruka with his hands on the other, and he walked like a fly.

Kakashi was holding the iris in his arms, and Naruto could only carry the Hinata Hanabi on his back.

"Just throw it on the ground, you don't have to carry this burden at all. Tsunade grumbled.

"There are a lot of foreign ninjas in Konoha now, and if the people of the Hyuga clan stay here, they will die. "

Naruto was still gentle with those who hadn't hurt himself.

"I can't help it. Tsunade said helplessly.

"Let's go. Kakashi ran quickly in one direction.


"What's the situation?".

The alarm of the Hyuga family woke up Jiraiya, who was sleeping, and after becoming the Hokage, he hadn't slept well for a long time.

"Report Hokage-sama, the little princess of the Hyuga family has disappeared. A dark part appeared in Jiraiya's room and said.

Sure enough, when the Hokage is so annoying, he doesn't have any personal space, and he always has the dark protection around him.

"Disappear?" Jiraiya's sleepiness was gone, and the secret path was not good, "It's really a big deal now." "

The Hyuga family went crazy and generally looked for Hinata Hanabi throughout Konoha Village.

The dark part and the root are also fully cooperating with the Hyuga family's search for someone.

"It was reported that a number of disappearances were found in the village. "


"Kakashi Hachiki, Iruka Umino, Mitarai Azuki, and Ichiraku Ramen's hand-beaten father and daughter are all missing. "

"Don't report the affairs of ordinary people, but the other three people?".

Jiraiya muttered these three names, and the disappearance of these three ninjas always felt related, but they couldn't go together.

Hinata Hinata was furious at home, and almost all of the ninjas of the Hyuga family were sent out to find Hinata Hanabi.

"Father, I wanted to eat Ichiraku ramen, so I bought Hanabi. Hinata wiped her tears and said softly and weakly.

Ever since she accidentally learned that Naruto used to go to eat Ichiraku ramen, Hinata has always wanted to try it.

Although Naruto has left Konoha, Konoha still has traces left by Naruto.

Hinata Hanabi also saw that Hinata had been sullen, so she inquired about Hinata's thoughts.

As a result, something happened.

"I see, Hinata, you go back to your room and think about it behind closed doors. "

Hinata Hinata sighed, the palms and backs of his hands were full of meat, but if he made a mistake, he would be punished.

"Help me contact the Inuzuka clan. Hinata said to the ninja hiding in the shadows.

Soon, the Inuzuka clan sent Inuzuka Jaws out, and everyone came to the front of the Ichiraku ramen shop.

"Jaw, I'm sorry for you. Hinata Hinata said with a solemn bow.

"Ah, you're welcome, you're welcome, is this here?".

Inuzuka waved his hand unceremoniously, first looking around, sniffing in the air.

"The taste here is complicated, and it seems that you can only rely on it. Inuzuka Jaw said to the ninja dog next to him, Wolf Fang.


"You mean, there are a lot of people who appear here, and there is the breath of a little flower princess in it?".

As soon as Inuzuka Jaw said this, Hinata Hinata and the others were relieved, as long as they found clues, the next step was simple.

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