"Boy, my consciousness is infected by my chakra, and I'm not crazy yet, should I say that you have a big life, or should I say that Qiantang protects you well. "

The Nine-Tails shrunk in size and looked at Naruto level.

Naruto was still wondering why he came here, but through the words of the Nine-Tails, he realized that this was a means of Uzumaki Chitang.

"How do I go back?" Naruto could feel the situation outside turn dangerous, but his consciousness was now trapped in the space where the Nine-Tails were, and he couldn't escape.

"You can use your talisman jade to summon Qiantang over. The Nine-Tails gave Naruto an idea.

Naruto touched the talisman jade on his waist, only to find that the talisman jade had followed his soul to this space.

"Nine-Tails, don't bully him for being ignorant. "

The figure of Uzumaki Qiantang slowly emerged in this space, and with one hand, he suppressed the Nine-Tails into the appearance of a child.

"Qiantang, I didn't bully him, you came to bully me. Nine-tails snorted coldly and turned his head away, not wanting to look at Uzumaki Qiantang.

Naruto looked at Chitang Uzumaki and the Nine-Tails, not knowing what was going on for a moment.

"Just ask whatever you want, I'm also worried that some illusions will modify people's memories, so I left a protective means in your soul. "Uzumaki Chitang saw Danzou using other gods at the beginning, and then he remembered to protect Naruto's soul.

The gods have no effect on themselves, but they do on others.

The modified memories of the other gods are modified from the depths of the soul, quite the same as the memories that have already experienced these things.

Even Uzumaki Qiantang had to admire the illusion bred by the Uchiha's water-stopping writing wheel eye.

"Grandpa, I have to go out, my partner is still waiting for me to go out. "

Naruto could sense the urgency of the situation outside.

The search of the Land of Thunder has come to this small town, and the search has begun from house to house.

"What now?" asked Hinata Ninji anxiously as he looked at the unconscious Naruto.

"Naruto on my back, ready to rush out, I'll go somewhere else to find out what's going on. Tsunade said in a deep voice.

With that, Tsunade transformed his body into a ten-year-old girl and walked out of the house.

No one would believe that a little girl could be Tsunade.

Such a means of changing the body can only be done by medical ninjutsu.

It's easy to see the flaws in the simple transformation technique.

Kakashi and Maitkai glanced at each other and made a decision immediately.

Maitkai and Ninji leave with Naruto, allowing Kakashi to rush out to attract the attention of the searchers.

Kakashi's shuriken was quick and accurate, killing several of the searchers.

The body is like a ghost, shuttling between houses.

Maitkai and Ninji took the opportunity to flee with Naruto on their backs.

Naruto could feel that the situation outside was very critical now, and Uzumaki could see it.

"What if you're out?

Uzumaki Chitang poured cold water on Naruto, and Naruto's strength going out now can't change the fundamentals.

"But I can't watch my partner get hurt trying to protect me. "

Naruto gritted his teeth, he knew that Chitang Uzumaki was right, but it wasn't his character to sit back and wait.

"Grandpa, I know you must have a way to come. "

Naruto looked expectantly at Uzumaki Chigo, who seemed to him to be omnipotent.

"There is a solution, but it's not for me to solve it. Uzumaki Chitang smiled, the reason why he came here was also to feel that Naruto's consciousness was infected by the Nine-Tails Chakra, and thought of a possibility.

"It's not Grandpa, who could that be?" Naruto looked at Uzumaki Chitang suspiciously.

"Qiantang, you shouldn't be talking about that kid. Nine-Tails seemed to have thought of something, and turned his head to look to the side in disgust.

Naruto watched as Chitang Uzumaki and the Nine-Tails were playing dumb riddles, not knowing what was hidden in them.

The originally calm consciousness space suddenly fell silent, as if it was covered by a pair of black hands.

The space was torn apart, and a figure appeared inside Naruto's body.

The whole body is surrounded by black gas, and you can't see your real face.

But when this figure saw Uzumaki Chitang and Naruto, he was stunned in place.

The Nine-Tails grinned at the dark shadow, venting his frustration.

"Be quiet, Nine-Tails. Uzumaki Qiantang slapped the head of the Nine-Tails, and looked up at the black shadow, "Long time no see, Watergate." "

The pitch-black mist dissipated, revealing his original face, the appearance of the wave wind and water gate, which Naruto had seen countless times when he was in Konoha.

He never knew at the time that this was his father.

Now seeing the appearance of the wave wind and water gate, Naruto looked at him in disbelief and was speechless.

"Chitang-sama, thank you for taking care of Naruto. Bo Feng Shuimen said politely and gratefully.

"Naruto has grown up, and he has grown into a reliable man. "

When Bo Feng Shuimen used the Bagua Seal to seal half of the Nine-Tails in Naruto's body, he was ready for the seal to be broken, leaving a consciousness to check whether the seal was intact.

This time, Naruto's consciousness was infected by the chakra of the Nine-Tails, which also triggered this alert.

Bo Feng Shuimen didn't expect to see Naruto and the Nine-Tails living in harmony here.

However, this is not surprising considering that Uzumaki Chitang is here.

"I felt your breath when I saw the Grim Reaper before, so I let the Grim Reaper go, and it seems that I guessed correctly. "

Uzumaki Qiantang waved his hand, wiping away those remaining breaths of death.

"Thank you, Lord Qiantang, but this is useless, I sealed myself and half of the Nine-Tails in the body of the Grim Reaper through the ghouls, and if the Grim Reaper disappears, we will also disappear. Bo Feng Shuimen shook his head and rejected the kindness of Uzumaki Qiantang.

As soon as Nine-Tails heard the other half of his body, he glared at Bo Feng Shui Gate viciously.

It's just that this soul has to lose half of his body, and he only has half of his strength left.

Otherwise, how could that octopus alone be able to deal with itself.

"You have your plan, I won't delay your father and son to recognize each other, Nine-Tails, let's go. "Uzumaki Qiantang pulled the Nine-Tails into the real world.

"Hey, hey, Qiantang, I haven't got my body back yet. Nine-Tails said dissatisfied.

"Before the time comes, if you take out your body rashly, the ghoul will lose its balance, and the water gate will be in danger. "Uzumaki Qiantang knocked on the ignorant little nine-tails.

Ningji and Maitkai, who were in hiding, watched as Uzumaki Chitang and a small fox emerged from Naruto's body.

didn't care that he was now avoiding pursuit, and said respectfully: "I've seen Lord Qiantang." "

The commotion caused by a certain noisy fox finally attracted the search team of the Land of Thunder. _

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