Tsunade also has a headache, which is also the top priority of this meeting.

"The Land of Thunder has already asked for the redemption of the four generations of Thunder Shadow and the Eight-Tails Pillar Force, and this is their offer. "

Tsunade sent copies of the letters from the Land of Thunder to everyone.

This is basically an apology, followed by war reparations.

To put it bluntly, it is a ransom, and the Land of Thunder is willing to pay a ransom of 50 million yuan to redeem their four generations of Thunder Shadow and Eight-Tailed Pillar Force.

"The price, a bit high. Kakashi frowned, wondering how the Land of Thunder could be so happy this time.

Fifty million yuan, it's really an eye that doesn't even blink, just give it like this, and it always feels like there's a conspiracy.

"We have killed this daimyo in the Land of Thunder, and now that the Land of Thunder is in chaos, they urgently need a backbone. "

"And this price is to redeem the four generations of Thunder Shadow and the Eight-Tailed Human Pillar Force at the same time, this price is not very high. "

"Of course, this fund is also a great addition to Shinkonoha's financial resources. "

Tsunade paused, glancing at everyone's reactions.

Everyone is thinking about the feasibility of this matter, but the 50 million is indeed too tempting.

"However, Tsunade-sama is mentioning this now, there must be something going on. "

Kakashi was immediately aware of the theme and purpose of Tsunade's meeting.

If it's something simple, Tsunade can handle it himself, unless there's something hidden in it.

"That's right, let's take a look at another piece of information. "

Tsunade motioned for Mute to hand out a copy of the document to everyone.

The moment everyone saw the information, they were silent, and there was only one thought in their minds.

Is this the ninja village? Is this the country?

It's too insidious.

The Land of the Wind bids 10 million yen, asking Shin Konoha to refuse to return the four generations of Thunder Shadow, and bids 20 million yen to buy the Eight-Tailed Pillar Power.

The Land of Earth bid five million yen, demanding that Shin Konoha refuse to return the four generations of Thunder Shadow, and bid ten million yen for the eight-tailed human pillar power.

The Land of Water made a bid of eight million yen, demanding that New Konoha refuse to return the four generations of Thunder Shadow, and bid fifteen million yen to buy the Eight-Tails Pillar Force.

There are also many small countries that have also made quotations, and the prices are almost negligible.

Of the five great powers, only the Fire Country did not give a corresponding offer, because Sarutobi did not want to see new Konoha develop because of these funds.

He also appealed to other countries not to fall into the trap, but no one paid any attention to him.

The other countries are all one attitude, let you Hokage come and talk to me.

You're not a Hokage for three generations, where is so much nonsense.

Of course, Jiraiya would not do this, Shimoshi is already the limit of what he can do, and he is not qualified to ask other countries and Ninja Village to do anything.

Kakashi and the others were silent for a long time, and someone spoke.

"What they did, too, too-" Naruto said for a long time, not knowing what to say.

"Naruto, this is how Shinobi Mura and Kazuma get along, when the enemy is weak, we are strong. Tsunade shook his head and explained that Naruto didn't understand it yet, but he would understand it later.

"Now we're talking about which one should we agree to in the face of these deals?" Tsunade threw the question at everyone.

Maitkai didn't speak, Kakashi was silent, and Naruto was still immersed in Tsunade's previous words.

It's a hard question to think about.

After all, New Konoha has already made an enmity with the Land of Thunder, so it is not a good thing for New Konoha to redeem the two of them in the Land of Thunder.

But the price given by the Land of Thunder is also quite high.

This makes it difficult for everyone.

"What do you think, Mistress Chitang?" asked Tsunade, knowing that Chitang Uzumaki must be listening to the meeting of himself and the others.

"Don't always leave everything to me, this is your new Konoha and it's always up to you to make your own decisions. "

The figure of Uzumaki Qiantang slowly appeared in the main seat of the conference room, and the main seat here is always reserved for Uzumaki Qiantang.

"I've seen Uzumaki Chitang-sama. When everyone saw Uzumaki Qiantang, they all stood up.

"Okay, okay, there are not so many rules. "

Uzumaki Qiantang waved her hand and asked everyone to sit down.

"Chitang-sama, Shin Konoha also has a part of you. "

Tsunade didn't back down, just to throw the problem to Uzumaki Chitang, who let Uzumaki Chitang let him manage the new Konoha in a sentence before.

I've made such a big trouble for myself, and I'm not allowed to throw all the problems to him.

"Tsunade, I really can't help you. Uzumaki Qiantang rubbed her head.

In the face of Tsunade's vexatious trouble, he really couldn't refuse.

"Then I'll make a small suggestion, it's up to you to do it. "

Uzumaki Qiantang thought for a moment, and then said, "Since they are all interested in Thunder Shadow and the Eight-Tailed Human Pillar Force, why don't we have an auction." "

"Auction?" Tsunade's eyes lit up, as if he had thought of something interesting.

As soon as he wanted to continue asking, he found that the figure of Uzumaki Qiantang had disappeared.

"I've said it, I'll make one opinion, and you can think about the rest.

The voice of the whirlpool Qiantang echoed in the conference room, leaving everyone looking at each other.

But this auction really provides a good idea for everyone.

Since you are all competing for the four generations of Thunder Shadow and the Eight-Tailed Human Pillar Force, then go and grab it yourself, whoever can grab it counts.

I, Shin Konoha, am only responsible for collecting money.

We only have money in our eyes, we only look at who is the highest bidder.

"I think this auction is okay, but wouldn't it be a little shabby for us to only auction off the four generations of Thunder Shadow and the Eight-Tails Pillar Force?" Kakashi asked.

There is no auction where there are only two items, although they are still very valuable.

But there's always a little bit of gizmos up front to warm up.

The new Konoha is still too lacking in heritage, and there is nothing.

"Alas, but that's all there is for now, and there will be a chance to do a few more in the future. Tsunade also sighed, and the current situation of Shin Konoha is indeed no way.

How many more fights? The rest of the people almost stared at each other.

You're always trying to harm the shadow and human pillar of which family.,Please be a person.。

Since there is going to be an auction, then there must be an auction house.

The construction team at the Ninja Academy temporarily stopped part of it and began to build an auction venue.

Everyone was still puzzled about Tsunade, who had always been stingy, how could he be so generous this time, and all kinds of financial funds were passed in one go.

Then I saw the plan of the auction venue given by Tsunade, the second floor is the auction venue, and the first floor is a huge casino.

Using power for personal gain, what I am talking about is Tsunade_

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