Peng Qing glanced at all the juniors. They were all juniors who had just joined the Shenxiao sect. Most of them had only practiced for a month or two, and some were even younger and had not even built a good foundation.

As their senior brother, he should protect them. Before the elders came, he could not let the person currently at the gate of Shenxiao Sect harm his junior brothers again.

Peng Qing glanced at the little man next to him and said,"Run fast and tell the elders what's going on here."

After hearing Peng Qing's words, the little monk ran to report to the elders..

Standing on the door, Lin Yichen had a wide view and saw the young monk who went to report to the elder. However, he did not stop it because what he wanted was for the elders of the Shenxiao Sect to come here to take a look.

Lin Yichen said nothing and took out the Jinyue Sword from the spirit stone.

As soon as the Jinyue Sword's blade touched the air, it made a buzzing sound, as if it was telling everything it had experienced. Lin Yichen held the sword in his right hand, stood upright, looked down at Peng Qing and said:"Since you are a junior, I will give you three moves, otherwise I am afraid that if the news spreads and others will laugh at you."

After saying that, Lin Yichen moved his left and right hands And carried it behind his back, waiting to accept Peng Qing's move.

Peng Qing is also an older member of the Shenxiao Sect. Although he is not very old, he has already reached the pinnacle of the Alchemy Mirror. Unfortunately, there has never been much opportunity to go out and practice and compete with seniors who are at a higher level.

This time can be regarded as a training opportunity for Peng Qing.

Peng Qing took action first, and a slender sword appeared in his palm. Peng Qing held the sword tightly in his hand.

This sword is called the Mighty Sword. The sword is as its name suggests. When you get this sword, it can turn into a spiritual force and exist in the human body. When needed, it can transform into a long sword again.

This is not the most powerful thing. The most powerful thing about it is that it can walk in the blood of a person when it is transformed into spiritual energy, open the person's Rendu and Rendu meridians, and then let the power brought by this powerful spiritual power flow. Various acupuncture points are attacked until all the meridians of the person are opened.

When the meridians in the body are opened, the person's spiritual power will also reach its peak, so this sword is called the Mighty Sword.

I saw that the spiritual power around Peng Qing quickly became stronger at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the aura formed by that spiritual power actually made the sunlight at this moment dim.

The spiritual power around Peng Qing continued to be released, and the aura of the spiritual power became larger and larger. Some low-level disciples of the Shenxiao Sect could no longer bear it and fell to their knees.

Peng Qing finally made his move. He quickly rushed towards where Lin Yichen was, and stabbed Lin Yichen with the divine sword in his hand.

The sword was extremely powerful, and when it struck, there was a sword wind created by the spiritual energy aura.

Lin Yichen was still standing calmly on the door of Shenxiao Sect. When Peng Qing's sword was about to touch Lin Yichen's belt, Lin Yichen dodged Peng Qing's attack at an extremely fast speed.

Peng Qing watched Lin Yichen disappear before his eyes. He didn't even see which direction Lin Yichen was going.

"There are two more moves."Lin Yichen's voice came from behind Peng Qing. It sounded very far away and very close to him.

Peng Qing turned around and saw Lin Yichen still standing in the air in the same posture as before. His surroundings were even There was no spiritual energy fluctuation, but he effortlessly dodged Peng Qing's blow with all his strength.

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