When Lin Yichen was feeling pain due to the power in his body, Zihuang was soothed by the power of gods and demons. It was flapping its wings comfortably, and then stretched its neck long.

The body that had been unable to release itself for a long time finally stretched.

The purple phoenix felt so comfortable that it even used its pointed beak to pull Lin Yichen's clothes a few times, as if to say thank you.

Lin Yichen here just woke up from the pain, slowly opened his eyes, and then took his hand away from Zihuang's wound.

I felt a strange feeling in my body.

This strange feeling is not bad, but good and a little weird, because I have never felt this way in my body.

Jin Shang watched Lin Yichen wake up from the side. He quickly asked Lin Yichen,"Are you okay? You don't even know how scary you were just now. You fainted and even cried." He heard

Jin Shang say Crying himself, Lin Yichen looked at Jinshang strangely, as if he had said something incredible.

Lin Yichen touched Jinshang's forehead, then touched his own, and said

"You don’t have a fever either, so why are you talking nonsense?"

Seeing that Lin Yichen didn't believe what he said, Jin Shang said anxiously

"I kid you not, you really cried when you passed out just now"

"Okay, okay, I get it, I get it!" Lin Yichen quickly ended his words.

Lin Yichen didn't want to listen to Jinshang's nagging anymore. His mouth was really full of words.

As soon as the two people finished speaking, Lin Yichen didn't have time to pay attention. When he was thinking about what the power of his body was, he saw that Lin Yichen's body was filled with golden light from the inside out. There was a huge beam of light shining on Lin Yichen through the cave, and Lin Yichen also As if attracted by this beam of golden light,

Lin Yichen's body, which was originally lying down, was carried to the middle of the cave by this beam of golden light, and then there was a more dazzling golden light that followed the path of this beam of light and made a 'boom' sound. , shone on Lin Yichen's body.

Then when the golden light shone on Lin Yichen's body, Lin Yichen's body absorbed all the light, and then bounced out another beam of reddish golden light.

This golden beam The reddish light followed the path that the light that had just been absorbed by Lin Yichen returned.

On the way back, everyone in the Yuan Territory saw this beam of light, which illuminated Jindu City just like the sunset. The sky made the people in Tianyuan Domain feel warm in their hearts.

Then the halo disappeared, and Lin Yichen slowly fell to the ground.

At this time, Lin Yichen felt that he had broken through the sky mirror and became The ability of the Cave Sky Mirror is at the first level.

Lin Yichen finally broke through the Qiong Tian Mirror!

Lin Yichen finally became the Cave Sky Mirror!

Becoming the Cave Sky Mirror means that Lin Yichen has become the strongest person in the Tianyuan Domain and has become the most powerful person in the Tianyuan Domain. A unique person.

He is the most special and the most powerful.

On the side, Jin Shang watched Lin Yichen break through the cave sky mirror, and his tears of excitement seemed like broken beads.

No one could have imagined that such a fierce leader would The evil spirit of the Jinyue Sword would burst into tears when he learned that his master had broken through the Sky Mirror.

Lin Yichen looked at Jinshang's unpromising look and was disgusted. He glanced at Jinshang, as if to say"Why are you crying? It's so embarrassing."

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